Exposing Fifth Harmony (part 1): Their Drama, Connections, Relationships, and More


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I asked you guys on Twitter the other day to request any celebrities that were not Jelena, and you want some information on. Many people said Fifth Harmony so why not.

I know some interesting things regarding Fifth Harmony business wise and personal wise so keep reading if you want to know all about that drama.


At first, I was just going to expose what I’ve known about Fifth Harmony forever ago; which is their personal issues and business problems (what I’ve revealed in past Tell Alls), but then 5H fans went a bit crazy and were like “Find out more! Lauren and Camila!” etc etc. So I went the extra mile and asked for more personal information and here’s what I got. 

Let me just quickly link what I already said about Fifth Harmony on this blog. 

Here’s what I said in those two posts.

In April:


In June:


I revealed the business aspect of that all.

A. The Formation of Fifth Harmony

For those of you who don’t know, Fifth Harmony were formed on the X-Factor in 2012 so yes they were put together. There’s this whole thing with X-Factor USA that was far from genuine. They put Fifth Harmony together because they had a certain image in mind and they wanted girls from different races and different looks to be in a group so they can market a diverse group. I think someone might have exposed X-Factor USA already, I’m not too sure, but the entire show was planned/scripted 100x more than the regular talent shows are, but that’s beside the point. 


Overall they are generally nice girls, but you know there’s always that one member. In this case, it’s Camila Cabello who’s either hated or loved by the Fifth Harmony fandom. 


When being put together as a group on the show, the girls were kind of ehh… with the idea and didn’t know if they were going to adjust since they originally wanted to be solo acts (not going to shout out the source for this info, but they were on XF that year). They overcame that issue rather nicely, except for one person. Camila. She didn’t like being in the group and was 100% set on being a solo from the beginning. She talked a lot of shit to friends about the group in general. One of those friends, she doesn’t talk to anymore. 

Like I said in my Tell All, the issue of who the face of the group is, was always a problem. Ever since day 1. The XF people who worked with them tried to push Camila to be the lead of the group because they saw that she was the most popular and had the most potential. So much for marketing a diverse group of girls. Of course, the look comes into play. Weight is a big part believe it or not. That was part of the look. It doesn’t come down to talent at all. You have to have the look and in the eyes of their team, Camila had it. So that was how the X Factor team felt, but let’s move onto how Camila felt about that situation. 

B. Camila vs. Fifth Harmony


My source says that Camila never wanted to work with the rest of the girls and I quote, “[Camila] has always felt that she was the superior one of the group, vocally. She’ll be on set or in the studio and want to be given the most falsettos and solos.” 

Of course if you were in a group, you’d want to get your chance to shine as well, but Camila felt that she was better (she still believes this) and if she had the most solos, the song would sound better. This started causing a drift in the girls’ relationship and a lot of tension. Also, Fifth Harmony are not that involved in the creation of their music so it’s not like anyone gets a say because they god forbid wrote anything. 

If Camila was going to settle for being in a group, she basically wanted a Pussycat Dolls kind of group where the other girls looked pretty while Nicole, the main girl, sang. Basically, a lead singer with backup singers.


If you ever realized that Camila stood out in the group, it was most likely because she was wearing something that the rest of the group wasn’t wearing so you draw your attention to her first (all part of a bigger plan which we will get to later on).


Obviously she isn’t going to always be standing out outfit wise, but that was part of it. That plus the fact that she would always pose as if she was a solo act.


Like uh.. hi sis. You’re in a group btw. 

Anyways, I’m getting a little off topic since what I just said about Camila’s look will be talked about later on in this post. 

When Camila continued getting the best treatment and the most solos, that pissed off the other girls because it just wasn’t fair. I’m pretty sure if you look up their first album, Camila had the most solos or something. I’m not sure because I didn’t listen to it, but I was told that she was getting the best slots. 


Also, their song Worth It, Camila was literally singing everything. She had a verse and she was the star of the chorus meanwhile 3 of the girls had a small verse and the other girl, Lauren, had NOTHING. 

Because of that issue and how Camila was branched out as the star of the group, there was talks within their team about how they would give the other girls a chance especially Lauren because she got paid…. I would say dust but that would mean she got something when she really got nothing when it came it came to Worth It. 


I was also told that That’s My Girl (their third single right now) was meant to be their lead single for 7/27 and if you notice, Lauren carriers the chorus in there. Work From Home (their actual lead single) came along and became the lead instead and Lauren also sings the chorus. It was kind of like “Hey sorry you just stood there and looked pretty during your breakout career hit.” 

