Exposing Ariana Grande: Diva Behavior, Insecurities, her relationships (Rick Alvarez, Jai Brooks, Mac Miller etc.), Drugs, PRs, and Why Scooter Braun Was Fired
Disclaimer: This is the first Ariana based post on this blog. We know a lot of things about Ariana Grande so I hope this post clarifies all of this for you. All information in this post is from a reliable source. Read at your own cost.
In this post, we’re going to discuss every aspect of Ariana’s life—her as a person, drug usage, weight loss, relationships, PRs, Scooter Braun, and more.
A. Ariana as a person

I’m sure we have all heard the rumors that Ariana is a b-tch or a diva.. I’ll address all of those rumors in a moment, but here a some things you should know about Ariana.
Ariana is VERY insecure. She will have breakdowns if she’s shot a certain way. She will flip out on you if you take photos without her knowledge. Her team sat her down and advised her of this behavior because it gave her a bad reputation within the indsutry. No one wanted to work with her.
The whole Ariana-likes-to-be-photographed-from-one-side-only is true. She thinks the other side of her face is unattractive and less appealing. This behavior has caused people at photoshoots not to like working with her since it made everyone’s job harder. There has been several times that Ariana was seen throwing a fit backstage at a photoshoot. On top of that, she would have to check every single photo she took and request the “ugly” ones to be deleted.
It seems far fetched until there’s an actual example of her doing doing exactly that.

I mean look at that occasion. Ariana was at the KCAs and the paparazzi were doing their job and taking photos. After they were done taking photos of her, she went up to one of them to see the photos they took. If she does that in public, why won’t you believe she wouldn’t do it at photoshoots?
One article reported that Ariana had certain rules when it came to taking pictures of her.

If I’m not mistaken, Ariana’s left side of her face is the side with the dimple. Obviously you’ll come across photos of Ariana’s right side, but most of her photos are taken from the left. Even in photo shoots, interviews, and so on.

So yeah, she’s a pretty insecure person, but as you can tell it’s not a regular insecurity. It’s an insecurity that makes her lash out at people and be very demanding. It’s not like Ariana was backstage like “I’m so sorry to bother you, but can I take a look at the pictures?” No. It was a whole fit.
B. Diva behavior
When Ariana first debuted in the music industry, she quickly rose to the top of the charts. With great success, came great fame. Ariana was your stereotypical industry newbie. The fame was so new and she was a huge A list star and that got to her head. She has certain rules that her bodyguards sometimes have to follow.
There’s been times where she fired bodyguards if they didn’t follow those rules. One instance is when fans get too close. Some days she has certain rules like fans have to stay a certain amount of feet away from her or the bodyguards will have to deal with an angry Ariana.

Ariana can also be a little cocky and demand unnecessary things because she’s Ariana Grande. There was this one time where she wanted a certain room with a certain view with a certain space even though she was going to be doing press all day and just needed that room to sleep in. So yeah, she has very diva-ish demands.
All of this diva behavior takes place mostly in 2014 because that was kind of Ariana’s year and most successful to date. It was basically Ariana’s first step into Hollywood’s elite. She definitely does have her demands and diva moments. I mean the whole donut scandal happened about a year ago from today.

As you can see, she was licking donuts that were on display and saying “I hate America, I hate Americans.”

That whole scandal alone shows how entitled she is. No sane person would be standing in line and licking donuts on display just for the hell of it. She wanted to be a brat.
Speaking of the donut thing, that moves me onto Ricky, the guy standing next to her and also one of her backup dancers.
C. Ricky and Ariana

After Ricky and Ariana broke up, everyone wanted us to get the deets on their relationship. We do know a little bit of what went down but if we were to reveal that, many of you would be very confused as we are and we can’t tell you anymore for certain reasons and because we don’t have the full story.
2020 update—hi it’s editing-Angela. I don’t know why I was so hesitant of revealing an important detail that I was told back in 2016 so here it is.
My source told me that Ricky allegedly was Ariana’s drug supplier. When it came to Ariana and drugs, there’s a whole story which I’ll get to in a moment. So that’s the detail I never revealed.
Back to 2016.

When it came to Ariana and Ricky’s personal relationship, Ariana’s team didn’t like them together. They wanted Ariana to be under another contract where she fake dates someone; also known as PR (public relationship). I’ll get to Ariana’s PRs in a moment. A celebrity team’s biggest nightmare are scandals and when a star refuses to comply with a PR relationship. I guess you could say, Ariana’s team went through a lot.
Knowing this information, you could say that Ariana’s Into You music video reflected her “forbidden” relationship with Ricky.

