Exposed: The main goal of releasing The Heart Wants What It Wants, is to destroy Justin some more. (more on why the Bieber team seems "supportive of Selena" and etc)
Why do I call this an act rather than a performance? Because it might as well be a scene taken out of a soap opera, but we all know the acting there would have been much better.
Tonight, Selena Gomez, better known as Bieber’s ex, was once again acting like a heartbroken strong woman, on a stage.

Of course this isn’t the first time she’s “crying” and whining about him on a stage

All on different occasions and two were actually LAST YEAR. I’d dig up some more but who has the patience to screenshot Selena looking like a mole rat as she she tries so hard to squirm out the waterworks.
I’m sure you all have a lot of questions, but let’s get to it one by one.
For new readers:
The post about Justin and Selena’s deal back in 2011. (X)
The post about Selena shading Justin for two years. (X)
The post about Selena making sure Justin is incapable of moving on (X)
The post about Selena using Justin when she releases something, yes there’s date proof (X)
The post about Selena using Justin for Stars Dance by lying about writing songs about him (X)
And lastly, but surely not least, the post about exposingsmg constantly getting proved right (X)
Since the HOUR Justin and Selena broke up back in 2012, Selena automatically attacked him and any girl he was with. Since then, she didn’t stop. Don’t worry, I won’t repeat myself. Just know that Selena only went back to Justin for her career and it’s proved in one of the posts I listed above.
Remember Ashley aka Selenaexposed? Read about that here.

You’re probably wondering why I’m laughing. I’m laughing at all those times people told us neither me or Ashley affected Selena’s career. Yes Ashley doesn’t deal with anything relating to Selenaexposed, but the voicemail she was gonna release, still did the damage. The Heart Wants What It Wants was supposed to be released much earlier than it did

I cut out the icon and name obviously to respect her privacy.
Selena said in an interview that it was recorded about a year ago so obviously my source isn’t lying. It was supposed to come out during the whole thing with Justin and Chantel. Justin and Chantel got close in 2014 and the song was finished by December 2013, but it couldn’t be released in December since there was still suspicion among Selena’s team that the voicemail was going to be released. So she waited until that suspicion was over and wanted to release it during the Justin and Chanel drama with the “he’d rather models” and all that crap that way people can go attack Chantel with death threats the way they attacked Barbara. But obviously none of that went as well as planned since Selena was checked into rehab in the beginning of 2014.
Still don’t believe me?

Selena posted that March 25 with the caption “secret project” and that photo means the video for The Heart Wants What It Wants was already filmed and proves that the song was recorded a while ago because a lead single isn’t created in a night. The Justin and Chantel drama started in January 2014 right around the time Selena was in rehab

Chantel and Justin were pretty close for the majority of 2014. Selena planned to released the song somewhere after March but ended up releasing it November when the time was right to act like a victim once again. She couldn’t capitalize and frame Chantel since the timing wasn’t right because she had Rudderless and Behaving Badly to deal with.
Starting to make sense now?
No one films a music video 8 months in advance or even teases a music video 8 months in advance which means that not even Selena knew she was gonna release it November meaning she wanted to get Rudderless and Behaving Badly over with and then she moved on to The Heart Wants What It Wants. Let me remind you, that during her promo for Rudderless and Behaving Badly, Selena went back to Justin and that’s explained in one of the posts linked above. Selena herself said that the release was pushed back 3 times. Also, get this, Justin and Selena reunited in March 2014 about 2 weeks before the filming for The Heart Wants What It Wants was all wrapped up

So she was hanging out with him while playing him at the same time. For one, she had already recorded and planned to victimize herself and just in case you wanna play the card that “Oh she didn’t know she was gonna film 2 weeks later” when obviously costume and location for music videos are usually planned at least a month before so I assure you she knew, but either way, 2 weeks after the filming for the song was done, she reunited with him again

Any other excuse anyone wants to throw back at me? Didn’t think so.
Oh and then in between her pathetic attempts to reunite with him whether it’s because of a show, a trailer that just dropped, or an upcoming movie release, Selena shaded and hated on any girl he was with. So basically for the majority of the last two years, anything that came out of Selena’s mouth was about Justin. Whether it was about Love Will Remember and that fake voicemail of “Justin” or whether it’s about The Heart Wants What It Wants and how “horrible” he cheated on her, everything she did was related to Justin because no one cared about her without him.
And just in case for a second it crosses your mind that he was unfaithful to her, read this.
So Selena going back to Justin in August all the way through September was PLANNED. If it wasn’t planned and she really did wanna get back together with Justin, how did she know that she would be broken up with him by the time The Heart Wants What It Wants came out?

point made. respect that and bow down.
So now you should be 100% convinced that this victim card Selena is trying, is all an act.
She also said that the beginning of the music video, she had no idea she was being filmed? LMAO that’s a lie and I’m pretty sure you don’t need to know why.
We are all aware of how shitty she treated Justin after the breakup, now she’s trying to act like she’s mature and she “loves and cares about him!” No hunny. You don’t get to act like an immature whore for 2 years and then suddenly want to play the mature card like Miley. And Miley who was ENGAGED and it was confirmed that Liam cheated on her, didn’t even pull any stunt with Wrecking Ball which is obviously a much better and more powerful song. THWWIW is just another remake of Wrecking Ball and as always, Miley did it first and Miley did it better.
Also, Selena is only acting nice because she doesn’t want a bitter rude image circling her while she promotes THWWIW. Don’t believe me? When Stars Dance got released, she said this

