Exposed: The Backstory of Luke Hemmings and Arzaylea, his girlfriend.
Luke Hemmings, the lead singer of “5 Seconds of Summer,” started dating this girl named Arzaylea, in 2015. This is Luke’s first relationship with all the fame so everyone is questioning what is going on and what is the truth about this duo. We are here to tell you everything.

Lead singer = Luke Hemmings
Well known band = 5 Seconds of Summer

The girlfriend = Arzaylea
Btw, the best mate who wasn’t fond of her, is Calum Hood.

So that is what was revealed last time and here we are with more information as promised.
My source was glad to tell me information about Arzaylea. Now bare with me since I come from the Jelena hood so I’m not familiar about what was released on social media. With Jelena, I know where to look. With these people, I just did a quick Google search.
My source tells me that Arzaylea cheated on her boyfriend who she was with for a very long time because she wanted to get into the limelight with Luke Hemmings, the lead singer of 5 Seconds of Summer.
Bryan, is her ex and this is them.

That also explains why she’s selling information on him and the band. I don’t believe any media articles have already posted her information since I’ve been told there’s not much on 5 Seconds of Summer, which is good news for them.
I did a little extra digging and I found out that Arzaylea was interviewed which is odd since she’s not famous. It’s also very odd for the girlfriend of someone who’s really not that important to the general public, is getting an interview, as opposed to when Chantel Jeffries was interviewed by E! News because you know she was around during the time of Justin Bieber’s arrest.
Here’s her interview:

Now sis… I know I’m not part of the 5sos fandom so I’m not keeping up with whatever the amount of things she did to piss of the fabase, but it’s simple. If you don’t want hate, don’t piss of the fanabse. If you don’t care, piss of the fanbase by all means, just don’t complain about it. And our ask is where everyone from different fandoms come to vent and talk about their issues and ask their questions, and I’ve been told that Arzaylea, is one to post personal pictures of her and Luke and then delete them. Doing that just means you want to start drama and if that’s your intention, then by all means! Just don’t complain about it and play the victim role because I assure you that’s not what she is.
I mean everyone gets hate. Addressing the hate will bring you more hate. It’s the celebrity lifestyle. Either get with it or get out. But as my source just told you all, she cheated on her boyfriend, to get with Luke Hemmings so she ain’t getting out.
I did a little bit more digging and I found out that when 5 Seconds of Summer were interviewed by Rolling Stone, Luke’s girlfriend was included as well.

This isn’t a teenbop article, so I’m really conflicted to why she was included. But you know, you get money from this kind of stuff so I’m sure she got her cut.
My source also says that Arzaylea has a reputation going around. Basically she’s one of those girls who just wants to find her way to the top, the easy way and what’s easier than dating someone famous/more famous than you. I mean ask my gal, Selena! Basically, she moved to LA and wanted to adapt to the lifestyle quick so she hung out at all the celebrity places to get into the inner circle.
Based on what my source told me, I did a little Google search and here’s what I found.
Arzaylea’s ex, Bryan, was living with Arzaylea in an apartment. Then Arzaylea dropped him to go find some opportunities with Luke Hemmings. That led her to not paying the rent for the apartment that she was living in with Bryan.

And he had to call her out on social media since she wasn’t responding to his messages.

As for Bryan, my source tells me he’s very sweet and intelligent. He seems like it! I saw some of his tweets on my timeline and this boy WOKE.
I’ve been told from others that Arzaylea has now adapted this personality where she thinks she’s above others due to her relationship with Luke. People who know her have stated that, as well as didn’t like her presence.

Again… this is odd since she really doesn’t have a status except who she’s dating so I don’t know where this cockiness is coming from. It’s basically what my source was talking about. Some people move to LA and just crave the lifestyle.
Based on what I’ve been told about the guys of 5 Seconds of Summer, they all seem like pretty decent guys. You know, your typical guys who like slut around and sleep with fans. I believe they also stated that before.
I’m sure there’s more going on, on twitter about Arzaylea and Luke, but I’m bored since this is a typical using someone for fame, story. I’m into more of the evil queens like Selena Gomez.
So it leads me and 5sos’ fans to the question of… are Luke and Arzaylea dating for PR?

Btw, they’ve been spotted other times and I know I’m only using this spotting, but it has point. Keep reading.
Now listen, I could specialize in how to spot a PR relationship. Alana and I, are masters in what is PR and what is not. I really wish I had a proper answer to this question, but my source has been busy this week and didn’t get back to me, but lets look at the facts.
First of all, Luke Hemmings and his band are really not that important to the general public. Don’t get me wrong, they are known and relevant, but not important to pop culture. They are not Taylor Swift. They are not Justin Bieber. The general public does not care about who they date.
Second of all, PR relationships are to promote something or to gain relevancy. Usually happens before, around, or after the release of something. Oh the many times I stated that phrase on this blog. So I did my research and found out that Luke and Arzaylea’s first spottings happened around a month before the release of their 2nd album, Sounds Good Feels Good.

And the album..

If I was 5sos’ mangager, I’d think of hooking up the lead singer with someone relevant like Kylie Jenner, not a random nobody that doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page, but okay.
Third of all, their first spottings look very forced. Kind of like my favorite PR contract, Jelena back when they were a deal.

It’s practically the same thing.
And yadda yadda, Luke and Arzaylea have been spotted a couple more times afterwards, but MONTHS after the event I’m telling you. So there’s a good chance they started out on a contract, which whoever’s idea it was to set up a famous lead singer with a nobody, I hope they’re fired, but I’m not sure.
What I am sure about though is that we have been told that this girl is selling or trying to sell information on the band and is securing a sex tape to get money from if this deal OR relationship, when it is over. But since there’s a sex tape involved, they’re probably dating for real. Or they started out as PR and Luke fell for her as all the weak little boys tend to fall for the no good ones.
How do we know this information, well my source lives in LA and in her words “everyone knows everyone”
That’s what I know and I hope you enjoyed.
To conclude this post, here are the messages between my source and I.

Listen, I know she said she’s seen many PRS and Arzaylea has to be the most annoying, but I don’t exactly know what she means by that. I’m not sure if she means PR like a contract signed to date for publicity, or she just means public relationship, which PR stands for. I will find out my dear friends, so just give me time.

Thanks for reading!
UPDATE: April 29, 2016
My source got back to me about whether or not Luke Hemmings and Arzaylea started out on a deal.
Here’s what she says

Hope you enjoyed!