Justin Bieber cancels the remainder of the Purpose Tour.. WHY?
You guys have been spamming our ask with questions on this topic so we are here to answer.
Here’s why Justin canceled the remainder of the Purpose Tour, how his label is, and the backstory in general.

Here’s what Justin and his team has said about this whole situation so far.

“’Bieber told celebrity news website TMZ.com: “I’m sorry for anybody who feels disappointed or betrayed.” Bieber added: “I have been on tour for two years. I’m looking forward to just resting, getting some relaxation and we’re going to ride some bikes."The singer’s manager, Scooter Braun, posted on Instagram: "To Justin, who gave it his all night after night, thank you."And to those that won’t be able to see it… on behalf of myself, Justin, and the team, we are sorry. That was never our intent. But a man’s soul and wellbeing I truly care about came first and we must all respect and honour that."Justin will be back and I know he looks forward to performing for you and with you all again. One chapter ends and another begins.”A statement on Bieber’s website read: “Justin loves his fans and hates to disappoint them."He is grateful and honoured to have shared that experience with his cast and crew for over 150 successful shows across six continents during this run."However, after careful consideration he has decided he will not be performing any further dates. Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase."’ (Source: [X])

If you would like a better understanding of Justin as a person and what the industry has done to him and who it shaped him to be, you’re more than welcome to read our Justin As A Person post which will explain LITERALLY everything there is to know about him. You’re going to end the post feeling as if you know him. So here it is: http://www.exposingsmg.com/post/159422853558/exposed-justin-bieber-as-a-person
A lot of factors go into why Justin canceled the remainder of the Purpose Tour and many of those factors are explained in the post I just linked because it talks about Justin’s exhausting experience in the industry. But in shorter words, Justin ended the Purpose Tour because if he didn’t, the Purpose Tour would have ended him instead.

No I am not saying Justin is the same suicidal, drugged up guy we saw during the Bizzle era, however, I applaud him for doing what he should have done during the Bizzle era.

Justin has done about 150 shows on the Purpose tour and he has toured for roughly about 6 years of his 8 year career. He was recently on tour for about 2 years. That alone is exhaust by itself. He is constantly traveling, performing, and releasing way more energy than he is. I’ve explained this on ask before, but I’ll explain it again.
It’s not that Justin hates performing. It’s that he’s EXHAUSTED. And this exhausted leads to a drain of energy. So no it has nothing to do with fans and hating them. And sorry to break it to you, but to you, he’s JUSTIN BIEBER and this is in a one in a lifetime experience for you, but to HIM, you’re another crowd that he’s exhausting so much energy to.
We have discussed this before on ask as you can see.

Does Justin taking a break from touring mean that he’s going to stay home all day and not go out and have fun? No. You are most likely to see him clubbing, partying, hanging out with friends, etc…. which is NORMAL.

Touring is WORK. Chilling with friends is RELAXATION. Don’t confuse the two. The Purpose Tour may have been RELAXATION for you because you’re literally CHILLING there. But to him, it’s WORK. And it’s exhausting.
Plus he was very lonely and remember how we said that he broke things off with Hailey Baldwin in 2016 because of tour? So that played a lot into his issues. Yeah yeah I know you all think she’s an obsessed stalker, but he did really love and care about her regardless of what you guys think.
Let me not even get started on his team who forced him to continue adding dates because they see him as money machine. And this is something labels tend to do which also leads to stars to commit suicide because they are overworked. I don’t want to list the celebrities who have done so because the whole situation is already so upsetting.
When Justin’s label saw that the Purpose Tour was garnering so much money and attention, they continued to expand it constantly. It was never ending for fans, and for him. They added stadium dates. They added more global dates. Why? Because the more HE makes, the more THEY make. Justin is the reason many people get a paycheck at the end of the week and just because it’s so easy for him to prance on stage and make millions, doesn’t mean that he should do it for an excessive amount of time. There is a limit and I’m glad Justin realized it.

As for the business arrangements behind this like the money refunds, the prices to begin with, and anything in that realm, celebrities have nothing to do with it. I know this is a bit irrelevant but please don’t think that celebrities choose their m&g, ticket, or merch prices. That’s left to the business side of their team. They calculate how much they need to price items so they can make a profit and once again, everyone gets their paycheck.
But all in all, Justin is not depressed nor is he drugged him. Will he have been if he continued? Most likely. We saw this with Bizzle towards the end of the Believe Tour and Scooter Braun made sure we did not see it for the Journals era which is why he didn’t tour for that album.

Also, it would have been hypocritical for him to go on because the whole Purpose era is him finding himself and having a purpose to go on. If he doesn’t have a purpose anymore except being a money machine, why go on?
Hope you got a better understanding of why he canceled the tour. And before anyone shits on me for coming at Selena for canceling two of her tours; I came at Selena because she refuses to admit that she cancels for drug addiction as opposed to the uh… lupus, right? But that’s for a different time.
Sorry I rushed this post. I got places to be. I will have a review on the Fetish music video coming up and the Jadison exposed will finally be posted this week.
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