Exposed: Selena faked her heartbreak and hired someone to prove that.
Not the most clever title but it sums up this entire post it will have to do.
So I’m pretty sure you all remember the week everyone was shading Justin? Literally. Selena is always shading him since she has to maintain attention somehow so I’m not gonna even go into it, but Chancrap shaded him, Cailin, Ashley, Ella, and that’s it I assume? (Yovannna really didn’t do much). The shade that those…. things, said, is all explained here. So everyone decided to call Justin a manwhore and it can easily be proven but I’m gonna leave that up to YFD, which is a new defense blog, no not run by me because no one has time to run two blogs, but that was my requested post to her.
So we all know how Selena loves to victimize herself and loves to use an insult or weakness in her favor.
Insults: Her concert right after the VMA’s in which Miley “shocked” America and everyone was calling her trashy while praising Selena for remaining “normal” and being “classy”, Selena started preaching about class afterwards. Try and tell me that wasn’t a jab at Miley.
Weakness: ooo this one is a good one! Justin’s love her for her. She used his love for her to promote herself. It wasn’t your dear Angela or your dear Justin getting off the plane in the middle of the night to visit their ex. It was your dear Selena doing that after making fun of him smoking weed (which she’s done with him), making fun of him crying, calling him a douchebag when he was in the hospital, framing him as a cheater, and you should know the rest.
So surprise surprise, Selena faked her heartbreak to Justin a couple years too late. And I told you all that she faked it and I showed you all how in several posts how Justin treated her like a goddess even after the breakup, how she treated him like shit, how she slapped him, how she was on top of a bunch of guys and claimed that Justin was the asshole for taking pictures with girls. ALL of this was proved and explained in more posts than the amount of people Selena used which is a lot. I’m not repeating myself if you choose to be a deluded asshole. The blog is public and open for all to be educated. So now into the actual part of the post!
Selena was acting all heartbroken like 2 years later and posted sad photos and videos on Instagram and ya know the usual, tried her best to victimize herself. But then a couple of days later, this happens

b-b-b-but I thought you were so heartbroken? Is this the same Selena who posted a video of her crying on Instagram? Is this the same Selena who posted some inspirational message because she needed “cheering up”? Is this the same Selena who was shading all those girls her ex was hanging out with because she was so devastated?
Apparently so.
NO ONE IS HATING ON SELENA FOR “moving on” as her fans claimed. They were hating on her because she’s a hypocrite. How come Justin wasn’t “moving on” when he was out with Yovanna? Explain.
But let me just get this straight, Justin is the biggest douche in the world for taking innocent photos like a cuddling photo or a photo with a girl wrapping his waist almost TWO years after his breakup, but Selena is trying to move on when she’s seen frolicking with this random just a couple days later? Wow Sel! Write a book on how to hold a breakup for almost 2 years later and then write a sequel on how to go from being “so devastated!” to so “happy” with this random in like 2 days! Right, a random. A random that she never met before and never hung out with. You read to hear the truth that I already announced on Twitter? A random that was hired by her according to my source.
Yup you read that correctly. I first broke the news on Twitter when my source told me she hired the random, Tommy, because she knew Justin was gonna see the photos or hear from them and her intention was to get him jealous. To make sure it was Tommy she was talking about, I asked, and voila it’s him and you have a new post. Now if you don’t believe me, I really don’t care, but I’ll easily prove it to you because like I said, I give you proof to a certain extent.
I never say something and my way of proof is “My source told me!” No. I have so much things I can tell you but I choose not to and everything I have told you, has been backed up with some sort of proof.
Before I get to Tommy and Selena, let me just show you a couple of photos when Jelena was PR.

Compare those photos with Selena and Tommy’s photos.
Pretty similar right? And wow what a coincidence that the ones of Jelena was when they were PR! And wow what a coincidence that when Jelena did date for real, they weren’t seen molesting each other on the beach and were actually rarely seen since they didn’t have to be seen anymore. (#catchtheLOWKEYshade)
If you wanna believe that Selena is moving on with Tommy, go ahead. I’m just telling you that he was hired to hang out with her like that. Since WHEN is Selena that obvious all over guys that she never met before? I know that she tends to whore out a bit, if you know what I mean

but none of those photos are obvious. Her fans can easily excuse it as “She’s just having fun” just like they excuse everything for her but hold Justin for it, especially this one fan

I don’t think anyone told her that Selena did the same to Nathan by telling him to “Come & Get It” even when he was with Ariana. Classy!

