It Ain’t Me by Selena Gomez & Kygo rips off Shawn Mendes’ Three Empty Words.
A fellow reader on Twitter, @BumbleBeeeBiebs, brought it to my attention that Selena Gomez and Kygo’s new song “It Ain’t Me” ripped off the entire chorus melody of Shawn Mendes’ song “Three Empty Words.”
Check it out for yourself. I even layered both songs on top of each other and there’s barely a difference.
I know that in the music industry songs are sampled from each other and whatnot, but usually it’s credited. In this case it’s not. It’s not mentioned at all. I just posted my review on It Ain’t Me so read it here:
In that post, I praise how the ripped off verse is everything and how I adore it and its vibe. LITTLE DID I KNOW I WAS LISTENING TO A MELODY THAT SHOULD BE UNDER COPYRIGHT FROM SHAWN MENDES.

The video I linked above shows how it’s literally the exact sound.
For a song with 5 writers. they sure could have come up with a melody that wasn’t the same thing for Shawn’s entire song, but those are just my two cents.
What I would like to bring up is how Selenators dragged Demi Lovato a couple of months ago, for her song “Body Say” apparently being the same thing as “Good For You.” If you listen to both songs, any person with working ears can see that they are both very, very different. Where are those Selenators at right now though?

And also, where are Shawn’s lawyers?

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