Scandalous Media

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Are Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds really as perfect as they seem? I've always been kind of suspicious.


LMAO no. 100% no. They do love each other but Ryan is a little overprotective and odd. Let me give you some stories.
-So back when they first got married Ryan didn’t want Blake doing anything work related. I have no idea why he just wanted her to stay in the house all day.
-Blake was lowkey depressed because she felt like she gave up her career for him. He’s always checking on her and wants to know everything she does ( I guess that’s where his overprotective controlling side comes out)
-Last I heard of them they were okay. I think they’re a real couple that fight but at then end are okay and happy. Now that Blake has been doing more things in her career I guess she told him to back off lol

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