Exposed: Bella Thorne. Bella as a person, surgeries, PR, and more!

Due to high demand and the general public’s sudden interest in Bella Thorne, we’re here to fill you in!


Everything in this post is according to a reliable source. 

We first mentioned Bella Thorne in our December Tell All + Reveal. 

Check out the December Tell All:

Check out the December Tell All Revealed:


So let’s start!

A. Bella as a person


Bella can be either snobby or very nice. It depends who you are. Typically, Bella would be described as a “mean girl.”

She feels superior to others at times and will do something and be like “ugh I should be somewhere else not here.” Even if that something is a good deed or for a good event. Usually, Bella will do what she thinks will benefit her in the long run. 

Bella also wants to be the biggest celebrity there is. She wants to do anything to get there and as we’ve seen recently, she’s taking the controversial staircase to the road of fame and popularity. We’ll explain more when we talk about her publicity games. 

Also, according to some of my sources, Bella has been experimenting with the cliche drug; cocaine. That’s not surprising. I doubt she’s addicted right now though. She’s the type to do drugs at social events. 

As I said today on Twitter, celebrities do drugs like we drink water. I pissed off some stans regarding last night’s Zigi exposed but oh well! 

B. Bella Thorne’s Publicity Games 

Bella is very smart because she knows how to work the industry.. for now. Her and her team decide on certain times to release specific photos and do certain things. For example, Bella recently did a shoot for PlayBoy. 

*I am just using this shoot as an example*


Do you realize how she didn’t reveal all? I mean most stars bare it all when shooting for PlayBoy, but no no. Not Bella. Why? Everything has its timing. 

Everyone was shook and confused to why she’s shooting for PlayBoy since most people thought she was a little too young for that. So instead, she shoots for PlayBoy, gets everyone talking and gains a little bit more fame and popularity. 

When the timing is right, Bella will do a topless look and later on, a nude look. Why not all at once? Because they can’t just give away everything. Slowly they’ll show the general public more and more to keep them intrigued and interested. Don’t believe me? You’ll see. 

Another game in Bella’s publicity stunt is coming out as bisexual. 


Call me evil names for saying Bella coming out is publicity but give me a chance to explain. 

First of all, it was done directly after her breakup with Gregg Sulkin. We’ll get more into the guys she’s dated later on in this post. Gregg’s relevance to this topic is because no one assumed Bella was bisexual. Therefore no one was asking that question. 

“Oh but Angela, clearly someone asked her.” 

Second of all, the tweet that was directed at her was tweeted by an inactive user who made the account a month beforehand and only has THREE TWEETS. 


Their first tweet was this


After asking if Bella was bisexual, the account went inactive. 

Third of all, Bella replied back to the tweet within the half hour. Check out the time stamps. 


3:41 and 4:03? Come on, she couldn’t even wait half an hour to reply back to an inactive account. 

I rest my case.

It’s clear that this coming out thing was planned. Why? Well you’ll see in a moment when we discuss the guys she’s dated. 

Moving onto Bella’s new look. 

Lately, Bella has been doing things, dressing a certain way, and more to get people talking. That’s all part of a plan of course. 


Posting snapchats like


And look at her latest candids


She’s starting to dress more racy and all of that to get people talking. So she’s really changing up her style. But what else was changed about her? Keep reading. 

C. Plastic Surgery

Oh yes, you read that correctly. 

Let me show you some pictures and you can make your own conclusions. 

First off, a boob job. 


Still not convinced?


How about now?


According to my source, Bella got some work done there in 2015. 

Next up, a nose job


I mean come on?


Can’t say it’s contour because we made sure to either choose no makeup pictures or pictures with no contour. 

D. The Publicity Boys

We talked about Bella’s recent relationships in a separate post which you should read.

I’m not repeating what I said in that post so read it first to be clear on everything I’m saying. 

Here’s a quick timeline. 


This all happened in the span of like two months. 

One word. 


Yes ladies and gents you were all played. I don’t know about Gregg Sulkin but Tyler Posey and Charlie Puth were for publicity. The plan was to date, breakup, and have a dramatic breakup that will cause so many people to talk about it and you all fell into it. No Bella did not cheat on Charlie because they were never dating as she later states and because they were for publicity and Charlie is in on it too. 

#BellaThorneIsOverParty was the #1 trending topic on twitter for a day. Why? Because of this little planned stunt. 


Then Keke Palmer, who has recently been trying to get in the publicity game as well, gets involved.


As I said in my other post on Bella, why was Charlie so offended and claiming he was cheated on if you were not dating to begin with?


It’s a publicity stunt and they’re all in on it

E. Our Personal Thoughts On Bella

If you guys follow me on Twitter, you know that I said that I like Bella. Why? I like myself the occasional diva. I like a messy teenage star because hello?? I run an exposing blog.

For me, Bella is a fresh breath of air in the industry. All the current pop girls have matured and have kind of bored me. Their drama is repetitive and annoying. Bella is wild and she is giving me some serious Lindsay Lohan x Miley Cyrus x Britney Spears teas. Not in the talent aspect, but in the sense that when those stars were teens, they were also reckless, wild, and free, like Bella. 

Talent wise, I think she’s a great actress. I really liked her role in The Duff and on Scream. She played the mean girl in both because uh hello? She is a mean girl!


So that’s it. I hope you enjoyed our first post of 2017 and more exposing to come! 






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