You heard it here folks. Again we have two white privileged women making a mockery out of black culture for profit. Or are they?

Kendall and Kylie launched their new clothing line yesterday and it was hilariously disgusting. The Jenners decided it would be quirky and fun to put their faces on rap legends like Tupac and Biggie’s faces.
First of all, the T-shirts don’t even look good. What kind of Biggie fan would see this and go “Biggie and Kendall Jenner? Score!”
Second of all, Biggie and Tupac’s fans aren’t 14 year olds who watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians and find the Jenners cool.
So the person who came up with this idea must really hate them or is just as stupid as them.

Esmg has said before many times in the past that Kendall and Kylie aren’t woke and are very uneducated and ignorant.
Kendall and Kylie aren’t over here crying about human rights and why you shouldn’t vote for Trump because to them that’s not relevant in their lives.
Was this done out of racism? Nope this was done out of pure stupidity and a shot at some more cash.
This is not the first time the Jenners take black culture and act like it’s theirs.

Cornrows and blackface. intresting.

That last one really got me.
LMAOOOOO takes bold braids to a new epic level? You mean a hair style black girls have been doing for centuries and still get slammed for it?
That photo literally explains what’s wrong with appropriating culture.
I mean maybe I’d be a little less harsh if they tweeted “Black Lives Matter” for once in their lives or even spoke up about world issues.

And to add gasoline to the fire because i’m Exposingsmg, wasn’t Kendall also trying to make profit out of world issues for her Pepsi commercial?

My favorite part about that gif is how passionate she seems about world issues. And the fact that there are no minorities behind her.

maybe black people should just give police officers Pepsi so they can stop killing them randomly.
But these T-shirts are another all time low.
What have Kendall and Kylie done (besides realizing things) to put their faces with rap legends and classical music artists?

What had Tupac done to be disrespected this way? Putting your logo on his face?

Biggie’s mom is having a field day dragging the Jenners for filth.

And the best part is how much they’re selling these for.

$125 dollars for a shirt that isn’t even cute!
The reason why this is a big deal is because the Jenners and these rock/rap artists don’t even correlate.
They’re models and the people they are exploiting are music legends. Clearly this was a sad attempt at looking “cool” and ‘edgy.” Another wrong thing with this all situation is the fact that they’re trying to profit off of dead legends.
And do the Jenners care? Nope! They literally had the audacity to post the SAME APOLOGY.

Even the time is the same lmaooooo
Here are some funny tweets about the whole incident.

Lmao well that’s it guys. Tell me your thoughts about all of this. I am aware The Jenners also put The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, and Ozzy Osbourne on their T-shirts as well.
Coming up next:

After that:
The June Tell All Revealed and Selena Gomez As A Person post.
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