DailyESMG: Hailey Baldwin and Ashton Irwin? More on her relationship with Justin Bieber.
Here’s the first update - http://www.exposingsmg.com/post/152788966286/dailyesmg-justin-bieber-and-hailey-baldwin-an
As promised, I’m back with more information on the relationship of these two.

I’m not going to be restating information from the last post so make sure you read that first.
First I’m going to tell you what my source told me and then I’ll address the questions that you asked here, on twitter.
As we said in the first update, Hailey is not holding a grudge towards Justin as she has no reason to considering they both mutually called off their almost-relationship before the Purpose tour started. What grudge am I talking about?
Sofia Richie.

Sofia Richie doesn’t like Hailey and was set up by a mutual from both Justin & Selena’s side (mainly Selena) in order to completely destroy any leftover hanging feelings that Justin & Hailey might still have for each other after calling it off.
You can read all about that here - http://www.exposingsmg.com/tagged/jofia
Guess what?
Hailey knows all about that.

Either she heard the grand scheme from mutuals or read it on my blog. Yes she knows about this blog considering all of Justin & Selena’s circles do. Plus, she followed me on Twitter at a time of inactivity, a couple of months ago. Then, unfollowed.
Besides, we all know the saying, girls find out everything.
Hailey finding out about that whole thing kind of broke the ice between Justin and her considering she knows he didn’t go out of his way to literally seem like he played her in front of the entire world.
Like we said in the last post, Hailey and Justin are currently going on separate paths. As soon as we said that, photos of Hailey and Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer came out.

You shouldn’t ever be surprised if you read this blog because everything turns out according to how the posts tell you they will.
Anyways, as we said in the last update, Hailey is talking to other guys and is just enjoying life. There’s not much to that.
However, wouldn’t it be really cool if Hailey and Ashton started dating and Justin got mad (because he’s the type to get jealous at that as if he wasn’t groping Sofia Richie not too long ago)? Can you imagine the juicy drama filled posts you’d be getting?! Come through, Ashton!

They’d be pretty cute together!

Here is Hailey today with Anwar Hadid, Bella & Gigi Hadid’s younger 17 year old brother.
Again, nothing too serious.
Moving onto your questions.
No Justin and Hailey don’t talk on the daily right now. I mean would you still be close with someone if you were in their circumstance? Probably not.
No Hailey isn’t obsessed with him. She’s just an understanding girl that was in Justin’s life (Selena can’t relate!).

That all depends on whether or not they will reconcile their relationship. If so, he’s going to have to show in some way that he’s sorry for everything that’s turned out.

Hailey just doesn’t have a bitter mindset. She could be liking those pictures reminiscing on the good times. I can’t give you a direct answer to that except for the fact that she’s not a bitter leech.
Yes they’re both okay, just moving on with their lives.

As you can tell, that question was very requested and that’s not even all the times it’s been asked.
So that all depends on if they start talking again which can’t be predicted. It all depends on them. As of now, there’s nothing happening to indicate that they will reconcile as I stated before that they are on different paths in life.

It’s hard to say because we aren’t Justin. His intention was never to hurt her since he believed they were both moving on before the Purpose Tour started. Does he know how much it hurt her and made her feel? Probably not because guys in general don’t know much and don’t see things they do that’s not really “wrong,” as why it would be hurtful to someone else. In his mindset, they called it off therefore she wouldn’t have a reason to be hurt if he was with Sofia.

Again, they were never “official” but you could say they were dating. And to my knowledge, no one had a problem with them. Everyone liked Hailey. It’s her friends who kept telling her that Justin would play her and weren’t too fond of him.

I mean you guys all hate Selena because of what she did to him and you don’t even know Justin personally, like Hailey, so of course she isn’t fond of what he’s been through because of her. Reminiscing on how depressed Justin was because of her is scary because we could have actually lost him.

As of now, Hailey isn’t officially with someone. Like we said previously, she’s been talking to guys and is getting to know others. We did say some guy was into her who I assume could be Chandler or even Ashton Irwin. Hailey didn’t make anything official right now so we don’t know.

They both mutually loved and cared for each other a lot. Did we all forget how Justin brought up Hailey when talking about marriage? That was cute.

Lol I don’t know if they had sex and if they did, I’m sure Justin wouldn’t be parading around like “yeah man I just fucked Hailey!” He truly respected her a lot and vice versa.
I also remember another person asking if Justin and Hailey were ever PR. No. No. No. The argument to that is he made her more famous and relevant.
Um… Justin makes everyone more famous and relevant. Justin literally gives people careers. Girls that were not famous and hung out with him for a short period of time, went on to make a career because of his name attached to theirs. Justin is extremely powerful in today’s world. He can make a toe famous.

Hailey was of course famous before, but just like everyone Justin hung with, he gave them a huge boost in the entertainment world or even made them somewhat relevant on social media. Just to name a few…
- Selena Gomez
- Chantel Jeffries
- Sofia Richie
- Caitlin Beadles
- Yovanna
All of these people have branched out after their ties to him.
Okay so that was it for the questions. A lot of the questions were repetitive and revolved around the same thing as you guys can tell.
Hope you guys liked this post and of course a huge thank you for bringing our last video to over 13,000 views on Youtube in just 2 weeks!
Here are some messages between me and my source!

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