The problem with Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift NOT attending the Women’s March.
When all the other pop girls attended the Women’s March and “feminist icons” Selena and Taylor didn’t, their fans were shaking in fear with “omg now ExposingSMG is going to drag them!” Specifically Selena. And you’re right. We’re here to end them, but not with hate and hypocrisy because I’m well aware not everyone attended the march.

Before I begin, let me just say I am so proud of this generation for standing up for what they believe in and refusing to live in fear and unfairness. This is iconic! Women and men stood up for equality and fairness. Different religions, sexes, sexualities, came together as one and that’s how it should always be. I no longer fear for my generation. I stand proud with them. No one can describe the feeling of standing in unity in that march. Yes, Alana and I went of course and that’s also why we have been a little inactive. I slept for like 15 hours the day after. Anyways, let’s start!
Many celebrities attended the march and I was so proud to see celebrities finally “talk about something that fucking matters!” and do something about what they believe in.
The major pop girls, minus Selena and Taylor attended.

Demi Lovato spoke at the march.

Miley Cyrus was there along with her Happy Hippie campaign.

Ariana Grande.
And of course, Alana and I’s queen, Miss Emily Vancamp was there.

Truly a Canadian icon.
Many many many other celebrities, men and women, were there but we’re obviously not going to include them all because that will take a while.
Demi, Miley, and Ariana are known to talk about feminism, women’s rights, and more, all the time.

There’s way more things they have done regarding these specific issues, but I’m type lazy to find everything right now.
The point is, they use their voice for “something that fucking matters!” The difference between them and Taylor & Selena is they don’t use feminism just because it’s a popular trend and something they could use to benefit their image.
Demi was 100% right when she said this:

She got dragged for that comment but she was only speaking the TRUTH. Everyone claims feminism because it’s the “in” trend, but they don’t do shit about it.
I mean Demi is one of the most active speakers and she gets a shit ton of hate for…. fighting for what she believes in. Demi specifically talks about black lives, human rights, women’s rights, the LGBTQ+ community’s rights, and feminism, constantly. She goes to white house to try to fix the problem with drugs. She holds constant campaigns trying to spread awareness about mental illness. And you know what she gets called? Extra and dramatic.
Miley and Ariana receive hate as well, but not as much as Demi.
Now we have Selena Gomez who comes and says some bullshit quote about depression at a huge event which was used as her comeback from a drug related rehab visit, and she gets praised.

Selena constantly put down women that Justin Bieber was with and that gets ignored.
Taylor Swift has an entire era putting down Katy Perry for some expired and dry ass feud and she gets praised + the song goes #1.
Selena and Taylor are even more hypocritical and far from feminists regarding the things they do behind closed doors, things I’ve exposed, but let’s just talk about what they do in front of cameras so everyone can understand.
The reason why people were mad that Selena and Taylor didn’t attend the march was because they constantly use feminism FOR THEIR IMAGE. When it’s time to fight for something, they’re mute. However, when it’s time to drag another celebrity or try to make themselves look like saint, that’s all we hear about on social media and in the general public.
In 2013, Lorde said she didn’t like the message of Selena’s song Come & Get It.

Selena the idiot, then attacks Lorde for not being a feminist because she’s apparently putting her down.

That’s not even what feminist means you moron!
Selena attacked Barbara Palvin for hanging out with Justin and got her friends to do the same.

She proceeded to make like two dance videos because she’s pathetic, but let’s ignore that. I made an entire video on Selena shading Justin and you can watch that.
She likes things on Instagram that praise her as being better than any girl Justin is with:

But she later on claims to hate comparisons!

Again, doing things that benefit HER image.
And here’s something she said about feminism and girl power.

Again with the no competition yet wasn’t she liking pictures proving that she’s better than the other girls her ex was spotted with a million years after their breakup?
I mean Selena brags about doing charity and thinks everyone should be nice to her because she does charity.

Um sweetie, no one owes you anything for being a decent person.

