EXPOSED: A scandalous ABELENA. Are they still PR? What are their real feelings about each other? All that and MORE!
It’s really a start of a new era if I’m taking about a PR relationship involving Selena without Justin. But yes this is the long awaited and overdue Abelena post. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been harassed on ask for not giving it to you guys sooner. Things got ugly. I had supporters calling me “fucking annoying” because I took so long with this post LMAO but here is your Abelena post!
Brace yourselves. We are going to spill a lot.

Everything in this post is according to a source unless stated otherwise.
Let me break down a couple of things for you guys, especially for the new Weeknd fans.
This is who you are dealing with:

Funny….Selena doesn’t care about Black Lives Matter when The Weeknd (Abel *giggles*) is black.

I’ve said many times that Selena is possessive. She thinks she can own people, she thinks she can control people, she thinks she can expect people to drop everything and rush by her side. She’s extremely manipulative. And honestly, Abel is her karma.
Let’s start off with a popular question.
Are Selena and The Weeknd still selling us an image? Are they still a PR?

The gif says it all.
The answer to that question is yes. Selena and The Weeknd are still PR. PRs only end when the contract does. Regardless of their personal feelings, a contract still exists. I’ve said it before, Selena and The Weeknd are a PR contract to gain publicity and attention for Selena’s upcoming era, where she is supposed to be seen as more “sexy” and “explicit.”

Who better to get her that audience/reputation than Mr. Baby I can make that pussy rain, often.
We’ve said this months ago:

Also you can see here how sextual Selena’s new era is becoming. This is her Bad Liar music video.

She’s in lingerie.
And she’s crushing on a girl which in Trump’s America is seen as scandalous and also she is a disney girl with a “good” reputation.

This makes her seem more “sexy” and “cool” because that’s just how it is in the industry. Also, Bad Liar is a different story when it comes to the approach they took but we’ll discuss that in a different post.

Selena going out in a complete sheer black dress knowing damn well she will get photographed is another stunt in her more sexy and scandalous agenda.

We’re not saying this is the first time Selena was seen out in see through clothes, but we are saying that this time around it’s a bit more revealing than usual. I mean we get ASS and TITS in one outing. And of course all these kinds of things are planned. If her and Abel were actually dating as a normal couple, you can argue that Selena is just wearing something see through for her man. But because we know that they are a PR couple, we argue that Selena is wearing this for the headlines. And guaranteed, it made a lot of headlines.

oh and I found this concerning gif of Selena looking like a damsel in distress lmao

Why would Abel agree to do a PR?
Abel is being blackmailed by Selena’s team as we told you before. Ironically we still don’t know what he is being blackmailed with nor do we care to find out. Is it publicity for Abel? Nope! Abel has two #1 albums and three #1 singles AND he hasn’t even been in the industry as long as Selena. He’s sold more, won more, made more; he’s overall a bigger star and there is no way that this relationship benefits him more than Selena when he’s the bigger star.
How is Selena giving Abel publicity if she can’t give her own albums enough publicity to sell.
After 1 year of being out:

After 2 months of being out:

Abel is also not the first victim of Selena’s abuse. Remember this veteran?

We all know the iconic Jelena that once was started off as PR and lead to a real relationship when both partners developed feelings for each other.
Clearly it didn’t end well..
Let’s do a quick comparison of what Selena’s poison can do to a person.
Justin when he was getting manipulated by Selena

Vs. Justin after he was freed from Selena

Homeboy is well fed and rested!

So out lmao
Does Abel have real feelings for Selena?
LMAO imagine! Abel can’t stand Selena. He has no real feelings for her whatsoever. In front of his friends he says he’s single. Abel is not the typical whipped boyfriend like Justin was. And Selena knows!
Abel doesn’t care about cute intimate moments with Selena. He finds her very annoying.
He also “cheats” on her because he doesn’t care about being a good boyfriend. We’ll get to that in a moment.
Feel bad for Selena? Well you shouldn’t because she’s done this and 10x worse to Justin. This is literally her karma, she just doesn’t know it yet.
Our source tells us that Abel doesn’t understand the concept of commitment nor does he care for it.
Hol up.. why we talking about commitment about a PR couple?
Let’s move on to something more intresting.
Does Selena have real feelings for Abel?
Drum roll please…

Yes. Selena actually likes The Weeknd outside of their little PR rondayvu.
Selena liking Abel is one of the reasons why she follows him around besides for the attention.

Like I’ve said earlier, Abel doesn’t understand the concept of commitment and claims he’s single when Selena isn’t around. Selena knows that if she isn’t with Abel on the road he will be with other women.

However, Abel isn’t actually “cheating” since him and Selena are not dating for real. Selena wants to date him for real, but he’s not in it for the long run. Are they sleeping together? Yes! Are they actually together together? Nope! When Selena isn’t there, he’s hooking up with other women.

You see, Abelena is a business deal for both of them. Selena wants it to be both; business and personal. Abel signed a contract and he’s getting sex so he doesn’t really care. That, plus they do drugs together.