In the video, Ariana is with this guy who she’s having so much fun with and she’s totally into him. However, this guy works for her—he’s her bodyguard.

Later on, she’s seen at a big fancy event where she has to be with this other dude that looks like he’s famous just like her, as opposed to the person who’s working for her, who’s actually into her.

The fancy dude is kissing and hugging other women and Ariana looks unhappy from the start.

From the looks of it, the bodyguard represents Ricky and the fancy dude represents the PR relationships that Ariana was unhappy in.
This music video is actually very symbolic and since Ariana was highly controlled in her career with all the PRs she had to do, she wanted to rebel. Dating her backup dancer is a rebellion in her eyes. Is it good for business? No and she was told that. When you’re famous, everything is about the aesthetic. PRs are highly thought out which is why when readers tell me they think a random celebrity couple is a PR and then I look at the couple and it’s this commoner with a 9-5 job and a musician, I’m like HUH?
Back to the donut incident, many of her fans were convinced that Ricky was a bad influence and that he made Ariana lick the donuts. Um no. If anything, Ariana was influencing him and he would do whatever she was doing because he’s into her or whatever. Ariana is not innocent and Ricky did a lot for her (obviously not career wise), but I won’t get into that.
2020 editing Angela again, yep ^ I finally got into it.
Ariana is the type of person to get what she wants and she can get someone to do things for her as well. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but keep that in mind.
D. Jai Brooks and Ariana
In our June Tell All, we told you quite a couple of things about Jai and Ariana.

Neither of them are innocent. Based on what we know, I guess you could say that they had some sort of an open relationship. As we told you in the Tell All, they would sleep around and experiment with other people. Then, come and discuss the sex together. They wouldn’t only discuss it together though because obviously it got back to me.

My source continues and reveals the following.
When it came to drugs, Jai and Ariana did A LOT of coke. Ariana was into some serious heavy partying when she first came onto the music scene in 2013 and this drug behavior still continued until this year.
E. Drugs
According to my source, Ariana was an extremely heavy coke user. Never addicted, but just constantly doing it. I never heard of Ariana needing rehab though.
Most of her fans will come at me with two main excuses that I’ve seen before.
1. “Ariana doesn’t do coke, she’s vegan!”
I don’t know much about Ariana’s vegan diet, but I do know that she’s been criticized repeatedly for wearing leather, eating non-vegan donuts, advertising a product that tests on animals, and etc.. I don’t care about her vegan diet, but it doesn’t seem like she’s really vegan.
Here she is wearing a Chanel bag that is made out of real leather.

Here she is part of MAC Cosmetics’ Viva Glam campaign and guess what? MAC tests on animals.

The donut shop where the scandal took place isn’t vegan and here she is actually eating the donut (not just licking lmao)

Truthfully, I don’t care whether Ariana is vegan or not. I don’t care if she’s the type of vegan that doesn’t eat meat, but still does things like wears leather and whatever. I don’t care about her vegan diet or whether she’s actually a vegan or not.
I’m just saying that Ariana saying she’s vegan doesn’t disprove her doing coke in the past but go off. I’m not criticizing her vegan diet because I do know she feels really strongly for animals, but just don’t bring the vegan argument up because that’s irrelevant to my point. She could also be the type of vegan that just doesn’t eat animal based things. I don’t know. I just addressed the vegan thing because some asked me recently if her vegan diet is all an act.
Either way, it’s not like Ariana is ever going to be in an interview where she talks about her coke use.
2. “Ariana doesn’t party, she’s never seen out of her house!”

I will agree that Ariana barely leaves her house nowadays except for work related events, but I’m talking about back in 2013/14 and just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It’s possible that Ariana does not hang out at all the paparazzi fillied areas. They exist you know.

LMAOOOOOOO she’s full of sh-t.
I really don’t want to get too off topic, but the Hollywood world is a different world. It’s almost a different planet. I’ll tell you right now, there’s times you’ve seen your faves enter a grocery store, but it really leads to some sort of hidden underground club or party that only the elite can get into. I’m just saying that because you don’t see it happening, doesn’t mean it doesn’t.
Also, in 2014, Perez Hilton called out Ariana for doing cocaine. Perez is a boring leech who’s truthly beyond annoying, but he’s a big name in the industry and he usually knows what he’s talking about.