Let me know if Camila doesn’t shine as much on 7/27 as she did in their first album because that was the original plan due to the issues that her getting the best slots, caused; therefore the rest of Fifth Harmony got their chance. 

My source says “Camila is very silly considering she’s so stuck up, not loyal to friends nor the GUYS she’s been with.”



Camila continued with the group for one reason only and that was in order to branch out into a solo act after gaining fans of her own. Yes that was the main intention from the start. We will get into that part a little later on in this post as well as get into Camila’s solo career and plan. 

Just know that Camila had a horrible view on the group as a whole since day one. My source describes it as very “vile.”

C. Camila Cabello as a person

Camila was your typical stan twitter girlie in 2012 and 2013. She trolled and said a lot of racist things on Twitter. Apparently she tweeted the n-word and a bunch of other things, but I didn’t care to look. I’m just here to tell you what I know. 

Now apparently Camila was caught being racist again later on (not sure what she said or if she said this in public, but I just know that she was advised against something due to what she said) which led someone from her party to sit her down and be like “you have to watch out for what you’re saying.” After that talk, it’s speculated between sources that the grand plan they came up with is for Camila to become an active supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. 


Our source tells us that Camila showed her support for the Black Lives Matter movement in order to scrape the rumors of Camila being racist mainly because Camila still says racist things. Ask Taylor! 


The vibe I get from Camila is that I-wanna-act-educated-but-im-really-not which is the same vibe I get from my main, Selena Gomez. 


Would you look at that. 

My source says that Camila is very stereotypical, uneducated, and could care less about any social and economical issues appearing in today’s society. 

I can’t tell you in detail what racist things Camila said because I don’t know. I assume she used the N-word here and then. I doubt she was like “omg I love the KKK kill all black people!” 

If you notice Camila ever trying to be relatable or sell some sob story, know that she was told to do all of that, that way people can either relate to her, feel for her, and etc. It’s not because she wants to share her side with anyone. It’s all marketing but again we’ll talk about Camila’s solo team later. 

My source also adds on saying that she’s “indefinitely a racist and is all for one.” That brings me to my next point. 

D. Camila vs. Normani 


I can’t quote what exactly happened, but a lot of Camila’s racist comments were regarding Normani. Many of the things she said were very racist to Normani’s background. It wasn’t just the N word. It was literally related back to Normani’s background so you could only imagine what she said. Also, apparently Camila’s fans bullied Normani out of Twitter by using racial slurs, at one point. You know what they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 

Camila didn’t only talk shit about Normani, but she had a lot of ignorant things to say about the other girls as well. She would talk shit about everyone basically. She felt like she was above them. 

Oh Camila.. she looks so sweet and innocent. 

*voice inside my head* “So does Selena Gomez, idiot.”


Also, Camila and Normani do NOT get along. Camila doesn’t really get along with her group overall, but her and Normani are literally not friends. If you see them acting like they’re besties, it’s because they have to act that way. 


Normani has called out Camila before as we told you in our earlier Tell Alls. 

Also, Camila is the type of person to make fun of others to someone else in order to get that person to like them. I wouldn’t doubt that she talked shit about her group to other people in the industry; not just non-famous people. 

Now I’m not saying that Camila is a monster because that’s not the vibe my source wants to give out since she insists that Camila is a nice person overall. However, she’s very very against being in Fifth Harmony. She can’t stand it and it just gets worse with her everyday. That plus the fact she’s uneducated, uses important issues to cover up her racism and discrimination + is very shady and kind of a snake. 

“Nice” she insists… uh. 

E. Camila Cabello’s Solo Team

I can’t really recall any members of groups in general, doing solo projects WHILE in the middle of an era with their group except for… Camila. 

I mean let’s recall I Knew What You Did Last Summer which was a very very terrible song. Sorry, Shawn! 


I did a quick search on Fifth Harmony in November 2015 and they were literally ON TOUR. 


Fast forward to another one of Camila’s solo projects aka now in October 2016


Guess what? She’s still on tour with Fifth Harmony! 


Now why can’t they wait until Fifth Harmony officially breaks up (which will be faster than you think)?

Camila’s solo team want her to ride off Fifth Harmony’s currently relevancy and use that fame to launch her solo career. We already told you that she’s BEEN working on her debut studio album. It won’t be long for it to be released as soon as the breakup of Fifth Harmony is announced. At one point, her team actually considered for the tiniest second, releasing her debut album WHILE Fifth Harmony are still intact. Like, huh? That’s like filming a movie and touring at the same time. You just can’t. 

Also, recall from part A; earlier in this post that this was the plan all along. Camila continues on with Fifth Harmony and hopes that the group gets famous (they did) and therefore Camila can leave and do some solo things. If you realize, Camila only started working on solo projects after Fifth Harmony had their first big hit, Worth It. 