Funny because after promo for Stars Dance was done, Selena shaded Cailin Russo and then started shaming any other girl Justin was with. Oh and before GMA? She did this

and so on. So what will stop Selena from repeating everything she did since the breakup? Shade him -> Drop something new -> Go back to him -> Play nice -> Shade him. And repeat.
Back to the point of this post.
Prove that Selena planned all this: Check
Now, why are all of Justin’s team acting like they’re all supportive of Selena? This goes back to Selena’s image that will be discussed, but there’s also a #1 Selena fan involved in this

Scooter never had a problem with Selena and after all, he was the one who set up the Jelena contract along with Mandy. So if you ever wish Jelena never happened, you can thank Scooter and Mandy. Selena’s team also did a great job of securing her image because lol you wanna believe that all of the sudden, the Bieber team like Scrappy, Scooter, Dan, Pattie, etc, are all in love with Selena regardless of how she drove their beloved Justin to depression? Ha okay! Good luck in that fairy tale you’re living in.
Hope we’re clear on that, now back to Selena’s attention seeking performance.
1. The moon

Alright lets just pretend that that wasn’t a rip off the Believe tour and it was just a coincidence.
2. The angel wings

Now that’s not a coincidence. So you go Sel! Rip off Justin’s tour that out-grossed all your tours combined and multiplied by 10, while you victimize yourself and once again pin him as such a terrible person who broke you and made you feel crazy! The Believe tour wings were everything her cheap remake $40 dollar greenscreen wanted to be.
Also, with Justin’s wings, he used them as a prop to fly onto the stage which makes sense because wings are used for flying. Selena on the other hand is using them in a way that shows that she’s overcome a huge battle. Girl not even Demi who was driven to suicide and dealt with severe depression sang with angel wings during Skyscraper. She’s acting like she’s some war veteran like seriously, it’s a breakup that happened 2 years ago THAT YOU DON’T FEEL ANY PAIN FOR. Her drugged up ass is the one who caused all the pain and its Justin who’s the victim.
3. The crying eyes

If you want people to say “Feel bad for me! I’m a victim! I’m a trooper!” insert eyes crying behind you while you try to strain yourself to cry as well.
4. Her frog voice along with her “tears”
Firstly, I’m so happy that she chose to sing live because I’m glad to know that that horrendous voice embarrassed herself in front of people like Ariana Grande, One Direction, and more. Especially Ariana Grande *cackles* At one point in the song, she even starting screaming with “pain and hurt” LMAOO WHO EVER BUYS THIS ACT HAS CLEARLY NEVER SEEN GOOD ACTING. She was trying so hard to cry and “hold in the tears” I almost puked at how she looked like she wanted to shit

*blows smoke* she’s just too predictable.
5. And now last and surerly the most important, JUSTIN APPEARING ON THE BACKDROP

Now if you think that it isn’t Justin, you’re wrong. i’d recognize his fingers anywhere since they look like they’ve been run over by a train

If you ask me, I doubt Justin knows that he’s being used. It seems like this was taken out of something he did for a project or maybe Selena is just a crazy psychopath and got someone with identical fingers as him. I mean can you imagine Selena "Hey can I use you for my backdrop as I sing about how much pain you put me through even though I was the one who stepped on your heart and drove you to depression?” Yeah I’m sure he would have been like “Sure Sel!” *rolls eyes*
The Heart Wants What It Wants is just a Love Will Remember 2.0. Even during Love Will Remember, she had something up on the backdrop relating to heartbreak and pain.

She sure looks heartbroken! Ironically that’s days after she gave him and Yovanna shit for hanging out. Aren’t double standards cute?

Aw rehearsed tears!

LMAO OKAY. Just so you guys now, she changed like a line to get writing credits since we gave her so much shit for not writing Love Will Remember.
Here’s a vine of guy who isn’t buying Selena’s act (X)
and here’s a vine of Selena falling off the stage and symbolizing how her career will be falling without Justin: (X)
Anyways, I’m not even mad about her attention seeking performance or the fact that Justin really is delusional. In the end, it’s Selena who’s a worthless tone deaf maniac that looks like she’s 30.

Before the drugs

In the end, THWWIW may crack the top 10 on Billboard thanks to her using Justin like she did for CAGI, but the album won’t pass 200k. In the end, Selena is still a talentless sad whore that depends on guys for relevancy. In the end, Selena won’t ever dare get on my last nerves by trying to contact me like she did last time because you never know Sellybear, I could be pretending I have something that could ruin you or I could actually have something that could ruin you. I mean I already know everything you do in your daily life. *cackles*
So to dumb out this post and put it in a photo, here

Bitches will always be bitches. And the truth will get out no matter what. And coke will still be illegal and deadly.
Hope you enjoyed ♥