We all know who the most famous pop star on the planet is. We know his favorite color is purple, his middle name is Drew, and he grew up in a small town in Canada. But none of us actually know who Justin Bieber is as a person. We’ve seen him in his “hairflip” phase, his “Selena Gomez” phase, the “I cut my hair” phase, “Victoria’s Secret Fashion show” phase, “I’m single” phase, “I’m high” phase, “Just got arrested” phase, “models models models” phase, “peeing in a mop bucket” phase, and all the way to his current “no photos” phase. None of us know what was happening with him or who he became after years of stardom. Well except if you have inside sources who know the Biebs pretty well like we do.
Here is the long awaited Justin Bieber as a person post.
And when I say long awaited I really mean it.
Yes I know….
Anyway let’s just jump right into this post. This post is going to be broken up by years because yes Justin’s life choices/personality depends on the year. We are going to explain the changes Justin goes through in each year, along with the people that had a lot of impact on him because this all leads up to who he is now and how he changed. At the end of the post, we include fun facts, answer questions, and more so stay tuned.
JUSTIN IN 2009-2010
Lets throw it back to when Justin first started.
During these innocent years, Justin was a very cheerful child. Fame was new to him so he didn’t have on his “2016 face” whenever someone spoke to him. The intresting thing about Justin as well was when he first started, he hit it pretty big. So it’s not like he waited 10 years to become a famous huge popstar. Fame just hit him. In a matter of time, he was doing interviews, traveling, meeting celebs like Usher and Drake, and recording an EP.
And with all of that Justin, still had time to speak with his friends and hang out. His two well known “back from home” friends were Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers.
Yeah Beliebers got a hold of their names pretty quickly. They also got a hold of Caitlin and Christian Beadles aka racist trump supporters Woah! who said that?
Caitlin Beadles aka Justin’s ex-girlfriend from like 2009, turned to semi friends in 2010, turned to “When’s our yearly meet up?” in 2014, turned to “Who are these people again?” in 2017.
At the time, these were Justin’s friends. Other people Beliebers tracked down were Jasmine Villegas and Alfredo Flores.
For the most part, these were Justin’s friends that Beliebers tracked down and that we also know of/cared enough to keep tabs on. They all started youtube/social media because they knew beliebers were like “Oh a girl Justin hung out with 4 times has a youtube channel? Time to stalk!” which was ALWAYS the case.
Justin’s activities involved making Youtube Videos….
Having backstage fun with friends….
more backstage fun…..
imagine if justin posted photos of himself having fun now?
As you can see, he was a very carefree person. We even have videos of Justin in a car joking; well more like insulting his tutor. That’s how up close and personal he got. Usually when a celebrity first starts becoming famous, they post a lot of photos/videos for…
The amusing attention a photo or video can get
The innocent drama it would cause
The idea that more than 15 people care about what you are doing.
It’s that new thing in fame that everyone likes; the attention on their personal life. I mean sure Justin wants his music to sell and do well, but how does he react when the attention isn’t on his work things, but on his personal life? He’d feel like he wasn’t getting the attention he wanted. And don’t worry, we will get to the constant posting of Jelena photos in 2013/2014.
Justin’s favorite hobbies also included pranking his friends and calling himself the “prank master.”
He was very close to his mom and took her with him everywhere.
Time to end this year: He was very carefree, fun, and actually wanted to showcase his life on Twitter/Youtube because to him that wasn’t annoying and he liked the attention he got after posting a picture. He also liked the drama he caused when he was seen with Jasmine or another girl. I can relate to Justin because I’ve seen some VERY funny conspiracy theories about who actually runs ESMG and while you guys sit there calculating it out, it’s really not that deep. Justin’s outlook on life was that there were good people around him and life is fun and carefree. He was living out his dream. He was popular. He was loved. He was happy. He also wasn’t a very good judge when it came to the people around him.
I mean he actually thought he was friends with Catlin even after the breakup was because they ended it on good terms. Lmao. Here’s a message to 2010 Justin: Sure you may have ended it on good terms but she’s “friends” with you because she rather be an “ex” than a “nobody.”
Did someone call for Selena?
Yes 2011, aka Jelena Jelena Jelena.
Okay let’s break this up.
A. Justin’s 2010 friends.
In 2011, Justin barely hung out with his old friends. Why? Well he was getting more famous, he was meeting more people, and becoming friends with different celebrities like Selena and etc.
This doesn’t mean Justin is a bad guy because he didn’t really keep close tabs on his old friends. It’s just that his life started to get more intresting and he was becoming friends with…. Selena’s friends.
