Exposed: A blast from the past exposes Selena Gomez.
Our August marathon of posting continues! This time with a blast from the past.
Who you may ask? Does the name Moshe Benabou ring a bell? For some fans, it will because Moshe Benabou is one of Justin Bieber’s former bodyguards.

We told you many times how the Selena Gomez the public sees and “knows,” is not the Selena Gomez that inside peers know.
Most of the time, anyone who was in Justin’s close circle, have had a bad experience with Selena. Please don’t give me a headache and list irrelevant pictures of Selena posing with Justin’s friends or any of that nonsense. Like I just said, what you see in public is usually much different than what goes on behind closed doors. If I want you to get anything out of this blog, it’s that publicity goes a long way and what you see in your favorite celebrities, is really not your fave celebrity but their very good publicist.
However, when that person is not a celebrity, their words are usually not censored. I’ll get to Moshe in one second but I’d like to remind you of what Chaz Somers, one of Justin’s pre-fame friends, said during the time of Jelena.

This is what happened

Everyone then thought that Chaz and Justin were fighting, which they were. Beliebers got involved in all of Justin’s friends’ personal lives and were of course like ‘omg what happened?’
“Justin and Chaz” and “#WeWantChustinBack” proceeded to trend worldwide.

That led Chaz to tweet the following

The point of this little story is that most of Justin’s close and real friends who actually care for him, do not like Selena. And if you are Justin’s fan, you would realize that Chaz and Justin never really hung out during Jelena, but later reconciled after Jelena broke up just like when Justin reconciled with all his other true friends that he wasn’t allowed to hang out with while dating Selena (Caitlin, Jasmine, Jacque, Miley, etc.).

If you’re wondering, no Justin did not hang out with any of those friends when he was with Selena. He was just stuck with her friends.
Basically, Selena and Justin dating drove a lot of people away because of how Selena is. That brings me to the Moshe story.
The difference between this post and other posts where my source told me information, is that Moshe and my source directly talked. Most of the time when I expose something, it’s told from someone to my source. Example: One of Selena’s friends told my source about something that happened between Justin and Selena. That’s usually how it is because obviously Selena isn’t going to give my source information.
Let’s expose.
Moshe, Justin’s former bodyguard, does not like Selena (surprise surprise) and was never too fond of Jelena. Moshe basically lived with those two since he was Justin’s bodyguard so he clearly knows a lot.
Moshe told my source that Selena has a terrible temper and attitude. He said that she gets offended easily and has gotten into several arguments with him when he allowed a fan to get close to Justin when he was with Selena.
If you’re in denial, then you probably can’t see how much Selena hated Justin’s fans. If you are a Belieber, you either witnessed this firsthand or heard about this. In fact, I had a whole post about it here:
While going through that old post, I came across this old screenshot

Selena was so pissed off that Justin was taking pictures with fans and guess who the bodyguard is in the photo? Moshe.
Watch the full video down below.
Since we are on the topic, let’s not forget when a whole country trended
“Punch/Slap Selena” due to how rude she was at the airport with Justin.
Check out the full expierence here towards the end:

Alright back to the Moshe story.
Moshe and Selena had quite a couple of arguments and Moshe said to my source that Selena is a different person that no one who isn’t close to her, gets to see. He also said that when she’s upset, she gets very spiteful and noticing that about Selena, didn’t take him that long to realize while working as Justin’s bodyguard. Again, this is something we already told you all. Moshe is just confirming this. He also told my source to be careful of what she says because Selena will find a way to make her life a living hell (as she did to many others including Justin).
I’d like to see her try to make my life a living hell though.

Whenever you saw Moshe and Selena interacting, Selena always seemed to be yelling at him.

The camera quickly pans somewhere else but as you can see, Selena is mad at Moshe (her facial expression says it all) and he’s like trying to explain himself or something.
This isn’t the only time.

Selena seems to be yelling at someone in that above photo and she’s not looking at Justin but who pops up in the next photo?

Moshe. And who’s planning his downfall? Selena.
Just kidding, but honestly, look at the way she’s looking at him.

Calm down girl. Don’t want you popping a vein.
Justin plays a role in this too. Whenever Moshe tried to tell Justin to talk to her or whatever, Justin would say “Moshe leave it alone man.” Yes Justin is that person. He would see Selena being rude, inconsiderate and doing all this shit and instead of getting her off her high horse, he would let her do what she wants. That attitude is exactly why it was so easy for Selena to ruin and sell him out so quickly in the media (2013-2014). He doesn’t deserve it, but he kinda does. I mean he saw what Selena would do first hand and he never confronted her so it bit him in the ass.
At the end of 2015, Selena and Moshe ran into each other and they took this picture.

That photo is irrelevant to anything I just said, but I just included it because her fans tell me I “manipulate” things. Like okay? Selena and Moshe posing years after their issues mean nothing, but go off I guess.
That’s all we have for you tonight! I hope you guys enjoyed and we’ll talk to you in our next post! Here are the messages between my source and I!

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