Now why would Camila’s team do this? Teams in general just care about money and Camila is quite irrelevant and only known as one of the Fifth Harmony girls. If she would randomly debut after Fifth Harmony breaks up, no one is going to know who she is unless they’re fans. Doing that will be like starting over in Hollywood. Also, her team knows that some diehard 5H fans will be upset that she’s breaking apart the group and therefore won’t support her. 

 I’ll give you my two cents on Fifth Harmony. Fifth Harmony are really not that famous. They have 2 nice selling songs, but everything else is literally a flop. I did my research and their tour is not selling and neither is their album. What’s the point of a single? To sell an album and a tour! If it can’t do that, then you clearly don’t have that much power or relevance. You just have the attention of the general public who listen to the radio a lot. And at the end, streams do not build an artist because I know Fifth Harmony are good with streams. Streams do not bring in the amount of money that purchasing an album actually does. So what’s the point of me saying this? Do I want to bash Fifth Harmony? Do I want their stans to cut my ass in my mentions? NO. I’m saying this because Camila’s solo team and 5H team’s, think that Fifth Harmony are bigger than they actually are which sets them up for failure! Who knows? Maybe Camila will slay and prove our doubt wrong when she releases her debut studio solo album and gets Taylor Swift to set her up in a PR and then bring her on tour with her. However, the point is her solo team is riding off the success and minimum relevancy that Fifth Harmony have right now. THAT is why they’re not waiting to debut her as a solo artist when (not if, WHEN) the group breaks up. Fifth Harmony are not One Direction. Camila just can’t put a Zayn and leave the group only to come back a year later and release a song an album that both go #1. That’s why they’re not waiting until the group breaks up. She’s riding off of whatever success and relevancy Fifth Harmony have right now and that’s why Camila’s debut album has BEEN recorded and in the process. 


Aw look at them celebrating the Fourth of July without her while she was probably working on her upcoming studio album.

Now we already told you how the group feels about Camila. She’s shady and is doing most of these things behind their backs. Her releasing a new song comes as a surprise to them. They truly don’t know anything because guess what, they’re not friends with Camila! Sure they’re acting all buddy buddy or if they’re not, I don’t know I don’t keep up with Fifth Harmony, but again, all because they were told to (refer back to the June Tell All). 


The rest of Fifth Harmony take offense to what Camila’s doing because it’s a selfish decision that will drastically affect their careers, as my source says. They’re also trying to build solo careers because at the end, groups do split up and go solo. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, the line needs to be drawn when you’re putting the rest of the group’s solo careers in jeopardy and trying to make connections first WHILE in the group. 

Oh you didn’t know? Camila BEEN making connections and using Fifth Harmony’s resources (label executives, managers, etc.) in order to network her way through other famous stars that way when she becomes a solo for real, she has connections to help promote her. 


Did you really think that Camila was celebrating her birthday with Mean Girls Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez because they’re friends? No sis! It’s called connections. We’ll move onto Shawn Mendes and Camila in a little bit but let me wrap up Camila & her solo team. 


Since I mentioned Taylor & Selena, let me just tell you that they don’t really like her. My source describes Camila as a “leech” and Selena & Taylor most likely view her as one since she’s a small star trying to network her way to the top. Funny how Selena doesn’t like Camila that much considering Camila is doing what Selena did to become a major pop girl. All we need for Camila is for her to date a huge pop star and make that the relationship of the century! 

Also, don’t think that when Camila is going to events and parties in the industry by herself, it’s because she wants to blow off some steam and party it off. No no. She’s there getting the numbers of important people and making connections. That’s what she was doing when Fifth Harmony were recording 7/27. On the days off when she was not needed, she was out networking her way to the top. Smart? Yes. Sneaky, conniving, shady, inconsiderate and rude? Yep.

I can’t wait for one of the Fifth Harmony girls to write a Tell All and expose all of this (which will just confirm all of this but you get the jist). 


Another really smart marketing plan that Camila’s solo team is playing with their cards, is acting like Fifth Harmony don’t exist. 

First off, Fifth Harmony’s team in general is stupid when it comes to business affairs. We all see those pictures of the their empty arenas all over twitter. Very very stupid move to book arenas for a girl group who’s known for 2 singles. It’s upsetting honestly.


Like what the fuck? Not even the major pop girls booked arenas this early in their career. And at least have the audacity to cover up the empty seats with a black cover like they usually do. 

Second of all, their team thinks they’re bigger than they really are just because they’re the only successful American girl group since PCD or whatever. 