What does this mean? Justin’s 2010 friends, specifically the GIRLS, were not really around. A big part of that reason is also the next topic.
B. The first ever Jelena Contract.
No, not the iconic one ESMG revealed in 2015 but close.
Read the post on that here:
Justin and Selena briefly knew each other in 2010. They just ran into each other at award shows, but never really spoke. They had that thing in 2009 where he sang OLLG to her at NYE but that was just a promotional and fun event.
Oh you idiot- I mean.. I guess they thought no one would figure out what’s wrong with this sentence.
Justin and Selena met because of the Jelena Contract. They weren’t buddies or pals, like Selena said. They met through their managers.
Justin and Selena were not allowed to tell people this was a PR relationship.
And of course Justin was first starting and Selena was irrelevant so they both thought “Oh god this is Hollywood, we can’t tell anyone! How exciting is it to keep this big secret?!”
If it was now, they wouldn’t have kept it a secret from friends because they were more experienced within the industry. I mean the contract ended relationships and friendships.
This contract actually broke up Jasmine and Justin. yeah they like dated for like a few months
And Justin wasn’t allowed to tell Jasmine the relationship is over because of a contract. So they had to end things and they never hung out after that.
Lol okay, I made it sound very depressing, but it’s true. I think the only time they publicly posted a photo was in 2014. And that was it for them.
She’s a mom now so for all of you shipping….. yeah that’s done.
The contract also made things very tense with Ryan and Chaz. Chaz constantly told Justin he wasn’t a fan of Selena. Justin didn’t care and felt that Chaz was jealous of his fame.
Funny story: Selena used to be Chaz’s crush, but then he met her at Justin’s 16th birthday party.
Let me break this down.
A. Justin liked Selena because he was so fascinated by her. He thought “Wow she’s funny, pretty, Latina…my type!” So to him Selena was his IT girl. It’s not like he was very experienced considering he thought this at 16…. He didn’t get a chance to find himself in this industry. He was kind of thrown into this PR contract with Selena and that turned into a rollercoaster of its own.
Also since Justin and Selena had to spend a long time with each other, they became friends.
When Justin found out his parents signed a contract to make money off the things he did, he was heartbroken and felt like Selena was the only person he could talk to. This deepened their feelings.
Read about the parent contract here:
Make sure you read that post to understand more about how the contract affected him in the long run. This post is going to be long enough.
B. Justin is very hard headed. He will not and DOES NOT listen. This is a trait he still has.
C. Chaz risked their friendship by telling Justin he thinks Selena is using him. Chaz was always way more verbal and didn’t care what Justin thought after he said this. Of course Chaz didn’t know it was all a PR contract. Later on, Chaz does hang out with Justin and Selena, but in the beginning it was not all that peachy. Plus, Chaz and Selena never really got to know each other.
D. Ryan also wasn’t a big fan of Selena but he never told Justin that or really got involved with that type of drama. He kept his thoughts to himself.
So what happened?
This was during the time Justin really liked Selena.
Note: Yes they were on a PR contract, but Justin was
And who did Justin hang out with in 2011 besides Selena and Alfredo?

So Chaz, who wasn’t a fan of Selena was out.
Basically that was the equation.
Friend of Justin’s + love for Selena = IN THE CLIQUE.
Friend of Justin’s + no love for Selena = OUT OF THE CLIQUE.
Damn how did queen Selena manage to do THAT?
After that, Caitlin and Christian were also out for two reasons.
Chaz probably went and told them that their “boy” is a rat.
Caitlin was Justin’s ex and Selena would’ve rather eat rotten cheese than have Justin hang out with his ex. Which I can understand but that’s not all she did.
More about the Beadles here:
Justin was so whipped for Selena that he lost contact with most of his friends because she didn’t really like them. So all these people were dropped.
R.I.P bitches. Selena’s in the house now.
Where were we?
Yes, the Jelena contract. Now 2011 was a good year for Justin because…
This was considered his prime. He was extremely popular and relevant in 2011. Other celebs adored him and he worked with some very famous people.
He LOVED Selena. It didn’t take him a long time to actually fall for her.
He was traveling/promoting his album and Selena was always there… literally.
He looked forward to going to award shows and doing interviews. It was something he considered FUN because it was NEW and at the time, he did not see the dark side of the industry which we will get into later.
He enjoyed the harmless drama he caused with Selena and Alfredo.
He was extremely happy and showed it.

