PCN: Taylor Swift and Drake. Is there anything genuine in Taylor’s life?
Surprisingly, yes. However, it’s not Drake.

Previously on keeping up with Taylor’s next publicity stunt:
- Taylor and her friends went to Drake’s birthday party last month

- Oh also, John Mayer, Taylor’s ex, and Katy Perry, her ex friend, were also there.
- It’s been rumored that Taylor and Drake are dating
- That caused rumors of a possible collaboration
- Drake fueled those rumors more by posting the following picture

PR contracts are to Taylor Swift, as iPhones are to human beings; they become part of you.
I feel like Taylor can’t even tell the difference between real and fake anymore. Does anyone buy this fake relationship? If you do, then you’re probably one to buy into whatever rumored collab that might grace us, which I highly doubt.
Oh if you didn’t get the subtle hints yet, Drake and Taylor are just a publicity stunt.

We all know this!
I’m just really concerned for Taylor. She is a machine. Everything she does is planned and scripted. Is she empty inside or what?
Don’t get me wrong, Taylor is a good person and yadda yadda. Just don’t cross her.
However, is Taylor even genuine? This goes out to those Taylor Swift fans out there. Do you even know your idol? I’m not saying she kicks cats in her free time, but how does one stan a person without even knowing the real them? It’s one thing to be a fan of the music and it’s another to be a fan of the person, which is what Swifties, her fanbase, are. Do you even know the person? Do you know Taylor behind her publicized look, her strong team of publicists, and scripted/planned interviews?
Do any of us really see this happening?

Wasn’t she just dating Tom Hiddleston? Oh right that was PR too.
Wasn’t she with Calvin Harris for some time as well and tried to pin him stealing song credits for This Is What You Came For; also someone she claimed to be dating?

And now she’s with Drake? Is anything in her life even real?
Yes actually.
If you didn’t read our recent Taylor/Selena/Justin post, well you should because we spilled some shocking deets. Read it here.
Basically, T*ylor is bisexual, hooked up with our girl Selena Gomez, while she was with our boy Justin Bieber.
This is irrelevant to this point in time, but I just wanted to include that in order to transition into my other point.

Also, T*ylor has had a certain relationship with a certain someone of the opposite sex, which we mentioned on that blog. That was considered real to her, I guess.
This whole Drake thing is just the aftermath of something that we’ll see if we can get permission to reveal.
They are a publicity stunt though. That you should know.
All in favor of an exposed post on Taylor’s image and the bizarre things she does to protect it, like/reblog!
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