I’m telling you right now that her drug usage was so prevalent so any insider in Hollywood heard about it.
Also, the people you hung/hang out with usually reflect you. Please don’t tell me you thought Jai Brooks and Big Sean hung around with Ariana and just had tea parties.
2020 update—I never revealed that she cancelled a concert NOT because she was sick.
According my source, Ariana’s portugal concert that she canceled on May 29, 2016 wasn’t because doctors ordered her to stay home. It was more like… she wasn’t in the right state to perform if you get what I mean.
Coked out should really be a term that celebrity teams need to start using if I’m going to be honest.
Back to 2016.
Weight Loss and Anorexia Claims
It’s been rumored that Ariana is anorexic, but her vegan diet kind of conceals that. I don’t know anything about her being “anorexic” and I truly doubt she is. However, she does do coke (which is considered vegan btw lol) and one of coke’s specialities is weight loss.

Again, not saying it’s not due to her vegan diet, but I’m also not saying that there wasn’t another cause. Truthfully, I don’t know much about her weight loss because at the end of the day, she is pretty private when she’s not snorting it up at parties.
Once again, just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. i would never have thought that this sweet little gal couldn’t go 30 mins without snorting cocaine, but people can surprise you.

So I hope we can end this controversial drug topic and move on smoothly to the next topic. Every celebrity has experimented with cocaine so it’s truly laughable if you think your fave didn’t try it.
F. Getting around
Ariana is a very sexual person. Nothing is wrong with that, but just know that she’s slept with many people that you wouldn’t think she would come near.
Whether it was for opportunities or just for the hell of it, she’s done it all. I’ll leave it at that because I don’t want to go more into it.
G. Scooter Braun

As you guys now know, Scooter is no longer Ariana’s manager. He stopped managing her because Ariana fired him. Why?
The reason for that is because Ariana’s mom convinced Ariana that she could get her a better team and that Scooter wasn’t doing a good enough job with Ariana.

I don’t know why her mom thought that considering that Scooter gave Ariana the best promotion and made her blow up into an A+ star while under his management. Ariana’s promotion today consists of her tweeting about her album as opposed to actually doing much. I mean her team is great and all, but what Scooter gave her was completely different.
This is reflected in her current “Dangerous Woman” era. Her album debuted at #2 on Billboard and the lead single peaked at #8. Her second single, Into You, didn’t make it in the top ten of Billboard. instead it peaked at #13. Meanwhile her past eras with Scooter, she achieved two #1 albums and three top 5 singles. Something tells me that Ariana is going to come crawling back.
H. PR contracts
Ariana has done her share of PR in the industry. The most obvious one was Nathan Sykes.
Nathan Sykes from The Wanted

They promoted their song together and broke up. Just like that.
Jai Brooks
Jai Brooks, Ariana’s first very public boyfriend, said that Ariana cheated on him with Nathan. My take on the whole situation is that Ariana’s team wanted her in a PR quickly and made her breakup with Jai (who was kind of a druggie) or Nathan and Ariana’s work relationship got in the way of her and Jai. Either way, when Nathan was out of the picture, Jai was back in.

Big Sean
Ariana and Big Sean are speculated to have started out as PR. After all, they did debut their relationship at the VMAs.

We know some inside stories that disprove that Big Sean and Ariana were PR, but it’s highly likely that they started out on one, dated for a short amount of time, and then their deal/relationship ended.
This brings me to today.
Mac Miller

TMZ published these photos recently. Is there anything Mac and Ariana are doing together work-wise? Yep! Mac is doing a remix of “Into You.”
I mean… that screams PR and leaked photos by her team. A cliche in Hollywood.
Mac and Ariana are good friends though, having worked together since 2014. With Ariana, work relationships tend to turn personal.
Justin Bieber

Justin had nothing to do with breaking up her and Big Sean. Them performing together was another attempt at publicity because they are well liked by the fans. Her team told her not to act too awkward with Justin on stage and to actually SELL the performance; meaning, have chemistry with Justin!
That’s all for now.
To Summarize

Ariana is a nice person and someone who also has a big heart. She does care for her fans. However, she can be a bit of a diva and I myself like the occasional diva in the industry. She has b-tchy tendencies and diva demands. She’s insecure. She has experimented with the cliche world of Hollywood (drugs, excessive sex, and etc.), and has done her share of PR. The end.
The only other Ariana post I’ve had on here was my Dangerous Woman review which you should check out.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and that’s it for this highly requested post! Comment down below any thoughts you have! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.