Introducing: Daily ESMG

Your wish is my command! Unless you’re a Selenator and you’re telling me to go kill myself. 

It must be annoying to  be a fan of this blog and have me update like once every 2 months and sometimes never, right? 

Well Alana and I talk to my source almost daily and there’s a lot of information that gets passed between us but since we’re just having a chill convo, my first thought isn’t “OMG I HAVE TO POST ABOUT THIS.” I like to make my posts lengthy and helpful so I usually won’t post a small piece of information even thought a lot of you would appreciate that. Most of the time, I just let the information pile on and then I make a huge post.

However, Alana and I came up with this random idea at 1AM and it’s called DailyESMG.

If you are a veteran reader, then you know damn well it’s not going to be daily, but hey, it will be often! 

So how will this work?

I’ll just come online, write a quick 3 sentence post that will probably answer hundreds of your questions so look out for that because one is coming this week. 




Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account):

Btw, what do you think about our new logo? Let us know!


It’s your fave exposers.


DailyESMG: Justin and Ariana


April Tell All Revealed