What you need to understand is that he hooks up with other women when she isn’t there and part of the reason why she follows him around the world is to make sure he stays “loyal” and then she hides behind the “oh I am selling the act! We’re a PR, remember, Abel? *giggles*”
But he doesn’t have to stay loyal since homeboy ain’t actually dating her.
Again, Selena being Selena, a control freak. She also doesn’t allow Abel to hang out with specific people because she doesn’t want him to be around anyone else.
My… I wonder who else Selena did this to?

And the funny thing is Selena wouldn’t CONSTANTLY travel the globe for Justin because she knew damn well that even though they were a PR at one point, he was still not hooking up with anyone else. Instead she was the one cheating on him! Selena felt powerful knowing that Justin can be out of the states and still remain loyal to her. But Abel isn’t Justin.
A hopeless romantic….
Have Abel and Selena slept together?
Yes. Now for all the people who are going to gasp and go “WAIT WHAT?!” just know that in Hollywood, sleeping with your PR partner isn’t rare at all. Think of it as friends with benefits.

These celebrities sleep with each other on the daily. You think they wouldn’t if they were also in a PR contract? It’s like killing two birds with one stone.
Does Abel see how clingy Selena is?
Yes he does. And he doesn’t like it. He has literally told her to stop being so touchy in public.

I mean I kinda agree. In almost every candid Selena is flung on top of Abel internally screaming “LOOK AT US! WE ARE DATING!” And she’s staring at the camera while he’s trying to look like he is not uncomfortable.

And throughout their long and boring PR, Abel learned to act like he doesn’t want to choke himself.
I mean no one said embracing your boyfriend was a bad thing but she’s holding on to him in public in front of cameras as if someone is going to come by and kidnap her.
And what better time to show your “love” for each other during the Met Gala.

Notice how they choose to debut their fabricated relationship at one of the biggest fashion events of the year?
So much for wanting a private relationship, Selena.
The Met Gala
Let’s stop and talk about the Met Gala premiere of their “private” relationship.

As we told you before and as their teams sold several stories to the media, the original plan was to have Abel and Selena debut their relationship at the 2017 Grammys. The Grammys are a big deal and they would get a lot of attention.
So YES. That was the plan! Hence why their PR teams leaked that exact info to several news sources.

Literally their team went to TMZ and told them that he has already made her his +1 to the Grammys.
Lmao she wasn’t invited.

Yikes ^

So why did the plan change?
It changed because it would have been embarrassing for Selena. Why? Because she would be seen as his +1 since she’s not that talented or important in the Grammy committee’s eyes. It would look bad on her part because she would be coming to the Grammys empty handed.. meaning, no vocals, no nomination, and no performance slot. The only thing she would have is her new PR beau. And she knew that people would think all that about her. You see, while Abel is kissing Grammys

Selena is kissing the closest thing she can get to a Grammy.

While Selena’s peers are getting nominated for Grammys and getting invited to perform more than once (Demi), Selena is just posting pretty selfies on Instagram and following her PR beau everywhere.
It looks pathetic on her part. So the plan shifted to have them debut their relationship at the next biggest event of the year, and at an event that Selena is more appropriate at as opposed to the Grammys; an event about outstanding talent in music.
The Met Gala.

Selena has been to the Met Gala before and she has somewhat of a name in the fashion industry, so for her to debut her new PR at a fashion related event–something she does better than music, makes more sense.
Of course their teams gave them both the talk before walking the red carpet.
“Look in love!”
“Smile genuinely.”
“Look like goals!”
“Touch her face.”
“Kiss her.”
“Look at him with lovey dovey eyes.”
And that is exactly what happened.

Notice how he isn’t smiling before she turns to him and then whispers something and that’s when he smiles. And after she turns away again, the smile also disappears. You can see it better in a full video than just a gif, but the gif summarizes it all up.

She’s literally waiting for him to kiss her and she actually tells him to do so.
The obvious PR is right in front of you just like the cameras are always in front of them whenever they’re in public.
Abel and Selena do their share of PR in public and of course on social media.
She likes pictures of him constantly

Abel holds up his part of the PR as well by liking everything as well.

Posting this picture and tagging him in it is just to start up drama and attention like OMG SELENA GOMEZ JUST TAGGED THE WEEKND IN HER PICTURE! He’s not in the photo, but yet he’s tagged.

It’s all a game of grabbing attention and making headlines. It’s like, oh Abelena attention has died down? Her managers will then post something like that to start the drama riling up again.

And Abel also posts pictures of them.

It’s all in your face and very public.
But wait.. wasn’t Selena saying she wants to keep her relationship with him… PRIVATE?

“She will NEVER do it again!”
I am honestly sick of the bullshit Selena shits out to the general public.
Because fast forward to June and the new headline is that she doesn’t wanna keep her relationship private!

It’s too much pressure to hide? Sis! Your first ever appearance with him was at a well known hot spot for celebrities! You literally go there to get photographed AND you were being photographed behind the dumpster! Literally waiting to get papped! Now here’s the interesting part… who was photographing them? Ready for some scalding tea that one of our lovely readers brought to our attention months ago?
Who exactly is responsible for all these PDA filled pictures from Selena and Abel?
Now it is no secret that celebrities call the paparazzi and a lot of celebrity spottings are arranged. If this is news to you, then you’re probably new and you must be a little young. We recommend catching up on some older posts to be more in the loop with the messed up Hollywood scene.
Selena and Abel literally have a private paparazzi agency following them around.
Let me introduce you to AKM-GSI, a private celebrity news agency that is responsible for Abelena’s first ever dumpster spotting pictures all the way to their global pictures.

