Exposed: An update on Jailey, Hailey Baldwin & Cameron Dallas, and more!
Yes, it’s everyone’s favorite topic. The famous and most requested Jailey update. You guys randomly spam me on ask to give you a Jailey update. I get about nine of these every day. We will talk about Jailey, Cameron Dallas, and answer all your questions.
Without further ado, here is the long awaited post.

A. Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin
Wow. This is the first Jailey post since December 2016.
In the most recent Jailey post, we told you that they talked because Justin called her and Hailey’s friends don’t want her talking to him.
I am not going to repeat myself. I have posts for a reason. Read more about Jailey here:
No they are not dating. If I am being truly honest i don’t think Justin and Hailey are going to date anytime soon. I also don’t think Justin is getting a girlfriend anytime soon either even though my source told me that he actually wants one. To be honest, we think he’s still not in the mindset of a girlfriend.
Now after the mess Justin and Sofia caused, we never got another public hangout from Jailey ever again.

Read about the Sofia Richie mess here:
I know most of you thought “yippee jaileys over!” but no actually. Their friendship just needed a little time to recover.
A while ago we told you guys on twitter that Justin and Hailey are talking again.

So here is the update: Justin and Hailey have secretly hung out recently.
Now when I say secretly, I’m not talking about how Justin and Hailey are keeping this away from everyone. I’m just saying that it wasn’t a public hangout.
And when I say recently I mean less-than-two-weeks-ago type recent.

My source also said that Justin and Hailey are not mad at each other anymore.
This shouldn’t really come off as a big shocker I mean Hailey was at Purpose Tour rehearsals.

And before anyone pops a vein trying to type “OMG JUSTIN WAS IN AUSTRALIA AND RUDY WAS IN LA. GET OVER HAILEY OMG”
I’m just saying that maybe this should’ve been a sign.
Also as far as my source knows; Hailey is single.
Wow, Hailey is single and Justin is single. I feel like I’m triggering a bunch of people right now.

Now before you pour yourself a cup of bleach, my source also said, “Jailey isn’t even in the picture, but if it were to happen ever, it won’t be anytime soon.”
As of now, they’re just friends. But hey, maybe in a couple of weeks we will get Jailey candids.
To summarize:
- Hailey and Justin are talking a bit.
- They are not mad at each other.
- They are friends.
- They hung out recently, but not publicly.
B. Cameron Dallas and Hailey Baldwin

They make a cute couple tbh! Drop Justin, Hails!
Many of you Jailey shippers got scared when Hailey was hanging around Cameron Dallas because you thought they were automatically an item. I think you guys should know by now that not everyone who hangs out together, are dating.

What we can tell you about Hailey and Cameron is that they are not dating. They are currently friends. Hailey still misses Justin, but you know she’s dealing. My source says that Hailey hardly talks about Cameron and my source doesn’t think that it would be Cameron to help her get over Justin.

They are friends. Plus, they’re both in the fashion industry so that’s something to bond over.
Like we’ve been telling you, Hailey is young and hot. She is exploring her options. She’s been seen hanging out with a lot of guys. It doesn’t mean she’s dating them. She’s hung out with Ashton Irwin from 5SOS and they aren’t together.

I lowkey wanted this to happen.
C. Your Questions
I put like 90% of the questions in here and the other 10% I didn’t screenshot were just repeating questions that I have already answered.
Since I don’t ever want you guys to finish reading a post and continue being confused, I often tell you to ask your questions in a Twitter thread. And that is what I did here.

It’s not like they talk every second of the day, but they did talk recently like we just said. I don’t see why they wouldn’t get back in touch after the Purpose Tour ends. Will they reconcile and become an item? Well we can’t predict things like that unless something is happening behind closed doors. And nothing is happening right now.

Lmao I can’t with you guys. No, they’re currently not a thing.

No she was not “obsessed” with him. They both liked each other… A LOT. We stressed this out in previous posts. The feelings were 100% mutual. Plus, I don’t understand how people can hate on Hailey for having feelings for Justin. It’s called having a crush lol

Hailey was one of the people there for him when he kind of hit rock bottom, but he didn’t really push her away at that point. He pushed her away when he was going on the Purpose Tour and they agreed not to officially date. Does he regret that? I’m not too sure. We do know that he never intentionally wanted to hurt Hailey with the Sofia Richie situation though. He was just not ready to commit + he was set up with Sofia by one of Selena’s friends.

Here is the blind they asked about.

Yes it does sound like Justin and Hailey, but we do not read Blind Gossip nor use them as a source.. ever. To outsiders or sources who are not as close to Justin and Hailey as our sources are, Justin & Hailey’s relationship does look like they are actually dating.

But that was never the case. They were like stuck in the getting to know each other phase and decided to call it off before Justin went on tour. So no, Hailey did not think they were dating, even though she wanted them to be. So yeah it did hurt Hailey’s feelings when Justin would continue to claim being single or run off with Sofia Richie. And Justin being the dumbass he is, does things without understanding the impact it has on others. We explained who Justin is as a person here:
And we explained the whole Sofia Richie drama in detail and after reading those posts which we already linked here, you should understand what really went down there because Blind Gossip’s two sentences don’t do any justice to the situation.

Just because it wasn’t on video that they spoke, doesn’t mean they didn’t. There’s no bad blood between them right now.

He is trying to still have her in his life and not completely ignore/abandon her. After all, they were very good friends.

No, Justin did really like Hailey because she was still a big part of his life after he battled his depression and issues. The reasons he’s just chilling now and hanging out with other girls is because he was scared to commit to her. Homeboy is type senstive. Selena really left a mark on him. And we explained all of that in the Justin As A Person post.

Justin and Sofia didn’t leave their fling on a bad note. They are friends. And him and Sofia were not a PR. Selena just got some friends to hook up them up together to get him away from Hailey and to hurt Hailey. Hailey knows about this. Btw, hi Hails. We love ya.

They are talking and are friends, but nothing is happening between them right now to indicate a future relationship. Maybe it will happen. Maybe it won’t.

I don’t know what Justin thinks about lol and Hailey still has feelings for him. I don’t know about Justin. He’s a weird boy.


Yeah, I’d say they’re friends.

I don’t know about that. Kylie really doesn’t know much about Justin and Hailey. If anything it would be Kendall since she’s close to both of them.
Alright, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and all questions have been answered! Here are some messages between my source and I.

Next exposed will be about Selena and The Weeknd! We have really good tea to spill. It’s really funny too.
Oh and hi, Selena and her minions! ;)
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