Besides the 4 other people Justin would hang out with from time to time, (They were never his old friends. It was people that worked with him like Kenny or Scooter or Usher lol) Selena and Alfredo were the biggest influences in his life. I mean they were the people he spent most of his time with, besides for the people Justin worked with.
Justin considers these times to be the best in his life for these reasons…
1. He was at his prime. It didn’t take him long to become the world’s biggest popstar. He wasn’t used to the fact that he could have anything he wanted or go any place he desired. He loved the materialistic life especially since he did not have the luxury of money before. He even got happy when he would gain twitter followers.
Let’s take a look at this transition…
So obviously in the beginning, Justin had the time and energy to get excited over things that don’t matter.
2. No one has ever “ruined” him or even got in the way with any of his plans. No one was out to get him or purposely mess with him. He was living life as an average 17 year old except he had millions of dollars, a PR girlfriend he was obsessed with, a great best friend (turned out to be a rat), good health, and fans who bought his music. Point was he was HAPPY. This is why he said one of his best teenage years was around 2011. He didn’t say it to kill Beliebers because Selena was a big part of 2011. He said it because in his eyes life was great.
Time to end the year: So as Justin got bigger and bigger, he lowkey lost sight of what was important. Which was that he dropped everyone he was friends with for Selena’s sake (couple goals..?). Anyways, he didn’t have much of a choice. There was the Jelena contract and the fact that Selena fed Justin sob stories about why she didn’t want him hanging out with all the other girls. He was whipped and in his mind the only girl he wanted was Selena. So who cares about the others. (This is a choice Justin continues to make). Other than that, he was very happy in 2011. He caused drama which we talked about earlier. Justin and Selena were making headlines. Justin was touring more places and more celebrities wanted to meet him. Again, everything was fun and NEW. Two important keywords.
This is where things begin to change.. a lot. 2012 was the turning point for what was to come.
Everyone remembers 2012 as a good year.
Which it was for these reasons.
Justin and Selena started dating for real. Which means Justin stopped shoving Selena’s face up our ass. (Now that’s a visual yikes).
Justin had a new album and it was another exciting time for Beliebers.
Justin had television time which was also good for Beliebers. Again, he was HAPPY while making appearances.
Jelena drama became a joke and whenever they were spotted together the insults for both came rolling in. Unlike in 2011 where Beliebers were actually sad when they saw candids. (I mean they all were like 15 so understandable).
During the middle to end of 2012 Justin and Selena were constantly breaking up/getting back together. Which had Beliebers like
Not much has changed when it came to friendships except the group got bigger.
It was now Justin, Alfredo, Selena and Selena’s friends! Yay!
Seriously, forget about his 2010 friends.

I know you’re all thinking “So what he posed next to Taylor?”
But Taylor is Selena’s friend. Imagine if he posed next to Miley? He wouldn’t hear the end of it. Selena only allowed Justin to hang out with her friends or the people she approved of. Which was basically just Alfredo.
Now there isn’t too much that changed with Justin’s personality in 2012. It was the same as in 2011. He was just always more upset because whenever he’d fight with Selena, he took it out on people who cared about him and his fans. (I can almost see the asks going “omg why do you have to include Selena in everything. we wanted a Justin post!!” WELL IS SHE NOT A BIG PART OF HIS LIFE?)
I remember one time this girl met Justin outside of the VSFS rehearsals and asked for a picture or something and he yelled at her. Justin’s bodyguard or friend came and told her that Justin is upset because he had a fight with Selena. But that was at the end of 2012 when things took a turn.
Post on that here:
99.9% of the time, Justin was mad or stressed in 2012 was because he was fighting with Selena. And funny for Justin that in the upcoming years, the reason why he was a complete mess is because he was still trying to get her back.
Justin and Selena had a very toxic relationship. I said this years ago and recently when Justin talked about Selena, he said it was toxic.
Justin and Selena had soooooooo many fights it wasn’t even news to their friends anymore- erm.. or should I say Alfredo and Selena’s friends.
They had trust issues because
1. Selena cheated on him and HE KNOWS so he got jealous when she was always a little too comfortable with a guy. She also would make out with girls in front of him because she thought he would think it’s “hot” and he was always like “no you’re cheating on me.” Selena thought when she kisses girls it’s not considered cheating because “all girls do it.”
um okay….
2. She was so insecure he’d hang out with a model (in 2013. imagine him pulling this shit before that?). She’d actually make him feel bad for it while her blood boiled.
3. He cared SO much about what Selena and the world thought of him ever since 2010. He tried to be a happy perfect boyfriend/celebrity for everyone and it later ruined him.
