Exposed: What happened with Demi and Selena?
A little disclaimer before I start this post: My posts aren’t widely interesting because it’s full of lies. It’s widely interesting because I make it interesting. I can easily tell you the full story in simple words, with no pictures, no humor or sarcastic language and I won’t remind you of things that already happened, and I won’t help you visualize it. Take all of that away from my posts, and you’ll end up and with a boring leak/expose account. The several accounts that have or are wannabes of leak/expose accounts of other celebrities, are just a BIT pressed that they’re irrelevant. Don’t call me out and tell me I’m fake because you can’t get it done yourself.

With that being said, let me start.
Demi and Selena have had a long history.They knew each other since they were 7

became friends when Demi got the role of Camp Rock

and then had a massive fallout because Selena was embarrassed of hanging out with Demi because of her issues, (Read all about that here.)
There’s really not much to them and what I mean by that, is that they’re not as confusing (or annoying) as Jelena. So I don’t repeat myself and I really wanna go watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix but I know that if I don’t finish writing this post, it won’t be up anytime soon, so here are all the links of the Delena posts.
Post 1, Part D: (X)
Post 2: (X)
Post 3: (X)
Post 4: (X)
Okay so Demi and Selena haven’t been friends for like four years. This doesn’t mean they are feuding; they’re not. Selena lied a couple of times last year acting like she is friends with Demi even though around the same time, Demi said they don’t talk and aren’t as close. I stuck by my words when I told you all that they weren’t friends even though they hung out twice this year. Just because they aren’t friends, doesn’t mean that they hate each other.
Remember when they hung out here?

It was after Selena’s rehab. News weren’t leaked back then that Selena was in rehab but if you read my blog, you should have already known.
Like the entire world knows, Demi was in rehab as well. And Demi knows Selena personally so she would have known she was in rehab. If Alison, my source, knew Selena was in rehab before you all did, Demi did as well. So they hung out. Demi felt a connection to her and hoped that once again they could become good friends. However, Selena didn’t give a shit. She knows what’s good for her image.
Remember at the Jingle Ball when Selena flipped out in front of everyone and was called a bitch immediately? Yeah she changed those headlines into “Selena Gomez, sweet supportive friend” when she visited Demi at the sober house. I already discussed this in one of the posts I linked above.
Later on, Demi threw obvious shade

Ahhh too much shade I can’t.
And we all know that Demi has had her issues with Selena and Taylor.
And then in May

oh shit.
Demi never dodges any friendship questions. She only dodges them if they’re too personal…. which Delena is.
So that brings us to July where Demi unfollows Selena

Oh and get this, right before she unfollowed her, Demi tweeted this

Demi is just as ruthless as Miley when it comes to shading.
So was the picture above about Selena? Yup.
Let me tell you what Alison told moi.
So Selena did call up whoever in Texas (I don’t know who because I didn’t care enough to ask but she probably ranted to her aunt because that’s who she always talks to in Texas) and was talking about how someone she thought was her friend, turned their back on her because both Selena and Demi had a huge argument and I guess everything came up. So Alison asked Madison (Demi’s little sister) what’s going on and Madison was pretty vague and said that Demi said the same. So Alison thinks that Demi found out that Selena was on drugs again. Remember the last time they hung out was to comfort each other about rehab? So Demi wasn’t quite happy to find that Selena was using drugs and lying about it.
Does this sound familiar? This is the same reasoning behind Selena and Taylor’s fallout.
I assume something else happened that caused Demi to tweet that photo, but the fact that drugs are the reason shows you how much help Selena needs. Oh well, I’d say get help but if you saw my tweets two nights ago, you’d know that I was given an in depth description of the pain Selena put people through and I’m really not in the mood to give out sympathy comments. All I’m gonna say is karma is exists.

Here are the texts between me and Alison

Hope this cleared up everything.
Oh and if you don’t follow me on Twitter, then you missed what I had to say. Selena is starting to see this blog as a threat and before she didn’t really care about it. She just brushed it off and said that are fans are stupid enough not to believe me. But now she’s seeing moi as a threat so I’ll have backup blogsssssss going up. I’m not here for Selena getting away with more shit. Should I say it directly? I mean Selena does read this blog and makes sure I don’t post anything tooo exposing.

Aw hey to you too Selena! Glad you’re enjoying this post :)