Camila’s team is leeching off of Fifth Harmony’s little success and they think that success will launch Camila into a great and successful solo career. 

Back to whole Fifth Harmony don’t exist to Camila thing. 

Now this is a really shady move because while Camila is using Fifth Harmony’s current fame to launch her solo career despite the fact that the girls aren’t too fond of this, at the same time she has to act like they don’t exist. What I mean is, since her solo team is building Camila as a solo act WHILST still with Fifth Harmony, they want to make her look like a solo act before they actually break up. The reason for that is because it will kind of be easier to push her into the solo world if fans are already used to see her as a “solo” artist. That + she gets more attention this way without giving more attention to the group. The formula is…

Get attention from Fifth Harmony + use that attention to promote Camila as a solo artist - don’t direct any attention back to the other girls = Camila being more famous and getting ready to prep her solo career. 


I mean one quick scroll on Camila’s instagram and if I didn’t know better, I’d think she was a solo act. Literally all I did was minimized my screen and screenshot her first couple of photos and nothing there really indicates that she’s part of a group. 

Another thing that Camila’s solo team is doing as well as Fifth Harmony’s team, is getting songs with features on them. This is nothing new since everyone uses features to gain some sort of success and get exposed to a different audience. 


Fifth Harmony’s biggest hits are both featuring a rapper and Camila’s two solo songs are also with other stars such as Shawn Mendes and Machine Gun Kelly. 

Other ways that her team is branching off Camila as a solo act is giving her her own projects. There was talk a couple of months ago about some charity organization that Camila is going to be involved in. I don’t if that happened already, but if it did, just know that it was talked months in advance. I believe Fifth Harmony’s team wanted the girls to do some sort of charity work but it wasn’t fitting in their schedule, but Camila found time to make it fit in her solo schedule.  Except more solo projects like that. It’s not just music that she’ll be releasing. She literally wants to establish herself as a solo act before the group even breaks up. 

F. Camila and Shawn Mendes 

If you aren’t familiar yet even though I already mentioned it earlier in this post, Camila and Shawn Mendes collabed on a song called “I Knew What You Did Last Summer.”


As we revealed in our Tell All which we linked earlier before, the collab didn’t spontaneously come as they marketed it as. They didn’t coincidentally write the song backstage at a Taylor Swift concert like they claimed. 


(Read here)

I don’t remember saying this but when Camila was talking to one of her friends, she was talking about how she wants to collab with someone famous to get her solo career more attention. Not only did she talk to friends about it, but she brought it up to one of her connections who was able to get this duet to work.

My source said that she used Shawn in order to ride off his fame with Stitches. She also states that Shawn was just an accessory in the road to her solo career. 



G. Fifth Harmony as people

I can’t remember what event it was, but Fifth Harmony were at some show or something and they were sitting there kind of making fun of this girl who I think was famous. I’m very blurry on the story because while I was just chilling and getting tea, I was just listening not really thinking I’d care enough to post about this.

I’m not sure whose “they” but I’m assuming it’s Fifth Harmony minus Camila. It’s not like they were like “omg bitch go kill yourself you look disgusting.” It was more of a “What is she wearing…? We are at an important event my god.”

Got some nerve talking about fashion choices though.


They also says things like “We’re top blah blah on Billboard who do they think they are?” Success means a lot to them and they’re the type to use it against someone or something.

Also, their “girl power!” persona is fake. They have said some very mean things in the past about other female competitors. It doesn’t make them evil, but it’s just one of the things they have said.

Oh btw, they party like average girls; drink a lot and smoke weed.

Btw, it’s not like they’re alcoholics so if any kiddy Fifth Harmony fan is reading this, don’t act like I said they do acid or snort cocaine.

I can’t say which member or members do this because again, when I was told the story I wasn’t really paying attention because it’s not like I was told something about my queen Selena Gomez. 

However, Fifth Harmony are not evil (well Camila can be debatable.. jk.. uh). Overall they’re nice girls. Same for Camila once you ignore the fact that she will step on anyone even her “friends” in order to get to the top. 


The end.

I had two sources for this post. One was one of my main sources for this blog as well as a good friend, and the other was my main Fifth Harmony source. I’ll post the messages between my source and I. Some of what I said in the post will not be in the messages which means they are from my other source which I talked to in person so I clearly can’t show you messages for that. 

Here’s the messages between one of my sources and I


The rest of the messages are posted in the next post.


I hope you enjoyed! Comment down below your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.

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It’s your fave exposers.


Exposing Fifth Harmony (part 2): Lauren and Camila (Camren), Camila and Austin Mahone, news on 5H3, and more.


Selena Gomez is racist.