1. Justin proposed to Selena. She said no. That led to problems and more trust issues. Justin started questioning things. Post on that here:
2. On September 26, 2012, Avalanna Routh aka Mrs.BIeber died from cancer. That hurt Justin more than he let on.
3. Justin and Selena had a huge fight which led to their iconic breakup in November 2012. Post on that here:
4. Justin ended 2012 depressed because of his breakup with Selena. She did not want to get back together with him and she kept attacking him during the last two months of 2012. The Jelena breakup got the ball rolling for Justin’s breakdown and Avalanna’s death did not help.
Time to end the year: Justin’s personality stayed as it was in 2011. However, he wasn’t as close to his parents anymore because of the parent contract. He still pulled pranks on his friends. The only time things got bumpy was when he was fighting with Selena or when they were on/off all the time. Around the end of 2012 was when things got really bad for Jelena because he tried to propose to her and she said no, which basically destroyed him. Then there was the Victoria Secret Fashion show night/Barbara Palvin, Selena’s iconic “…” aka the night that destroyed Jelena and brought out the inner demon in Selena. And of course Avalanna’s death hurt him more.
Justin in 2013/2014
Time to write about these dreadful years.
2013 was probably by far the worst year for Justin and Beliebers.
Let’s break this apart.
A. Selena Gomez
I know shocker. Anyways, the breakup between Justin and Selena in November 2012 was very harsh.
They tried to make it work several times and it failed completely. Justin constantly felt like he was fighting for Selena while she wanted to throw him in rehab. In 2011/2012 Justin got distant with his parents because he found out they signed a contract to get money off the things Justin did. He felt like Selena was the only person he can talk to and he trusted her very much. As you can see how comfortable Justin was with her
So when they broke up Justin realized he had no one besides Alfredo. I mean well yeah Selena made him get rid of all his friends in 2010. Justin also realized that he was sick of people that he thought cared for him, hurting him. For example, he found out that his own mom and dad sold him out for money (parent contract). Him feeling that way, led to him hanging with people he KNEW would use him because it was better than finding out people who you thought cared for you, really wanted to benefit off your fame. Ironic that he found a safehouse in Selena.
Selena was constantly finding reasons to argue. I’m not saying she was the reason for the Jelena breakup, but I am saying Selena would get jealous over Justin meeting a pretty fan and they’d fight about it for about 3 days. He cared so much for Selena and when she broke things off, that hurt him. His “brother” Alfredo was selling him out and was constantly backstabbing him because he’s on Selena’s side.
Remember those weed pictures of Justin in 2013?
Yeah that photo was taken by Alfredo and sold to the media by Selena. Like we said many times, after the Jelena breakup Selena wanted to hurt Justin as much as she could. She knew that Justin’s career was the only thing he wouldn’t drop for her so she believed by coming after his career, that would hurt him the most.
Fortunately for Selena, Justin’s little plan was also to destroy his career because he was FED up.
Now Selena didn’t want to be with Justin, but she also didn’t want anyone else to be with him. According to Selena, Justin was “hers”… literally.
So for the first few months where Jelena was spotted together, that was them ACTUALLY trying to work on their relationship.

Then a beautiful thought popped into Selena’s head.
If being seen with Justin brought her this much attention, why not do it on purpose?
What this basically means is: If fixing my relationship with Justin is bringing so much attention, why don’t I use it for my own good?
And this is why we got these…
YES all these precious photos came from Selena’s intention to make headlines. Now this was just instagram. Let’s get started on all those beautiful candids:

Post on that here:
ANYWAYS, you guys get it. Now this happened every time Justin was seen with a girl. Selena would literally fly halfway across the world and show up (hey! isn’t that what Selena is doing to the Weeknd right now?)
We had a post on that here:
So basically whenever Justin wanted to move on, Selena wouldn’t let him.
#1- She’s extremely jealous and actually believes Justin is “hers”
#2- He’s the only one that can give her this much attention.
I mean she tried moving on with The Weeknd but everyone except Selena’s fans knows it’s a PR. No one is taking that relationship seriously and it’s not causing the type of drama that Selena likes; aka Jelena drama. That’s one of the reasons she needed Justin.
She also made Justin feel responsible for her drug addiction and the way she is. You can read about that here:
So while we all insulted Justin for taking Selena back after her years of constantly shading him we didn’t know that :
Selena was literally a leech. She only wanted him for drama.
She constantly led Justin to making him think there was a future for their relationship. This is also known as What Do You Mean aka what esmg told you guys in 2014 but no one listened.
She made him feel like he owes it to her to help her because she made him believe that he was the reason for her drug addiction.
