EXPOSED: Selena would have been arrested if it wasn't for Justin.

Since 2010, there are so many things Justin saved from happening to Selena. For example, he saved her with When The Sun Goes Down from flopping at a top 3 debut just like her two albums before that, previously did. He did all he can to promote her and one of those promotional stunts along with their publicized relationship, was this 


and yes that was one month before When The Sun Goes Down’s release. 

Another time was when he saved Come & Get It from being another failure of Selena’s that could barely scrape the top 20 mark on Billboard when he posted this


the week of its release, and “ironically”, Come & Get It flew to #6 on Billboard. 

There are too many events in which Justin saved Selena’s dying career the way Alfredo saved Selena 


when you have had too much drink 



This time around, Selena dodged a bullet thanks to Justin of course. 



So Justin has been arrested for recklessly driving and assault (lol are they adding some more things to his arrest just like last time when he apparently assaulted the cop when he was apparently drinking while driving, something that was proved to be wrong afterwards). 

They’re not releasing his mug shot or his police record. So you’re probably like “Okay Angela what does this have to do with Selena?” Well keep reading. 


Justin’s attorney then claims that Justin’s dangerous driving was because of the paparazzi but last I recall, they were on Jeremy’s private ranch in which paparazzi can not be on. So that’s a question I have for Mr. Greenspan. 

Now look at what Justin does. When asked if there were two people driving the ATV, he says yes but refused to say Selena’s name that way she doesn’t get arrested.


He has some actual nerve. After all Selena’s done to him. 

After she made fun of him crying on national television


After she pranced around LA with a smile on her face after his first arrest and held her head up high when asked about his arrest


After she made fun of him smoking weed (acting like she never did it with him) and called him a douchebag when he was hospitalized


After she framed him as cheater with Barbara


After she blamed the whole relationship on him


After all her slut shaming and unnessary comments


After she got all her friends and co-workers to not only drag him but Barbara as well



After all the bullshit she put him through on social media for hanging out with another girl and then is seen doing this



Should I go on?

AFTER ALL THAT (and much much MUCH more,) he takes the blame for the arrest. 


This is the ATV we’re talking about


and there are clear photos of Selena driving the ATV as well



Is that her look-alike? 


It was confirmed that there were two people driving the ATV and if Justin spoke up and said Selena was the one driving it as well, she would have been arrested and charged as well.

But… he didn’t. 




So because Selena is the supportive and loving person in Justin’s life, after he was brought into custody, she’s seen going to NYC


(Keep in mind that this arrest happened August 29 and yes they were seen together August 30. And news for his arrest dropped September 2 and that's when she left.)

Wow so not only did he save her career from drama of her being arrested, and not only did he save her from receiving a prison record, she repays him by not showing her support for him, but leaving him as soon as things are going tough. And yes she flies back to NYC commercially and not with Justin’s private plane or her own (does she even have one?)

Says a lot about her character huh. She got her promotion and she left. Oh and she’s dropping a new movie soon and reported album. Wow you go Sel! Ruin Justin’s life some more and then go live yours acting like you weren’t the reason for anything. And just for the record, Selena was the reason in a lot of the things that got “leaked” about Justin in the media just like he was the reason her career didn’t die the way everyone’s ears at her concerts did. 


Oh and since I got shit for saying Selena left on Twitter, here


“Why do Beliebers even hate Selena” whispers the delusional 12 year old Selenator who didn’t buy Stars Dance just like America didn’t. 

“Maybe it has to do with the fact that she makes Justin act rude to fans, or that she attacked him for a year straight along with her friends or hey maybe it’s the part where he took the blame for her arrest and she didn’t even show moral support by being there for him but left as soon as the private ranch and private plane is taken away” replies the Belieber as she listens to Journals that despite it being treated as an EP, is about to outsell Stars Dance the way it out charted it. 


I think I’ve made my point. 


Hope you guys enjoyed this post. And thank you so so so much for getting my twitter account to 9,000 followers and this tumblr to 11,000 followers. I love you guys ♥

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Selena sure is running out of ideas to keep herself talked about.