Obviously I dragged her but that’s just an example.
But back to what I was saying. If I was lying and he wasn’t hired, why is she all over a guy that she just met and acting like they have been dating for 12 years? And ironically those photos match exactly with the photos of Jelena when they were PR (fake for those of you who are new).
“He’s some billionaire who owns the yacht”
Did Selena get some discount with the yacht that says the owner comes with it and if you fuck him you get 20% off or what? WHAT DOES THE FACT THAT HE OWNS SOME YACHT COMPANY HAVE TO DO WITH HER HIRING HIM? Good lord her fans are stupid.
Also, Justin does seem to be over her. For one, he’s not depressed and you can see that from recent candids. I don’t think he’s on anti-depressants anymore. Apparently he refused to meet up with her in Miami and that surprised Selena since she’s used to never being told no, by Justin. And that makes sense 100% since because he refused to hang out with her, she wanted to make him jealous, but with who? A attractive male in which she hired.
When he was asked about her, he said

and afterwards, he said “but I’m over her.” And you can see the video for that here. On Instagram, he posted a song with the lyrics “I’m moving on” so it seems like he really is over her and good for him. Selena doesn’t want Justin moving on or getting over her because then she loses his power over him. If he’s over her or if he starts dating someone new, she can’t call him up randomly and hang out with him to make some headlines. She’ll become irrelevant. She’ll once again become the nobody she truly is. She’s one of the most toxic people to have in your life.
And now my favorite part, the part where Exposingsmg retains her title for always being right. A month ago, I said this

in this post. I said it multiple times before but I have a lot of posts and I’m not gonna go through them. I always tell you that Selena plays mindgames on Justin. She says “I still love you” and bullshit like that, and once she gets what she wants, she leaves and goes and shades him. On July 25th, Justin posted this video of Za. Let me quote what Za is saying.
“And my girl she just was, she just was like ‘I can’t believe you, how dare you’ and then she’ll be like 'I love you so much’ and then she blow up my phone.” -Za

WAS THAT NOT THE SAME EXACT THING I JUST SAID? Justin captioned the video with “When friends don’t give a shit about what u gotta say”. 1. Za said the same exact thing I always say Selena does. 2. I’ve said a million times that Za never liked Selena. 3. Justin’s caption can either be for fun or it’s lowkey “I never listened to my friends when they told me Selena is wrong for me”. In the end, Za said exactly what I said Selena did. Try to fight me on that one.
But no, Exposingsmg is a fake who’s out to get Selena.

Back to the point of the post.
So after what I just explained to you, it shouldn’t be crazy to believe that she hired him. So not only did she hire him to make Justin jealous since he doesn’t seem to care about her anymore, she faked a heartbreak to make Justin get hate so she will get sympathy. And if you remember, when she was promoting Stars Dance on GMA

they asked her about Justin (surprise surprise) and she defended him even though a couple days before,

she was shading him. It just goes to say that 1. she wouldn’t have insulted him on national television after the backlash Beliebers gave her with the “that makes two of us” comment

and 2. She’s trying to suck up to them and not seem like a bitch on national television even though she is one on social media, because sucking up to Justin’s fans will get her more fans. Who do you think bought her album last time? It sure as hell weren’t her planted fans at GMA the years before.

However, that’s nothing new. Selena implied that he cheated on her and caused Barbara to get death threats. She’s careless and selfish. And yes this is coming from the same girl who thinks that getting celebrity hate is worse than being bullied at school because she’s being “picked on by the whole world”. Yes this is the same girl who lied about writing Forget Forever and Love Will Remember so people can bring her some sympathy over the Jelena break up even though she was laughing at him crying a couple of months before. And yes this is the same girl who bullied her ex alongside her friends, and bullied every other girl he was with for two years straight because according to her fans, “she’s heartbroken.”
Thanks to Selenators, if I ever go through another breakup, I’ll shoot my ex and then when the judge asks me why did i do that, I’ll be like “duh, I was heartbroken and when you’re heartbroken, you can do anything!” Thanks for the tip my lovely sisters!
Hope you enjoyed ♥