Now I’m NOT saying Justin is/was a saint. Justin and Selena both had their issues with each other and they constantly picked fights together. But while Justin was getting backstabbed every 5 seconds, you would think Selena would back off. Plus, Selena was the main reason for a bunch of things getting released on Justin. Again i’m not saying Justin was a saint. He was the one that choose to go to strip clubs and hang out with backstabbing snakes, but Selena also had a big part to play in his downfall.
B. Influences
Justin STOPPED hanging out with anyone who could possibly care about him. He thought “Hey, everyone that I once thought cared about me, ended up hurting me so I’m going to hang out with people that I know don’t care.” He did this because he was tired of being backstabbed by people he thought were his friends. So now he got backstabbed by people who weren’t his friends and he didn’t expect much from them.
These were some of the people he chose to hang out with..

NONE of these people cared about him. They mostly cared about the lifestyle he could offer them. Money, fame, girls, parties, hot spots, etc.
These people sometimes passed around his black card like it was a toy. They partied in his hosue and used his name to get girls.
This is something a housekeeper that worked for Justin for 12 months (2013-2014) said.
This is them using Justin’s house as a drug den/club.
Guess who leaked those pictures to TMZ?
Also, Justin was usually NOT HOME when this happened.
His housekeeper also said this:
While Justin’s buddies ruined his reputation by partying in his house Justin was on tour.
Around these times, Justin was a complete mess. He was getting high every single second and his so called friends would drug him occasionally.
The drugs were sent daily to Justin’s house by a legal drug company that uses things like weed for medicine. It’s no surprise Justin got them sending him drugs. They came in forms of candy. Lollipops and cookies and there would be weed in them.
Justin was very weak and drugged up whenever he was in his house.
We believe Justin’s housekeeper got Za mixed up for someone else because based on what we know about Lil Za, he wouldn’t hurt Justin intentionally. And if she didn’t get Za mixed up, then we believe Za was ordered to give Justin drugs by someone or maybe even by Justin himself. As we said, based on what we know, Za wasn’t a bad friend. We used to confuse Za with his other friends like Khalil or Twist, so our sources think this is the reason.
Here are some other examples of Justin being soulless and dead-like.
“When they do drugs, they act strange.” Geez.
So those were all the things he experienced in 2013/2014. Let’s talk about how that changed him as a person.
He felt empty inside because he felt like he was property.
He was depressed because the love of his life messed with him every chance she got and she did not want him back. And when she did, she would leave.
He thought, “Oh everyone hates me, I hate myself too.”
He started not caring about his career and showing up late to some shows because he felt dead inside. He was depressed and people who are depressed, lose motivation to do anything.
He thought Beliebers did not know the real him so he did not care about their support either. Another part of him thought Beliebers were turning their back on him so he even felt more alone. It was like his mind was playing good cop, bad cop, with him.
All of that shaped the person he became later on. That pain led to doing a lot of drugs and sleeping around with a lot of women. It was not because he was an asshole who was a sex/crack addict. It was because he was a human who was hurting and no one cared about him as a person. They cared about the money and fame they will get from leeching onto him. So because of that, we got BIZZLE; someone who did not care about himself. He put himself in trouble because it was some sick and twisted way of seeing “Will people actually care for my well being?” and “I don’t even care about my well being. I hope to die.”
As you can see, his mentality changed from loving the fame and attention. He was no longer having fun. He didn’t think people liked him for HIM. He thought people liked him for status and wealth. Hence why he became distant from his fans and stopped doing interviews for a while. And him getting booed at the 2013 Billboard awards broke him. Because at one point he thought, “Oh not even people who know me as a celebrity like me anymore. Everyone hates me.” Of course that led to more depression which led to drugs and meaningless sex to relieve pain. It was a viscous cycle.
During the end of 2014 was when Justin decided to get help. Everyone thinks Justin was addicted to drugs, but he wasn’t. He just depended on them to relieve pain. Justin decided to get help and he went to therapy and wanted to get closer to his religion.
He became friends with people who cared for him. Hailey Baldwin became close to him during the very end of 2014 and as much as you all hate to admit it, she stood by Justin and was someone who would listen. This is also part of the reason why Hailey was very special to him later on in 2015. She helped him get out of the slump he was living in since the end of 2012.
Other good friends were Kendall Jenner and Lil Za. Kendall, Hailey, and Justin were a trio for a while. Scooter Braun also helped Justin towards his mental recovery too. A big part of his recovery was also finding God again. He lost sight of his love for God during his days of playing Bizzle.
