Pop Culture News: Kim Kardashian and the robbery drama + the aftermath. Possible publicity? More on the disturbing way the story is being sold.

By now, I’m sure you’ve all heard that Kim Kardashian was robbed in Paris on October 2. 2016. If you’re wary on the details, not too worry because I’m here to fill you in and I actually have something very interesting to reveal later  about this situation so keep reading. 


A. The Story

Long story short, Kim was robbed in Paris at her hotel room on October 2, 2016. Her kids were not in the room at the time. The 5 thieves were dressed as police officers and they entered her room after handcuffing and attacking the concierge at the hotel. We’ll get to the concierge later on this post. The story reported is that Kim was held at gunpoint and thrown in the bathtub, but was unharmed. The thieves stole millions in jewelry and left. 

Police footage shows them running off on bikes in the photo below


B. The Aftermath 

Due to this incident, filming for Keeping Up With The Kardashians was put on hold for a couple of weeks but has now resumed. Kim later on postponed a makeup related event in Dubai due to this. 

The night that this happened, Kanye West was performing in New York and ran off stage after hearing the news.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRIkmgoE_28?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]

Kim then returned to her Manhattan apartment with Kanye the day after the robbery


Kim was only spotted twice since the robbery and she went from strutting the streets looking like this


to this


Her transformation is noticeable and clearly being held at gunpoint whilst being robbed millions, does change a person. 

However, is this story real?

C. Was the robbery a publicity stunt?


Can something like this be a publicity stunt in this industry? Of course! Anything to show celebrities as victims especially when they’re reality TV stars that people will tune in to watch their show to get more information on the story. 

However, I don’t think this story is fake. 


It’s not because Kim Kardashian is extremely famous and she doesn’t need anymore fame. You can always use more fame, to be honest. My main reasoning for this is because if this story was planned, this big of an elaborate plan would be falling apart by now plus many insiders would have had some sort of idea that this was going to be happening since it takes planning if you’re going to fake something like this. And considering this blog, we all know that word gets around quick, espicially in LA. I mean I did tell you that Selena Gomez was going to be checking into rehab in April 2016 for drug issues but her team will release a statement saying it’s for lupus. What happened in August? Exactly that. So yeah, word spreads quickly to insiders. 

The Kardashian clan is fame hungry, but I don’t think this story was a result from that. Also, Kim and her team recently sued a media outlet for saying Kim is faking this incident. If Kim was really faking it, her and her team wouldn’t bring more attention to the possibility of it being fake, let alone bring this situation to court. One can get sued for defamatory reasons if they’re lying so if that media site said that Kim was lying when she wasn’t, they were able to take them to court. 

With that being said, there is something going on. 

D. Selling a story

Let me show you a couple of screenshots from different sites, explaining the robbery. 


Source: The Guardian


Source: Pop Sugar 


Source: E! News


Source: NY Times


Source: Billboard


Source: DailyMail


Source: TMZ

Do you see the pattern? Nearly every article is reporting a different amount stolen. 

  1. $10 million (€9.1 million)
  2. $11 million (€10 million)
  3. almost €8 million ($8.7 million)
  4. €8.5 million ($9.2 million)
  5. $5.6 million (€5.1 million)
  6. €4.5 million ($4.9 million)

Even TMZ is confused.


Let’s see the other different versions were told to us. DailyMail explained this more if you’d like to read that article. 

First, it was said that Kim’s children were not in the room with Kim at the time which implies that they were in Paris with her, but then statements came out to say that her children were actually in New York. 

Hey Bryan, where is Emily?”

“Oh Emily is not at home right now.”

2 hours later.

“Actually, Emily is in Spain.”

That’s how the children story sounds like. 

Secondly, it was reported that Kim was tied up with cable ties which look like this


If you were to get those off by yourself, it would leave a mark on your hands. 


But that’s just a question. Some reports say she was tied up by that and then thrown in the bathtub and that’s where the police found her, but other reports say that Kim ran to the balcony before and during the robbery to scream for help. 

Bathtub or balcony? 

Thirdly, reports first said that the hotel concierge was handcuffed and thrown into a cupboard in the hotel by the thieves after they got what he wanted from him, but other reports say that the thieves brought him up to where Kim was staying. 

Fourthly, the hotel concierge said that the thieves asked for money from Kim but Kim told the police that they demanded for her money AND specifically her ring. 


Fifthly, many articles are saying that Kim was at her apartment in Pairs when this happened but the rest are saying she was at a hotel with horrible secruity. 

What! Is! The! Truth!

As we already told you, we don’t think that this robbery is hoax and considering the fact that Kim’s lawyers are suing people for saying it is, well KIM KARDASHIAN IS A QUEEN WHO HAS NEVER LIED!


But really, what up with the different stories?

Well the Kardashian clan are money and fame hungry and what better than to get everyone trying to solve the mystery of Kim’s robbery by putting out a bunch of different versions of the robbery and have people question everything which leads to more attention on the story as well as more time spent since people are trying to solve the mystery

Phew, run on sentence

Yes you read that correctly. Different stories are being put out to keep people talking as well as media outlets. The one that really got everyone is when the hotel concierge told a completely different story than what was reported to the cops. 



Yes, celebrities are that fucked up. And it’s not that “oh different sites are getting different information.” First of all, media sites that you all love to bash, get their information from reliable sources. The story may not be legit but most of the time it’s from a reliable source that could plant a fake story because a celebrity’s team told them to. Yes, welcome to Hollywood. Honesty isn’t that well valued hence the hate I get for this blog. 

“So why would a celebrity’s team want a fake story out there?”

Well my dear readers, if you saw a headline that said “Miley Cyrus & Selena Gomez pregnant by the same man! (yes this was a real headline that actually has a backstory)” you’re going to be more likely to pick that up and check up on these celebrities, as opposed if you saw a headline for a nice celebrity donating money to cancer research. 

And what’s the result? More attention to the celebrity as well as more money to the source spreading this information. 

Back to Kim. 

Check out the following mysterious video which shows Kim and the police after the robbery. No one knows who took it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMB5pyblAww?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]

There are many unanswered questions and holes in the story which I presume is put there on purpose as opposed to being loose ends from a “fake” story. 

Kind of disgusting that they’re marketing off and milking a horrible incident to get more attention. Celebrities man. 

Hope you enjoyed and tell me your thoughts. 


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