DailyESMG: Are Justin and Hailey still talking? (A clarification on their whole relationship)
I’ve had a couple of Jailey posts and if you’d like to read them, here’s the link to their tag: http://exposingsmg.tumblr.com/tagged/jailey

First off, let me clarify their relationship.
Justin and Hailey are very good friends. Hailey had a huge crush on Justin (I don’t know her feelings now). She liked him a lot and tbh, who wouldn’t like Justin. Overall he’s a pretty chill guy. Every girl who meets him, falls for him. Anyways, there was a time when Hailey was really into Justin and he wasn’t. However, that changed. Justin was really into Hailey and both of them would flirt and text each other all the time. He loved having Hailey around and he confided A LOT in her. He took her on vacation with his family.

Btw, Justin doesn’t take just anyone on vacation with his fam so if he does that, it’s a big deal. Let me say this again, JUSTIN LIKED HAILEY TOO. THEIR FEELINGS WERE MUTUAL.
Let me repeat myself.
Hailey was not some freak obsessed with Justin. No. He liked her too.

Some of you claim Hailey shaded Justin, but I don’t see it. Justin told her a lot of shit and whenever Hailey ever innocently shaded Justin, it was out of jealousy or something. Like haven’t any of you had a crush on someone? Weren’t you bitter if they said one thing and did the other? I don’t know if there was anything else she did since my readers haven’t even notified me of that, but I don’t even keep my tabs on anyone regardless of what you may think. I just have my source come to me with tea.

Anyways, hating on Hailey for liking Justin is a self drag. Hating on Hailey for something she said when she was like 12 is a self drag. That age itself is a self drag. I can’t find a valid reason to why anyone is hating on Hailey except for the fact that maybe Justin likes her?? I mean what else is the reason?

So what’s up with Jailey today?
Here’s what my source said

So they aren’t talking as much as they used to and my source will see if she can find any information. I personally think it’s because Justin is on tour and Hailey is living her life.
Did Justin and Hailey date?
Some speculated they did because like we always told you, they were very flirty with each other. We told you this and then he took her on vacation. We told they both liked each other and again, she was with him on vacation. Did Justin and Hailey ever date? Based on the information we know, no. No they did not.

There’s some bizarre rumors going around by these random accounts saying that not only did Justin and Hailey date, but Justin cheated on Hailey. Yeah ha no. They didn’t date. Why? Well I assume him having a contract with his ex-girlfriend tends to play a role. Also, Justin was going on tour at the time and tour schedule is very hectic.
Like I said, Hailey and Justin were very close. She knew almost every aspect of his life. Does she know about the Jelena contract? Yes. Does she know about everything Selena has done to Justin? Yes. Does she know about the issues he had with his parents? Yes. Instead of being so cruel to Hailey, and this goes out to Justin stans, be happy that your fave had someone to vent to as opposed to turning to the wrong crowd who sells him out.
The end. Move on with your lives and let Justin live his.
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