December Tell All REVEALED
We gave you 10 secrets and left it up to you to guess them. It’s time to reveal 8. Get ready.

Check out the December Tell All here:

Young celebrity couple = Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik
Hints = The picture shows a blonde princess who represents Gigi and her man is the knight in shining armor. Ring a bell?

Many of you struggled to figure this one out but eventually got it.
The one hobby that brings them closer together is doing cocaine. More about them coming in their own separate exposed post.
Okay so you know how I promised a Zigi exposed post? Yeah well this is the first part. TOMORROW IS THE ZIGI EXPOSED SO GET READY!

Model with a plain personality = Kendall Jenner
Hints = The picture showcasing a Victoria’s Secret model at the fashion show which is what Kendall participated in for two years. “highly relevant in pop culture because of her family” That hint should have told you it’s Kendall and not Gigi like many guessed.

So as we said in the Tell All, our sources tell us that Kendall has been hooking up with girls lately. Any rumored relationship with a man she had in the past was PR. Harry Styles being one of them. They never dated for real. So yeah there isn’t more to this. I would say she’s bisexual as opposed to just experimenting.

Young star = Bella Thorne
The guys = Tyler Posey and Charlie Puth
Hints = The girl with rainbow hair in the picture + how I described the order of events. This was fairly easy and the majority guessed this right.

Due to high demand, we will be having an exposed post on Bella Thorne explaining all of this, the secrets behind the plan, what’s to come, and Bella as a person. Make sure to leave any questions about her here or Instagram or Twitter. The post will be posted on the first day of 2017.

Popular married celebrity couple #1 = Kimye: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Rapper = Kanye West
Popular married celebrity couple #2 = Jayonce: Beyonce and Jay Z
Hints = The picture shows a TV to hint reality TV aka Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The microphone symbolizes the music factor in these relationships which is related to Kanye, Jay Z, and Beyonce. Also, we told you that there is a rapper involved.

Kanye has been having some trouble with his finances lately which shouldn’t be too surprising since I believe he said he was $53 million in debt, but everyone thought he was joking. Kim watches her money around him because Kim is not his sugga momma and the Kardashians in general watch over the fortune pretty well. They’re the type to get but not give in terms of money. Not in a bad way though. Regarding Jay Z and Beyonce; they don’t like Kimye. Jay Z and Kanye were cool but regarding Kanye’s recent comments, Jayonce want to distance themselves from them. Also, Kimye are more distant than they seem in the general public. They barely spend time together unless it’s for public appearances.
So as I was continuing to write this reveal, I realized it got too long. I did not plan on giving them a separate post but I’m going to have to considering the information we have and I usually don’t make the reveals long. Like Zigi and Bella Thorne, they will have a separate post.
Something that Kanye said in his rant is relevant to another thing we will reveal in this Tell All. We’re going to reveal Number 5 after we reveal Number 6 because it’s relevant to this drama.

Award show = Video Music Awards (VMAs)
A list singer = Beyonce
Tall A list singer = Taylor Swifnake
Hints = “bee” = Beyonce; Queen B, BeyHive, etc. “Snake” = that’s a popular insult for Taylor ever since Kim and Kanye exposed her. The logo of a video and the music symbols = VMAs.

Again, we are not going into the details of this situation because that will be in the post we just told you about. If you know what Kanye said in his rant, then this will make even more sense. If not, don’t worry. Ask your questions so we can answer them in the upcoming post.

Not-So-Famous-Irrelevant-Couple = Jack Gilinsky and Madison Beer
Hints = “6 seconds’ symbolizes vine which is what Jack started off on. The music symbols represents that they’re both musicians and Madison has a song named Melodies.

It was highly requested that we expose them so they’re getting their own separate post as well. I know, I’m spoiling you guys.

Almost there A- list celebrity = Bella Hadid
Now ex-boyfriend = The Weeknd or Abel Tesfaye
Hints = the model posing in the picture represents Bella. “Star” “Boy” = Starboy, the name of The Weeknd’s latest hit.

Bella Hadid is very insecure. I’m sure you all heard about her fabulous nose job.

It is very obvious that she got a nose job. Her makeup is usually very subtle and there are no harsh lines of contour. Compare no makeup pictures for confirmation. It’s clear she got a nose job. However, that’s not all. According to my sources, she spends hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to look perfect. If she doesn’t achieve that image of perfection in her mind, she will cry herself to sleep or whatnot. Kind of like Kylie Jenner. Because of her insecurity, she lets people walk all over her because she wants to please everyone. Abel wasn’t her bigger supporter either. I just know that he would make her do things that she was uncomfortable with and she would comply because she is so insecure with herself. On top of that, they didn’t really get along. They’re very different people. Bella is……. boring and has a plain personality. Abel is a wild womanizer.
Recently, Bella has started gaining popularity like her sister Gigi Hadid. There were moments of jealousy and envy between them.

It was Gigi who got all the attention. It was Gigi who was the blonde. It was Gigi who everyone focused on more out of the Hadid sisters and that in turn made Bella feel belittled and like she was less than Gigi. She wasn’t as cool or as pretty as her older sister and that added on to the extreme insecurity.
I hope she overcame that because in my opinion, she’s the star in the family.
Bella has developed some high level stardom like Gigi. Hopefully she doesn’t develop her habit of cocaine though. Don’t think she’s too clean though. At parties, she too develops a habit.

Power squad = Taylor Swift’s squad and whoever else is in it for the photo op
Hints = What else squad do you ever hear about except Taylor’s squad? The answer is none. Some of you said the Pretty Little Liars actresses for this and I don’t know why.

This is going to get very long so this will also get a separate post. There’s two different squads we will tell you about. Can you guess what?
We’ll give you the date for this post very soon.
Wow! So that concludes our final Tell All of 2016. Crazy. We can’t wait to spill more secrets and tea to you in 2017. When first coming up with the Tell All idea with Alana, we didn’t expect how many of you would like it and participate so we are truly shook.
When I was first writing this specific reveal, I did not know how many separate posts I’m going to make. Truth be told, we get told a lot of information on many different celebrities daily and sometimes the info goes in one ear and the out the other. So when I write down the information, everything starts coming back to me and I’m like “oh shit this is a lot.” I will give you a date for all the separate posts so you can know when to expect them!
Here’s the schedule so far:

The rest of the posts will soon follow!
We love you guys and can’t wait to make the first Tell All of 2017! See you tomorrow for our big exposed post on ZIGI!

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