Shout out to a lovely reader who brought this to our attention, but wants to remain anonymous!
Before you continue reading, I want you to scroll all the way up to the top of the post and tell me what is written on the bottom left corner of the first picture in this post.
Did you see it?
It says “copyrighted, AKM-GSI”

AKM-GSI are responsible for distributing almost ALL Abelena pictures. Take a look for yourselves.

Their copyrighted name is on the bottom corners of the photos.
The same agency responsible for distributing their pictures in America were the same ones distributing it when they were overseas in Italy.

Go check for yourselves. Most, if not all, Abelena paparazzi pictures are coming from AKM-GSI.
Now I know you all have been just given a lot of new information and you’re probably overwhelmed so I need to explain more about celebrity photo agencies in general. I am not a biased person so I give you the full story 100% and not just the side I want you to see.

AKM-GSI does not only distribute Abelena pictures. They are responsible for many many many celebrity pictures both in America and Europe. However, AKM-GSI is the #1 source responsible for Abelena pictures regardless of where they are. This is rare. Usually celebrities get papped by many many different types of agencies because you don’t always have the same paparazzi hanging around. You have paparazzi from AKM-GSI and then you have popular paparazzi from TMZ and Just Jared for example. For Selena and Abel to get papped by ONE agency and for that agency to be a PRIVATE agency, is quite fishy. You can’t have the same people photographing them behind a dumpster in LA be there to photograph them in Italy and then tell me these pictures aren’t staged. The pictures themselves LOOK staged and now you have proof that they are since they are all distributed by the same agency.

They are even responsible for their Coachella pictures. Do you know how many paparazzi are at Coachella? A lot! Do you know how many agencies they all come from? A lot more! So for Selena and Abel to have their dumpster-snapping-Italy-picture-taking agency also be present at Coachella out of ALL agencies there, is not really a coincidence.
When Selena and Abel were in Italy, THEY LITERALLY STAGED FAN PICTURES!

Everyone thought that picture was “fan taken” but literally AKM-GSI were taking these pictures! What were paparazzi even doing in a museum? They barely like you taking pictures with your phone, imagine paparazzi with their big ass cameras? How much more proof do you need that they are a PR?
Look, AKM-GSI was also responsible for the following Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner outing!

Not shocking since they were also a PR!

“Photo credit: AKM-GSI”
They are LITERALLY everywhere! It’s almost as if this agency knows when and where Selena and Abel will be at every moment….

Yeah time for you to go to sleep, Selena.
Watch them try to get other agencies to pap them now.
And ladies and gentlemen, that’s how you end someone. I hope the wait was worth it!
RIP Abelena: January 2017 - July 2017. Copyright: AKM-GSI.
Time to answer some questions from Instagram, because I know you guys like it when we do this.

They aren’t down low at all. They might not get papped for a few days but they make up for it by showing attention on social media and then getting papped shortly after. And no they are not in love. Selena is into him though.

No. But she won’t hesitate to use Justin’s name at a chance for more headlines.

He doesn’t care about them. He finds their whole relationship troll worthy since she’s pathetic to be in another PR.

We don’t know how long their PR will last and there has been talk about a collab on her album of course. That is kinda one of the main reasons behind the relationship, but we aren’t allowed to disclose much info about that due to something else you guys don’t know about. However, this is all subject to change; whether or not a collab can make it on the album.

Bella thinks she’s a shady bitch since Selena was trying to be her friend, not too long ago. I wouldn’t say they hate each other, I know Bella just doesn’t like her nor respect her. None of Selena’s celebrity female friends respect her because of how shady it was of her trying to befriend Bella, but also get her man at the same time.

Their PR was discussed sometime towards the very end of 2016. It’s impossible for it to have been discussed in 2015 since the Jelena contract existed at that time.

We’ve been told that he’s been blackmailed by something huge; we don’t know what it is. The only thing I’d say he’s getting out of this is just more drama and attention. But it’s not like he needs that to sell.


He cheated on Bella, but not with Selena. Like we said earlier, he doesn’t understand the concept of commitment.

Thank you love, and actually we don’t know. We just know he claims to be single around them so I believe they’re aware of their business deal. Selena is also like extra nice around people she wants to be nice to so it would not be shocking to see that they like her.

Selena benefits a lot more because she gets a ton more attention and attention = headlines which Selena needs to stay relevant. Abel on the other hand was already selling before Selena and before a high profile relationship.

His album and single sales have always been significantly higher than hers. Selena likes him, he finds her annoying, but they both like the sex and drugs. No they were not friends. They were just acquaintances in the industry.

Hope you guys enjoyed this and all your questions were answered!
Here are the messages with our lovely source.
Ignore random non-Abelena messages because we can get off topic sometimes.

Yes we have had this info from April… sorry pls don’t end us.
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