Demi Lovato and friends are building schools in Africa + more charitable celebrities.
It’s always so upsetting to see someone like Demi Lovato, put so much care and time into doing charity work, and then you go on social media; specifically Twitter, to see the amount of hate she gets.

Demi is no stranger to charity. She was one of the most charitable celebrities in 2016 so to see her start off the year by building schools in Africa, is something that’s not surprising to me.

The reason I’m writing about this is because A. I want to and B. I feel like Demi is looked upon as some evil maniac when she’s truly one of the realest celebrities in the business.
I don’t like saying “Oh so and so does charity, let’s praise them!” Because if you do charity, you’re supposing to be doing it out of the good of your heart and not because you want a camera crew to photograph your every move.

So I just wanted to acknowledge everything that Demi has done because she gets a lot of shit for literally no reason.

And since I’m always exposing on this blog, let me take a moment to actually spread some… kindness. Some other very sweet and charitable celebrities that I have learned about are…
Sophia Bush

I don’t know if you guys know but Sophia is constantly doing charity work, working on spreading awareness, and more. It’s a blessing to follow her on Instagram. She’s a woke queen.
Annalynne Mccord

Annalynne does a lot of behind the scenes charity work. You don’t really hear about her but she’s always trying to help someone and she was one of my faves from 90210 so to hear that she’s actually one of the nicest celebrities is refreshing. Especially since her character was kind of a bitch the first two seasons lmao.
Well this post was kind of refreshing. We’ll back to more exposing later.