That’s why he constantly talks about Jesus and his purpose. He went through 2 years of hell and recovered.
Justin in 2015
So 2015 was one of the good years for Justin. He started the year off with the Bieber Roast.
A smart PR move to make Justin seem fun and loveable again. Even though the roast was a PR move, there wasn’t really anything about it that made it fake. He deserved to get roasted worse.
Justin also got closer to Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin. Finally, real friends who don’t want to see him overdose.

He dropped almost everyone that was toxic in his life. The only people he kept were Khalil and Alfredo. Justin doesn’t even hang out that much with Khalil anymore.
Justin was finally making red carpet appearances after taking a two year break.
He was releasing music and going to interviews not stoned *lmao* and basically telling you guys what we have been saying for the past years.
He was getting closer to our favorite esmg reade- I mean Hailey. He even took her on vacation to meet his family and be around his siblings. JUSTIN DOESN’T BRING JUST ANY GIRL TO MEET HIS SIBLINGS.
This is something you have to know about Justin. If he sees you as a serious potential girlfriend, he’ll let you meet his siblings and family. If you’re just some girl he is messing with, he won’t let you near them.
But yes. Justin liked Hailey and she liked him back.
Read all of our Jailey posts under the Jailey tag:
Justin was really happy around these times. He finally had a soul. He was getting back into the industry and was starting to get well liked again. You could even say that he missed the good fame a bit.
His music was a bop and everyone of all ages listened to Purpose. Even guys.
He. Was. Happy.
Fun Justin fact; He’s really sensitive. Like “If I care about your opinion and you call me ugly, I’ll be very hurt” type sensitive. He’s also really emotional and loves to trust someone to the point where he can have a deep convo with them.
Justin in 2016/2017
Okay so after everyone was calm and happy in 2015, 2016 and 2017 is where people start complaining about things Justin does.
For example, the most popular complaint is Justin’s “No Photos” policy.
Clearly if something like this is getting this amount of attention, it’s a big complaint.
Okay so let’s explain why Justin doesn’t like taking pictures with fans even though you should probably have an understanding considering what you just read about him in 2013/2014.
1. All Justin used to care about was his fame and fans. He was scared to even utter the name “Selena” because he was scared of his fans and didn’t want to hurt them. Justin did SO MUCH so people can like him. He cared so much about what people thought of him. He wanted to be a perfect little angel for everyone. Even if that means constantly eating shit from other people.
2. When Justin changed the most (2013-2014) he did not care about anything. “You wanna take my credit card and buy 10 Christian Louboutins? Sure. You wanna use my house as a drug den? Be my guest. You wanna shove random drugs in my mouth? Why not? You wanna hang out with me after abandoning me as a child? Don’t see a problem with that. I love you and you wanna use me for my fame? Why not, as long as I get to see you.” was his mentality!
3. The main reason he does not like taking pictures with fans is because it makes him feel like PROPERTY. He went through 2 years of people using him and not caring about him, he no longer wanted to feel that way. It’s not like he hates Beliebers. He would rather TALK to Beliebers as a HUMAN as opposed to take 1,000 pictures with people just for them to say “I got a picture with THE JUSTIN BIEBER!” And newsflash, Justin can’t differentiate between fake fans and Beliebers!
This is also the same reason he cancelled meet & greets!
The point is, he was a complete mess. So when he changed and got better, his view of life changed.
As you guys know, religion is a safe zone for Justin. He gets a lot of comfort from religion. So instead of focusing on fame and fortune, he focuses on God.
Now I’m not saying Justin is some adorable saint. Usually when people go through dramatic life changes, religion is what grounds them.
As Justin’s focus shifted from fame, fortune, hookers, drugs to: God; his outlook on fame changed.
1. He doesn’t like when people treat him like a big star. Um hello, he almost died in 2013-2014 because he was a ‘’big shot’’
2. He feels caged when people crowd him and shove cameras in his face. Also note, he’s claustrophobic.
3. Like I said before, Justin is sensitive and wants to have deep conversations with fans. He doesn’t hate his fans, he’s just sick of being photographed and treated like an animal.
Let’s compare a couple of scenarios with justin.
When you shove cameras in his face:
Some of you guys are scared to eat in front of a guy, can you imagine having 50 people looking directly at you and filming you?
When you don’t shove a camera in his face:
You guys would rather trade a happy Justin, who hugs everyone and has nice deep convos with them, for a shitty ass photo where he looks at you like you just killed his mom?
Can’t relate!
Moral of the story is: if you want a nice interaction with Justin, don’t be rude and shove a phone in his face.
