Is Selena Gomez running out of things to keep her relevant?
Selena is not someone new to acting out in publicity stunts to keep her name in headlines. Many people will argue that she’s known for what she does but from a business perspective, everyone knows that she gained fame and relevancy for her high profile relationship with Justin Bieber. Not to be mean or anything, but she’s not that good of a performer. She can barely keep in sync with her dancers let alone the backtrack playing. When she’s singing live for once, her screams really pierce through my ears. Her acting is very mediocre and only fit for Disney. I guess her only talent is looking cute standing next to the world’s biggest pop star Justin Bieber. That and taking nice selfies.
Let’s be nice and ignore the airbrush in this picture and say, oh what a great selfie!

I don’t write posts to repeat the same things so let me link you to a couple of posts you should read.
1. The first Jelena contract -
2. Selena shading Justin -
3. Justin in Selena’s life before/after/during a release -
4. The Jelena contract of 2015 -
Selena has recently said that she thinks that people didn’t take her seriously when she was dating Justin.

Of course now that she’s working on a new album and is losing relevancy while on tour, she’s going to obviously bring him up, but that’s besides the point.
No one takes Selena seriously because she’s untalented. Let me not sugarcoat anything. You’re supposed to be a professional singer yet you can’t sing let alone stay in synch with the backtrack when you’re lip syncing. On her tour in 2013, she lip synched like her entire set but that was excused because her hopping from one side of the stage to the other was called “dancing.”

On this present tour, the Revival tour, she’s still lip syncing and yet for the parts where she is singing, she’s actually not? She either lets the crowd sing 85% of the songs or lets her backup singers have their moment. Oh and guess what? She’s not even participating in any choreography.

This is not a hatefest. I’m just simply stating that Selena is not good at her job and therefore will get no recognition for it because it’s not appealing. It’s one thing to have a couple hits where you sound different in every track and it’s another thing to be a useless performer. Britney Spears lipsynched her entire career but at least she was a good performer.
Do you understand my point? Selena is not a good performer therefore she will not be known for that. Maybe she’s known for taking good selfies but I mean you don’t go to a concert to see selfies. So what is Selena known for? Her high profile relationship with Justin Bieber.

And when she’s not known for her famous PDA pictures with him, she’s known for shading him every second she gets.

More here:
The point is, whenever Selena released something, Justin was always “randomly” with her and that’s proved in post #3 and #4 which I linked in the beginning of this post.
So it’s not like she’s going to be known for anything else.
Justin on the other hand, is moving on with his life while Selena is still making shady remarks about him or leaking studio versions of his songs.
Check out when Selena posted a studio cover of Justin’s song “Let Me Love You” FIVE days before its official release:
That sparked up Jelena rumors just like she wanted but too bad Justin wasn’t having it since he took to Instagram to post videos and pictures of girls he was chilling with.

So uh oh, now Selena is mad! Justin shut down the Jelena rumors and no one is talking about her again? So what does she do?
August 8, she performs her song “Feel Me” in a very angry and aggressive way (something her fans pointed out) and then proceeded to say “I’m so disappointed”
Watch it here
1. “I’m so disappointed”
2. Aggressively singing the song -

When does she do all this? When Justin continues hanging out with girls and going skinny dipping with them (August 6)

So leave it Selena to try and get people talking about her while performing a song that implies a guy cheating and then says she’s so “disappointed” during the song, around the time photos of Justin skinny dipping with another girl, come to light.
Let me get this straight. Selena and Justin broke up in 2012. Reconciled in 2013/2014 during Selena’s projects. Reconciled rarely due to their Jelena contract in 2015. Selena and Justin have both hung out with other people and went on dates with them. Selena doesn’t want to be linked to Justin. Yet here we are discussing Jelena because Selena started the conversation. I’m sorry but what kind of psycho? It’s been four years since your breakup. You claim you don’t want to be known for him yet you pull shit like this? Hmm

Something isn’t adding up except for the fact that Selena is an attention seeking leech!
Justin is single and is trying to have fun and yet she’s doing the most trying to tie everything back to him.
Justin didn’t even flinch nor mention anything when Selena was out on dates

yet the second Justin hangs out with other girls, Selena must revive Jelena rumors!
Notice, those photos are recent. I’m not even bringing up the photos hanging out with other guys in 2013/2014 while giving shit for Justin for hanging out with other girls!
Do you see how insane she is? Do you understand why Justin was on drugs when he was trying to recover from their breakup?
We told you since day 1 that Selena believes that no one else can have Justin. She literally believes that and she just showed you all that. Move on! Even I, exposingsmg, has moved on from Jelena! I’m bored and so is the general public from reading about how “oh no Justin cheated on me!” “oh no I don’t want to be known for Justin” “oh no here’s a snapchat of me singing Justin’s song” “oh no here’s me saying how disappointed I am when news about Justin broke of him skinny dipping with other girls” and yet…. Selena hangs out and goes on dates with other guys. Yet… Justin… can’t do the same. And if he does… he’s a cheater….. and an asshole… because he’s on vacation…. whilst single……
Yeah I’d do drugs too.
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