Selena Gomez’s fans are bullying a girl because they think it’s me.
Are you really surprised that the barbarians Selena claims as fans are just as uneducated and embarrassing like her?

The girl in the above photo has been receiving a lot of hate and has been bullied in the past 24 hours because one specific Selenator spread the rumor that this random girl is me. Yes she is getting hate because of me which is why I feel like the need to address this.
Do not think I am addressing this matter because I’m mad that people think this is me considering there is nothing wrong with the girl in photo. She is beautiful and doesn’t deserve to be ripped apart over her appearance because Selena’s insecure fans can’t accept what my blog exposes.
It all started with this rodent who we will deal with later. It’s only a matter of time, my friend.

I blurred out the girl’s name because I’m not trying to invade her privacy like the roaches Selena calls fans and I’m not trying to get the thousands who read exposingsmg, to find her on the Internet even though that’s easily accessible considering that the tweet is public.
Of course that tweet garnered the attention of many Selenators who hate me who went on to continue the bullying parade on this poor girl.

There’s more, but you get the point.

Yes they even went as far as 2011 for some random post on Jelena. Uh you all aware how many people wanted Jelena exposed in 2011 or?
The funny thing is, they’re basing this on no proof! Their proof is that the girl tweeted the link to my blog!

Do you know how many people tweeted the link to ExposingSMG? I guess we’re all me!

That’s his proof.

How solid!
You guys know me. The hate does not affect me and it never has. I get told to die and get cancer on a daily basis and even though that’s harsh, it doesn’t affect me. I am content with my life and secure with myself so insecure stans who need some love, don’t hurt my feelings. I am making this post to bring awareness to the fact that the comments you are making towards the girl as if it was me, can truly hurt a person. The girl ended up contacting me and telling me that she’s fine because she’s dealt with bullying for 18 years so she’s used to it.
That is NOT okay. You shouldn’t accustomed to bullying for it to become normal behavior.
My posts are not direct hate towards Selena or anyone for that matter. I do not attack anyone’s appearance and if I did in my earlier days, sorry. I have learned from that. My posts are spilling pure information on certain situations and in some cases, bringing the underdog’s perspective to light. I try to educate all my readers on Hollywood and the media with every post. My intention isn’t for you to spread hate.
Here are some messages between the girl and I.

There’s more to it but you get the jist.
She allowed me to give out her Twitter user so if you want to go show her some love:
Anyways, so Selenators went as far as contacting her on facebook.

Some of my readers reached out to her and defended her so I’m proud to have such woke people supporting this blog. I really do love you guys a lot. You deserve scalding tea every single day.
Now… back to the Selenators who think they can get away with attempting to expose me.

Have you forget what happened to dear Ronnie?
Some would argue that this video is considered bullying but really, we were just trying to bring awareness to Ronnie’s condition. Selenators, you do not want us to bring awareness to your condition.
You can ask every other account that we’ve exposed on Twitter within the past 2 months. Selenators think they are so brave coming back into my mentions because they feel safe again. No no. We may have said we are going to chill on exposing stan twitter, but I will come after you if you give me a reason to.
As you can tell, I’m pretty hated. So why would you ever think that if I had a Facebook, it would be accessible to the public? On top of that, I’ve said several times that not many people in my life know about my blog due to safety reasons. So again, why would you think I would post about my blog on a public Facebook account? Do you think I’m stupid?
Trust me, if you exposed me and were sending my personal information out on social media, you would know you properly exposed me because I would make sure it turned legal. Let’s just say, you would get an interesting call. You can sue for harassment you know? So go ahead, attempt to find me. Prove that you are a threat to my well being in some way, shape, or form.
Goes for you too, Selena! Now that you’re out of rehab, you can keep checking up with exposingsmg yourself and won’t need your minions reporting back with information. She’s going to stay shut though. She knows why.
Ya girl has her eyes on some cute designer booties that money from a lawsuit can easily buy.

With that being said, this isn’t over.
Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account):
Update Twitter (check for the new posts or updates there!):
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