Let’s move on.
So in 2016, Justin hung out with Sofia Richie.
Like we have said before, Justin didn’t date Hailey in 2015 because he knew he was going on tour.
I don’t know if you guys have ever been in a relationship before, but you should know it’s a lot of work. So you can’t really start a new relationship then go “well se ya in 2 yrs.” So they both agreed to call it off.
Also, Justin is scared of commitment because his relationship with Selena was so toxic. He’s scared to trust another girl like that. So he chose to run off with Sofia and made Hailey look stupid. Justin didn’t know that Selena sent Sofia to distance him from Hailey.
All posts about Sofia Richie can be found here:
Also Justin stopped caring so much about what the world thought of him. Notice how he used to care so much and now he does not? So yes during that iconic instagram fight between Justin and Selena, his comment was not planned and shook everyone including Selena. He replied because he felt stronger than her for once. He refused to let her control the narrative.
And ever since he put her in her place, she hasn’t dared shade him again. That spineless girl went from shading him for FOUR years to staying mute after he finally shut her down.
Read the post on that here:
Sofia Richie was basically a fling.
Let’s move on.
Justin is not sober— lmao okay let me explain.
Justin was never addicted to drugs. He was just very dependent on them. So he can drink and smoke without you guys crying over it. He does try not to though.
So the following is a complete summary of who Justin is as a person. We took in all of your questions from ask. We just explained everything he went through and how that shaped him. Time to end it!
Justin is a very kind and sensitive man. He’s hilarious and extremely giving. He won’t go out of his way to hurt someone. He fucks up a lot like any human being. He doesn’t really have anger issues at all. He would not physically lash out on anyone if it’s not self defense. He’s not a druggie. He doesn’t hate his fans. He doesn’t hate women. Justin respects women a lot because of what his mother endured. Justin loves to joke around with people he cares about. He hates being treated like a celebrity. He loves sleeping with women as you would expect a single man of his age would. He is not a rude human being who thinks he’s above anyone. If you disrespect him and violate him or treat him like a caged celebrity, you will get that disrespect in return.
He’s not a Trump supporter. Justin is not the most educated person, but he does not let his privilege blind him from real issues. He’s aware of the world’s problems and wishes he could help everyone. He’s not a racist asshole who wants black people dead, Mexicans deported, or Muslims to not exist. Again, he’s not the most educated in the sense that he could pull up receipts on why the Black Lives Matter movement a thing, but he’s educated in the sense that he knows there’s a stereotypical problem in the world and it is something he doesn’t approve of.
Another thing about Justin’s personality is that he’s hilarious. That’s why a lot of people like to be around him. He’s actually a very funny guy. He doesn’t have dark humor. He laughs at like almost anything. Like things people from stan twitter won’t find funny, he’ll find hilarious for 13 hours.
He searches up news about him sometimes.
He loves throwback things from the good ol days.
He loves starting drama as we’ve told you. He’s that unbothered troll while everyone else is fuming over what he did.
He HATES people telling him that his dad is using him. Ha ha.. srry Justin!
He hates people who think they know everything about him. When we were told this, we thought “well the exposingsmg team doesn’t care what you think, Bizzle you head ass!” but what Justin means about that is that he hates those people on social media, who go around acting like they know what he’s been through.
He’s no longer into his appearance anymore. Like he’s not into the flashy clothes really. He was in the beginning of his fame but as we just explained to you, that was all NEW. He’s used to it now. This doesn’t mean that he won’t buy $3,000 house slippers. He’s no longer into the custom-made-bedazzled-tour-outfits as you can see.
He hates media outlets that also act like they have the inside scoop. He used to hate us when he was up Selena’s asshole while we weren’t. But he came around and was like “oh I’m glad someone is telling MY side of the story.” It’s not too late to send a thank you email with some nice chocolates, Justin! We DID A LOT OF DAMAGE CONTROL ON TWITTER WHILE YOUR DUMB PR TEAM COULDN’T DO WHAT WE DID! ….. okay we are calm.
No Justin does not think he’s better or above anyone because he’s rich and famous. And unlike most celebrities, he won’t decide to associate with you based on your fame. You will be more than welcomed into Justin’s life even if you are a Youtuber with 10k subscribers. After what he endured in 2013/2014, trust me when I tell you, Justin would rather have non-famous friends.
Frequent questions:
Would Justin date a fan?
