Exposed: What is really up with Zedd and Selena and what's Justin's thoughts on Selena moving on? Read on to see the condition that came along with the release of THWWIW.
Okay so the title makes it seem like I’m about to break out a sex tape of Selena and Zedd. I assure you that’s not the case. The last time I talked about Zelena was in
and I said the following

I still stand by what I said. As of now, they’re not dating.
However, when I went into that whole PR thing, I feel like I was very vague and gave you guys the impression that Zelena is Jelena 2.0. Remember the whole contract thing I talked about here?
I’ll be honest since I’ll get nowhere by lying (sure wouldn’t have gotten a million hits if I was).
This whole Zelena thing started because they’re working together.

And then the whole “I want you to know thing” starts

Or she wants us to know that she has a new song coming out with Zedd and she’s selling a relationship to get people talking.
Pretty obvious that IWYTK is going to be a song between Selena and Zedd. They’re also both releasing albums this year and apparently touring together. It’s very obvious that’s why they’re spending so much time together is because to promote whatever they’re releasing. Even delusionators realize it

But this post is categorized as “Exposed” meaning we have some inside information from my source.
This is what my source said in my other post

And here’s what she told me yesterday

And was like

and I pulled a Selenator, in my head, and was like “But they SEEM so happy together! She SEEMS to really like him!” Jk I wasn’t actually that confused. I was a little bit confused on how Selena could just be flat out mean. It gets worse.

I literally thought there was a contract involved like Jelena, but turns out, Selena is just being herself; just flat out leading him on for an opportunity. Does Zedd know this? Nope! Justin 2.0, welcome to the club.

So Zedd genuinely likes Selena.

She’s filming in Atlanta and he flew over there…. I doubt they’re recording anything else since by the looks of it, the song they’re releasing is already done. Looks like someone is

And Selena has no problem leading Zedd AND the general public, on

Lets transition into Justin’s thoughts on Selena moving on.
Unlike Selena the psycho, Justin doesn’t think he owns a person or that they seriously belong to them. He also isn’t a hypocrite. Throwback to 2013 *shivers* whenever Justin would try to move on and Selena pops back up like a rat once you think you’ve caught it

*searches Justin Bieber Updates on Google* ‘JUSTIN BIEBER OUT WITH NEW GIRL: ELLA PAIGE’ “Oh fuck no” Selena exclaims after snor- seeing that headline.
A couple days later…..

“Surprise bitch”
Is Ella Paige seen with Justin ever again? A…. NOPE.
That was the first scenario in which Selena popped up when Justin was getting close with a girl. Lets look at another one
June 27, 2013

“Jordan WHO?” Selena screeches at she closes a Bieber update twitter account and looks at her emergency already-packed-just-in-case-Justin-thinks-he-can-move-on suitcase.
Last day of June

You get the point. More about that here. And I’ll have another post on Justin during 2013 and how she basically cost him his life because of the depression she sent him in.
Okay back to the point. Justin isn’t gonna go drink 12 bottles of vodka because someone is moving on unlike someone we know.

When I was organizing dms between me and my source, I saw this one

She was telling me about one of her friends’ at this party with Jelena a while back. The fully story will be included in a future post but I don’t want to get off topic.
Justin himself is sick of Selena’s ways. The whole “I love you so much” one minute and then the next minute she’s not talking to him or she’s selling a story about him or she’s blaming her issues on him. WE WERE SICK OF IT. THE PUBLIC WAS SICK OF IT. EVEN JUSTIN IS SICK OF IT. And guess who realized that? Selena’s team!
According to my source, the release of The Heart Wants What It Wants, came with a condition. I couldn’t find the dm where she told me that in the first place, but my reply to her basically summed up what she said

Yes that’s when she dmed me saying there will be a Jelena spotting that indeed happened.
But yeah. THWWIW was released to also end Jelena spottings. That Jelena spotting that my source told you will happen almost two weeks in advance

was most likely not supposed to happen and Selena probably got backlash from her team about it since THWWIW came with a condition! She looked very stupid when that spotting occurred and whether or not you’re still having your doubts over if it’s real or not even though we addressed that in this post, it doesn’t matter because it was still a spotting that made headlines. Selena probably wanted double the headlines because when that spotting came out, the general public was like Zelena vs. Jelena!
So it seems like because of that condition, using Justin won’t work since the general public is sick of it. So who is Sel gonna use next?

And voila. The dots have been connected and the gaps have been filled.
Hope you guys enjoyed ♥ Way more posts to come.

Hi Selena! :)