1. This pale famous B lister who has had a couple of blockbuster movies is planning on dropping her label/agency. She thinks she can do better than them. Let’s see how long it is before she actually drops them.

2. This beautiful young actress has all of you fooled. She may seem like the only actress in Hollywood who is nice and sane but that is not the truth. She’s mean and rude to many fans. This is why working with her is like standing on ice. You don’t know when she’s going to get exposed by her rudeness. We’ve heard that she got a reality check throughout the years but those who work with her, continue to say that she’s not as nice as everyone thinks.

3. This one singer was planning on staying sober. That is until her horribly influenced friend came back in her life. This friend doesn’t care about the singer at all and actually wants her to be caught. Now the singer is back in the deep hole she crawled out of.

4. This popular star from a big family has turned to drugs. He has been taking adderall to lose weight and had liposuction on his body. He wants to get back at his family. He hasn’t had a good relationship with them in a while and he feels like they don’t care for him.

5. These two very popular models are friends and this one model likes to bring her druggie boyfriend to these hangouts. Her druggie boyfriend is worried he’s going to be caught with drugs so he goes through all these scenarios on how to frame his gf’s friend if he does get caught. And if he does get caught, don’t think that he will take the responsibility for it.

6. This popular singer who has been in the business for a very long time, is secretly dating a girl. Nothing wrong with that but to the public she’s very happy dating around with men. Scandalous.

7. This group of friends define the word “petty.” Let’s say the leader of the group recently broke up with a male model. Now they sit there making fake accounts trashing his new girlfriend on the internet and how his old girlfriend was better. No it’s not Taylor Swift and her squads.

8. In Hollywood, the more famous you are, the better parties you attend. So this pretty famous singer went to one of these rated R parties and was getting wasted. Snorting coke everywhere and drinking. This person who may or may not be famous wanted to record it and leak it on social media. The guards around the place saw him and completely destroyed his phone in front of him. The singer never knew what happened.

9. This newly debuted female singer who was already in the industry but wasn’t alone, is fake. To make so many allies in the indsutry, our newly debuted female singer does best at kissing ass. For as long as we can remember, she kept kissing ass to the tall and extremely relevant white singer. That tall & relevant singer had her own problems in the industry with another colorful singer. So our newly debuted singer would always shit talk the colorful singer in order to please the tall singer. Once the colorful singer publicly complimented the newly debuted singer, the newly debuted singer was fake and acted like she wasn’t completely shitting on her behind the cameras.

10. This famous rapper who is adored on social media has a temper with women. He is known to get very violent with them for the simplest things. This one lady accidentally dropped some water on his shirt and he got physical with her. He thinks they’re his property and thinks he’s better than them.

11. This actress turned singer started to have a childish image when she saw how much this director really liked it because it made her stand out. He also really liked it when he was having sex with her and frequently asked her to do baby voices/skits.

12. The former Disney star has had a couple of rough patches in his life. He has dealt with drug addiction for a very long time. He even dealt drugs to mutuals. However, he is trying to stay sober. He needs to watch out though because his friends are all using him. Hopefully he stays on this path and doesn’t fall back into the deep end.

13. This very popular singer thinks very highly of herself. She is considered a white devil and is very threatened by this former Disney star. The white devil is constantly trashing the former Disney star saying she’s only made it this far because she sleeps with guys. Funny considering who her bestie is…..

14. This modeling company only gives young girls a chance when they fit the boss’s expectations. Young, skinny and blonde. After they give them a chance, they meet the boss and of course they have to perform special favors. Any girl who refuses gets kicked out.

15. This very popular YouTuber is insane. His numbers on Youtube are notable and he uses that to his advantage. He thinks he is above everyone and thinks he’s the greatest YouTuber on the planet. His fans are so brainwashed and will completely support and love him through anything. He assaults women and humiliates them. His sexual pleasures are also considered illegal sometimes.

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