That’s a popular question we get asked. Justin would not date a fan who’s screaming in his face “OMG I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU” and shoving a camera in his face if that’s what you’re asking about. But yes Justin would date a fan if he felt a special connection with them. However, that would not be anytime soon because of his commitment issues. And btw, Hailey Baldwin was a fan of his and they almost happened. So if you’re asking about non-famous fans, the answer is also yes. But keep in mind that Justin would be skeptical and think you might be using him. If you were a fan who wanted to use him, then Bizzle would have appreciated you.
What does Justin like in a girl?
This is one of the top 3 most asked questions.
IF YOU DON’T USE HIM AND SELL HIM OUT TO THE WORLD, HE’LL LIKE YOU! I don’t know why you guys think that Justin has a list of things he likes in a girl, and would only abide by that list. Of course if you look nice, you will catch his attention. It’s not like any of you get attracted to someone who doesn’t take care of themselves or appearance. Justin likes a girl who is funny, caring, and thoughtful. He wants a family one day so if you’re thinking that you just wanna marry the Justin Bieber and be a trophy wife, you’re out.
What does Justin like to do in his free time?
Justin is not an alien coming from a different galaxy. What you all like to do in 2017, is not that different from Justin. However, he does not like social media in the sense of stan twitter. Based on what we know, he likes Instagram a lot. He likes memes. He loves watching funny videos. He loves playing sports and trying different sports. He’s very COMPETITIVE. Boy will not sleep the night if you beat him in a sport. He will make it his life’s mission to beat you. He loves going out and chilling in clubs. He loves traveling. He likes being in places without the paparazzi. He does the usual like me and you in the sense that we like watching TV shows and movies. He likes watching The Bachelorette from time to time.
How is Justin in bed?
Now how would I know this? Have I slept with him? No! Unless Justin thinks the people behind exposingsmg might have hooked up with him one time.
Is Justin bisexual?
No. Based on what we know, that boy loves sex… with only WOMEN. Now do I know if he watches gay porn? No. I don’t watch it with him.
Some random facts:
Justin would be the type to pay the bill whether that is with friends or on a date.
Justin is a HUGE romantic. He will want to give his girl everything. You want to relive The Notebook? So does he!
Justin loves the idea of a traditional gentlemen
He’s a dry ass texter. We’ve seen some of your conversations with friends, Justin!
He’s the type to want to make the work friends, his personal friends. He doesn’t look at you like oh-you’re-JUST-my-butler.
Justin does not hold a grudge….. which is disgusting. You know how the saying goes “Forgive, but don’t forget.” Justin is “Forgive and forget.” Which is why he often eats a lot of shit. He must like the flavor or something.
Contrary to what many believe, Justin is NOT stupid. He’s very smart and aware of what people tend to do to him NOW, unlike Bizzle was. The only thing he’s not aware of is who is providing exposingsmg with information and that’s how it’s going to stay.
Justin does love animals, but he’s not at that type of level to like not wear real fur. He doesn’t see it that way just like many people don’t. To him, it’s GUCCI MAN!
Justin does not treat women badly. Like I said, he has that gentlemen persona. And what this means is that if Justin and a girl are having a fight for example, he will argue back. What he will not do is physically hit her. Fun fact: Justin and Selena were arguing one time and she threw a high heeled shoe at him as he was walking away (LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) and Justin had to hold her back because she was wildin. Damn I would pay good money for a video of that.
Justin is the jealous type, but if we’re talking about Selena and The Weeknd, he’s more than grateful to see her away from him. They had a toxic relationship for years as you should know by now.
Justin is very stubborn. He can crack cement with that hard head of his. If he does not want to do something, he will NOT do it. If he wants to do something, you will NOT stop him. Please note that we are talking about sober Justin. Not drunk Justin. Fun fact: Scooter and Justin had many fights over the years involving Selena, and Justin would usually not listen.
If Justin is not in the mood to interact with fans, he won’t interact with fans. He’s the type to say “it’s my Sunday off!”
Justin is also a very sexual person. I lowkey feel like we are sometimes talking to 7th graders. Like hello! Human beings are sexual people! The same people hating on Justin for possibly having a threesome, are the same ones writing about it on fun140 back in the old stan twitter!
He’s the type to hurt your feelings without meaning to.
Here’s a funny picture of Justin falling.
I would like to think we have answered ALL possible questions about Justin. I hope you all enjoyed this post. It took a while to write as you can probably tell why. We hope that you have a better understanding of who Justin is as a person and why he did certain things. Please note that we are not saying that Justin is a saint who can do no wrong, but overall, he is a very good and caring person who will not hurt anyone intentionally.
If you guys want other posts on different celebrities as people, let us know! We love you. This begins our spring marathon!