PCN: A timeline of Bella Thorne’s relationships, drama, and more. #BellaThorneIsOverParty
The #1 worldwide trend right now is…

because Charlie Puth basically “exposed” Bella for being a cheater. Here’s everything that went down with Bella this year!

Personally, I like Bella. Not because she’s a saint or anything but because we need a wild and reckless teenager among us. The pop girlies right now are kinda boring and “mature” so Bella is here to spice things up.
So here’s a timeline of Bella Thorne’s scandalous 2016; starting with only her semi-relevant relationship.
1. Gregg Sulkin

Gregg and Bella dated for roughly a year until breaking up in August 2016.
Here’s some pictures of their relationship, which seemed kind of innocent.

Not going to lie, they were kind of cute together… until Bella and him called it quits and she came out as bisexual and was seen dating Bella Pendergast.
2. Bella Pendergast

After breaking up with Gregg, Bella came out as bisexual when a random inactive Twitter account, asked her if she was bi.

The funny part is, no one was asking if she was bi or anything. I mean after dating Gregg for a year, no one suspected that she was bisexual. Anyways, Bella continued to post pictures of her and Bella P.

Bella also said that Bella P is her soulmate.

Bella P is the ex-girlfriend of Bella’s brother btw.

3. Tyler Posey

Within a month, Bella had already moved on to Teen Wolf star, Tyler Posey!
And they were THAT annoying celeb couple.

Who also showed a lot of PDA.

Bella also went around saying that Tyler is her soulmate and that she was in love with him. Also, let me point out that this relationship came about after Tyler Posey came out as gay and then said “lol i was jus jokin!”

And also…

4. Charlie Puth

Like two weeks after dating Tyler Posey, she started dating Charlie Puth.
They were spotted a couple of times together and even made a red carpet appearance all in the span of 3 days!

And then drama started even more when Charlie Puth took to Twitter to say that Bella was cheating on him and he did not know that she was still with Tyler!
If you want to read the tweets in order, read from the bottom up since these are screenshotted from Twitter.

Bella’s response is…

But why was Charlie so offended and claiming he was cheated on if you were not dating???
Also, after Charlie’s dramatic tweets [the ones stamped 17 and 16 hours ago in the tweets above], Bella tweeted this.

Sadly that tweet did not get as much attention as she would have hoped.

So basically, Bella and Tyler have been broken up for 2 weeks, yet she posted pictures of her with both Tyler and Bella P right after once again reminding us all that she’s bi-sexual… and then Charlie having an emotional breakdown over being cheated on only to have Bella say they are not dating.

Wow! Now you see why I like Bella? I like myself a messy teenage star! And as an exposing blog, I sure love drama.
Nothing happens coincidentally in Hollywood. I’ll leave you to figure this all out by yourself and stay tuned because we might just have some inside info on Bells.
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