Pop Culture News: Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards #PerrieExposedZaynParty + Shout Out To My Ex


My first post under the Pop Culture News category on this blog! (Btw, you can find any other posts in this catergory with the tag “pcn” or exposingsmg.com/tagged/pcn)


#PerrieExposedZaynParty started trending after a Little Mix fan posted the following picture which according to Mixers (their stans), is from Little Mix’s new book, Our World. 


Here’s the full page:


A year ago when Perrie and Zayn broke up, rumors circled saying that Zayn ended their two year engagement over text. That was never confirmed… until now. 


There was even more drama regarding this topic because Zayn also denied breaking up with Perrie over text, a couple of months ago. 


Based on what I’ve heard from Zerrie throughout the years, Zayn was always caught cheating on Perrie. Here’s what I found with a quick search:



Now based on what I know about Zayn regarding inside info, he has a reputation preceding him and the rep is that he’s a player and a “bad boy.” Zayn got some other issues that I’ll most likely reveal in my upcoming Zigi exposed, but I won’t bring up now. 

Drama got even more intense because apparently Little Mix’s official account liked a tweet of the same article where Zayn says he loves Perrie and how he wouldn’t breakup with her over text.


I don’t know what to say about that because to my understanding, Little Mix’s team is 90% active on that account as opposed to Little Mix + Little Mix don’t have separate accounts so you can’t prove that Perrie did anything. In other words, irrelevant. 

Summary: Zayn BEEN having the player/cheater reputation preceding him not just from one girl but from several. Perrie on the other hand, based on what I’ve heard from Little Mix, they’re all genuine girls. In the end, we saw Zayn with other girls during their relationship which basically means he was cheating on her and Perrie was just talking about how hurt she was, in the Little Mix book. On top of that, Zayn then starting dating Gigi Hadid not too long after their two year engagement (there’s a backstory there so don’t think too much about this) while Perrie isn’t officially dating anyone and hasn’t been. After One Direction’s split, Zayn just cut everyone out of his life and how he treated Perrie during their relationship was unfair. Also, Zayn is kinda struggling with issues right now and ain’t in his right state of mind therefore I don’t take what he says as a fact. Perrie had no reason to lie and this drama wasn’t caused by Little Mix since it was the fan who posted the picture from a book that they have been talking about. Those are my two cents. 


Anyways, Little Mix then came back with a song called Shout Out To My Ex and here’s what Perrie and Jesy Nelson, said about it!




I heard it a couple of minutes ago while gathering up my info for this post. Their song is all that’s been trending and let me tell you something, I LOVE IT! It’s a BOP. I recently got into Little Mix after reviewing their last album Get Weird. You best believe Shout Out To My Ex got my coins! It’s excellent. I also watched them perform it on The X Factor and let me tell you something, these girls are hella talented! 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJSHMRZSPdQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]

I even showed it to my mom. They’re so amazing live wow wow wow. 


Loving their look!

Anyways, regarding Zayn and this song; obviously it’s about him as well as their other exes, but I don’t see the big deal in having a song about a breakup. Zayn had a bunch of songs on Mind On Mine (which also got my coins) which seemed very personal and about Perrie so freedom of expression. 

Now I know I will get called out by Selena stans who hate me for that last paragraph because they will bring up receipts of me dragging Selena Gomez for releasing songs about Justin, but no no. Two different scenarios. Do not compare the release of The Heart Wants What It Wants to Shout Out To My Ex. Sorry, I just had to say that


I like both Little Mix and Zayn Malik as artists. Their last albums got my coins because they were great. However, when it comes down to sides in this whole thing, Perrie is correct. She didn’t even say anything in the book and it’s nothing we haven’t heard before because again, rumors circling the fact that Zayn broke off their engagement in text, circled last year. That means that a different source knew about it and released the news and that source was correct because Perrie said the same thing. 

Is this publicity for Little Mix?

Again, no. It’s not like they tweeted the picture. The fan did and then that spread. Are they getting publicity because of this? Well yeah. Drama = publicity. It works out for them in the end. 

Are Little Mix using Zayn?

Like I said before when talking about One Direction, the band and them as individuals are quite irrelevant in the public eye. They’re not Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber. No one cares what they do in their personal lives. When Zayn was with Perrie, I didn’t hear of Little Mix like ever. Now when Justin (a star that the general public cares about every little thing he does) was with Selena, I would hear of Selena and her career everywhere I went. That’s the difference between a big star without general public relevance vs. a big star with general public relevance. It’s not like I’m calling Zayn irrelevant. His personal life is just irrelevant. 


I also did a quick check on Little Mix and Zayn’s stats and uh….. Get Weird outsold Mind of Mine. Not gonna lie, I was a little shocked to hear that since I thought Zayn was pulling in One Direction type numbers, but apparently not. 

Okay so that’s all the Little Mix vs. Zayn drama summed up plus a small review on Shout Out To My Ex! What other pop culture news should I talk about next? Tell me on Twitter, here, or on ask!

Upcoming exposed posts include….

Fifth Harmony



Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid


Hope you enjoyed this post!


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