The Weeknd cheats on Selena Gomez with Ava Van Rose?
Does The Weeknd aka Abel “cheat” on his PR girlfriend, Selena Gomez? Yes. We told you exactly that in our last Abelena exposed.
However, it’s come to light that Ava Van Rose, an Irish escort and model, has apparently had a fling with Abel when he was on tour in Dublin. And there’s a scandalous photo of an apparent NAKED Abel.

All of this information came to light yesterday when all headlines consisted of how Abel hooked up with Ava when on tour.

Here’s what the sources responsible for this story revealed to the gossip sites.

They say that Ava was given an artist pass for his headline gig. According to what she posted on her Instagram, that is true.

Ava is not denying the cheating rumors and is actually CONFIRMING them. Check out what she has said on social media and through Instagram dms to curious stans.

Now if you’re wondering, who is this Ava chick and why would she be hooking up with Abel? Well there is something called escorts and groupies. If you don’t know what they are, you’re most likely too young. What we do know is that Ava was messing around with Drake a couple of months ago in Dublin as well.

So connect whatever dots you’d like.
Can I confirm Ava’s claim to have hooked up with Abel? No because I haven’t asked my sources about this, but Alana is currently talking to them while I am writing this post.
Is Abel sleeping with other women on the road when Selena is not there? YES. And this is something we told you recently so it should be fresh in your mind! A loyal reader @esrakiliic_ brought up the screenshots from our post already.

Read that post here:
Get on the winning team.

Everything we say tends to be proven right. And is Selena on the road with him? Nope! Because when she is, they’re sleeping together and when she’s not, he’s sleeping with other women. Is Abel trash for doing this? No. He’s not in a real relationship with Selena. They’re just a business deal as we’ve BEEN telling you since the beginning of this year! And I won’t repeat everything since it’s all explained in the post I just linked.
Like I said before, connect your own dots but while you’re doing that, get on the winning team.
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