Selena shamed models’ bodies by claiming she’s too normal unlike them who are apparently not normal in her eyes.
On top of that, she was one of the main stars in the Bad Blood video, a song and video about Katy Perry.

As we can see, Selena puts other girls down and thinks she’s better than them. In her definition of what a feminist is, that’s not feminism.
When Selena gets asked about speaking about things that “fucking matter!” she stays mute.

When something huge like the women’s march happens, she doesn’t even have the audacity to use her “voice for something that fucking matters.” Not only did she dismiss the black lives matter movement completely, but she only uses feminism and real world problems to benefit her image.

Okay Selena. Don’t hashtag something since we don’t know what you DO. But what did you DO for feminism? What did you DO for black lives? What did you DO for anyone or anything that did not benefit you?
Her fans will give you some bullshit things about Selena saying expired ass quotes that we all heard like:
“Don’t be afraid to be yourself!”
“Stand up for what you believe in!”
“Girls have each other’s backs!”
But we’ve all heard that! Selena is praised for being some social activist and using her voice and her huge platform yet she can barely address any important issues. Her fans brag about her being the most followed person on Instagram and Selena herself said it’s important to use that platform but what does she use Instagram for? Oh right! Liking shady posts about Justin Bieber constantly, putting other girls down, and promoting herself.

Good job, Selena. Thanks for using your voice for something that fucking matters.
Her leader Taylor Swift isn’t as bad her, but she’s also kind of dumb.

Taylor has said a bunch of shit about feminism, girl power, and yadda yadda. She uses feminism to defend herself when people saying all she writes is about guys and she hits back saying “oh so it’s okay if guys can write about girls, but I can’t?” She has an entire squad talking about feminism and girl power, which is all for publicity of course.
But what does Taylor also do? Taylor puts other women down and makes fun of them.

Taylor has never mentioned the black lives matter movement. She never spoke out about LGBTQ+ rights. She never mentioned anything about feminism that doesn’t benefit her.
Don’t get me wrong, she donates a lot to charity, sick kids, and whatnot. However, Taylor feels that she will lose her percentage of racist and homophobic audience if she speaks about important things. She fears she will lose the fragile white men who fear feminism, if she speaks about the real issues regarding feminism and WHY feminism is important. No one will hate on Taylor for donating to sick children, but they will hate on her if she speaks about the harsh truth behind why feminism is needed and why it’s important.

Feminism isn’t just about not putting girls down and equality, ahem Selena. It’s about equal rights to women so they don’t fear going home to their husbands who spill acid on them in they don’t listen to them. Yes true story. Feminism isn’t a black and white topic. Feminism is about how girls who are raped aren’t taken seriously because of their outfits as opposed to their rapists who are praised for what they do in life.
However, Taylor and Miss Selena Gomez are branded as this generation’s biggest feminists on social media while others who do more than use it for their own benefit, get attacked. The only time you ever hear Selena and Taylor speak about feminism is when it benefits them. THAT’S the problem. Celebrities don’t need to speak about feminism and other social issues. They don’t have to do anything except do their job as a celebrity and release music and whatever else they do. HOWEVER, when those same celebrities use those sensitive issues to parade around how great their image is, then we EXPECT them to talk about those issues when something is happening. That’s why it’s a problem for people like Taylor and Selena not to attend or address the women’s march.
Morons on Twitter mentioned a bunch of guys who didn’t attend but again, that’s irrelevant because most of those celebrity guys you mentioned, don’t use things like feminism to brand their image. One act mentioned was Twenty One Pilots, but um.. they were on tour during the women’s march and if you actually listen to their songs, they talk about all the issues out there. Most of Twenty One Pilots’ songs address mental health, the media, the problems with society, and more.
Not everyone can attend the march and that’s completely fine. However, don’t use something for your own benefit and for the good of your image, and then stay mute about things regarding that topic.
So I hope you understood the point of this post. This doesn’t just go for Taylor and Selena, but other people like them who use subjects to benefit them only, but never for the greater good.
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