Hailey Baldwin deletes her Instagram. Why?
Hailey recently deleted her instagram.

We didn’t get the chance to literally ask Hailey why she deleted her instagram but I spoke to my sources and here’s our two cents.

People on social media, specifically stan twitter, which is one of the most weirdest places on the Internet, can be ruthless. And yes I am aware I run an exposing blog, but anyone who actually reads my posts, knows that I’m usually not ruthless unless I need to be. Which is rare.
Hailey has been through alot this year just like most people did in 2016. It has been a confusing year and a difficult year for many.
If you guys don’t know Hailey’s background story with Justin Bieber, well then don’t worry because we’ll fill you in. Check it out here: http://www.exposingsmg.com/post/136730203026/exposed-justin-and-hailey-jelena-more-on
And then check out why they “broke up” here: http://www.exposingsmg.com/post/148869339286/exposed-what-is-going-on-between-justin-bieber
Because of her almost-relationship with Justin Bieber, Hailey has started to get a lot of hate from confused Beliebers (I say confused since she’s one of the few people who truly cared for Justin) and Selena Gomez’s useless fans.
Hailey is the type of person to get upset and bothered over the hate. There have been many times where Selena’s useless fans commented shit like “Selena is prettier” “Justin wants Selena” on her Instagram. It was really uncalled for and far from the truth considering it’s Selena stressing over Hailey, ain’t that right Sel? I know you’re doing your checkups still.

2016 is nearing its end and like most people, everyone is hoping for a better and more positive 2017. Hailey being one of them.
And what I just told you, it’s exactly what Hailey has recently said.

Of course after deleting her Instagram, she got a lot of hate for “copying” Justin and trying to get Justin’s attention.
Um.. let me remind you that it was Justin who reached out to Hailey first, most recently my dear friends. She already had his attention don’t worry. Plus, I didn’t see the same people bitching and moaning when Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid who deleted their instagrams (before Hailey and after Justin, may I add).

Like I said, Hailey is the type to let the hate bother her and Hailey if you’re somehow reading this, don’t let it get to you, fam. The fact that you can make people so angry shows how much power you have on them.
Anyways, so I had my source text me back about this situation and how Hailey is with the hate + how she deals with it, but I’m not going to post those messages because I don’t want haters to take advantage of anything. I’m not trying to make Hailey seem like some weak bitch. That plus I ALWAYS GOT HAILEY’S BACK BECAUSE SHE FOLLOWED ME ONCE (and unfollowed but hey, I still got her back!)

I vowed it the day she followed so exposingsmg team always got her back.
Regardless, social media in general is a brutal place for celebrities to be. I’m sure I make it worse for the ones I choose to expose (which they usually deserve exposing btw), so I don’t blame celebrities for not wanting to interact with stans.
A great man once said, “Instagram is for the devil.”
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