Jelena: Are they officially back together?
Justin and Selena (his ex girlfriend if you don’t know who she is by just her first name) aren’t new to random reconciliations. In 2013, it was a upside down roller coaster for Jelena and it’s safe to say that hasn’t changed.
June 2014 was full of Jelena (yay us!) I’ll answer every question you have about them after I show you the timeline
June 11

Justin posts that photo on Instagram and captions it by saying “Our love is unconditional” and then deletes it.
June 16

Two rats at a demons birthday party.
June 18
Two rats going into the studio

Two rats leaving the studio

Should I refer to Justin and Selena as two rats or is that unprofessional? (You know what’s unprofessional? Blocking your fans for having an opinion. It’s also unprofessional to steal credit for songs so I’ll stay being like Jelena: unprofessional.)
June 19
Two rats at a bible study

(Funny how Selena is a bible study with that creature Judah Smith. I find it funny because Selena has done some pretty unethical things in the past)
June 20
Justin posts those photos on Shots and then… deletes them.

Jason Boyd posts this on shots

and of course Selena posts this on Instagram

June 21
They go to a movie and dinner

And that’s it for our timeline but I’m sure there will be some new additions to it.
So everyone is like “OMG ARE THEY BACK TOGETHER”. I’m a little disappointed. I thought we would all get the point now. I’ll show you a text from June 9 and that should answer your question.

So my friend send this text between her and her friend. No R does not stand for Rozie (Selenaexposed’s source). I know the full name but I’d rather not use it. Anyways, she’s friends with Selena.
So that text was BEFORE all the Jelena drama; two days before Justin posts that photo of them on June 11. Selena deliberately called him up and asked him to hang out because she knows how powerful her career can be when his name is attached to hers.
I don’t know if I explained this but I’ll just say it. Selena doesn’t be like “Oh I’m gonna call up Justin because I wanna stomp on his heart and hurt him.” She’ll call him with the intention of getting more relevant; basically using him. She enjoys his company and doesn’t hate him. But she knows what’s beneficial to her career and she’ll go for it. Does Justin know this? No. She’ll feed him a couple of lies like “We’re meant to be together” “I still love you” and yadda yadda yadda. Maybe deep down he knows she’s full of it, but in the moment, he’s falling for it. So in his mindset, he probably thinks they’re dating.
While I’m writing this, the rats have been spotted somewhere else (June 22)

They’re at the zoo now.
So at June 20th when they decided to let the whole world know they’re at the studio together by posing for a million photos, Selena’s sketchiness comes out. Remember when Selena lied about writing Love Will Remember and Forget Forever? Yeah she also went around talking about how this album describes everything I’ve been through and I’m being honest and putting my heart and soul through this! and blah blah. (If you’re interested in reading what I’m talking about, it’s right here.) What ended up being on the album? A bunch of sex filled songs and random auto-tune house music that SHE DIDN’T EVEN WRITE. And the bonus songs she did co-write, were not that good. That’s why they aren’t on the actual album. So here she is

pulling that shit again. Selena my good sis, we all know you can’t write if your entire career depended on it. That’s why you call producers and tell them what to write about eh.
She knows people know she’s with Justin and wants to give you the illusion that they were writing together (Justin writing Selena adding random letters because she can’t write) which they probably were. So it’s not like oh no poor Selena she just wants to be with her love without hate. puh-lease. The only hate she doesn’t like, is the hate where Justin isn’t involved in it. She knows how famous Justin makes her. He makes her a someone. Without him, she goes back to being a lonely former Disney star lip syncing to crowds of 8 year olds.
Back to why Selena is back in his life, it’s to boost her career (ya know, they usual) and

(This isn’t Alison. It’s the friend who I was telling you about explaining this to me on kik)
Another intention of Selena is to make sure he still has no relation with


This shouldn’t be a surprise since Chantel and Justin were very close for a while and not just like 3 days like most of the girls he hung out with.
Also with Barbara, they seemed very close when they ran into each other at an event.

good thing the bae looked hot, no not Justin, this bae

So of course Selena got her tabs open on Justin just like I have them open on Selena (lmao).
Also, if you remember, a while back I made a post showing you how Selena does go back for two reasons, her promo and to make sure no one is getting too close to Justin. Remember? Justin would hang out with a girl and then a couple days later Selena is with him and then that girl is never seen again? Yeah read it here.

Justin thinks they’re for real and are actually gonna work this time around (because of the bullshit she feeds him). You’d think that you get wiser with age, but clearly I’m doubting that.
I get that you love her and all, but a toxic relationship isn’t good because you want her in that moment. Oh well, that’s not my problem. I’m just a writer and luckily for us, we can all choose whether to buy Justin’s next album or not. #catchtheshade #iheard1Darereallygood
Now I don’t know the whole story behind why Justin posts the photos and then deletes them. He doesn’t delete them because of the drama they cause since he knows everyone hates Selena. The only reason I see behind this is that Selena tells him to post it and then delete it. She is that controlling anyways.
Remember a while ago when I made a post about how the main reason Beliebers hate Selena is because she makes Justin act like a dick to his fans? Yeah read it here. That trend is still continuing

So don’t come at me with this bullshit

when he’s getting treated the way he deserves to get treated by his fans. He ignores them and is rude? It’s a two way straight.
Sad to see this mess because without Selena

You smell that?

The smell of 2011 repeating. (There was a deal back then so I won’t be surprised if I’m told there’s a deal now.)
Who looks stupid though?
This one does

because after all of

she still went back. Aw did I violate her?
This just proves he isn’t the bad influence. He didn’t hurt her. She just needs him.
She’s achieved many things from Justin. I assume her goal now is a platinum album?
His friends aren’t blinded by Selena though

just like we aren’t.
Anyways time for questions:

Blinded by his obsess- I mean love for her.

She’s playing him like always.

He knows what she says about him but I doubt he knows about the Instagram comments.

She makes him believe they belong together and well all know how much he values her.

I haven’t been told there’s a contract this time around.

The media are fed bullshit by the parties. For example, inside sources from Selena’s team will go tell TMZ that Justin is a bad influence. No one is telling TMZ what Selena is really doing. That’s why there are always leak blogs/exposing blogs like yours truly who report things that the media catches on months or even years later.

As long as Selena wants it to go on. She has a lot of stuff coming to promote including a movie she should already be promoting but I guess being with Justin is Behaving Badly’s promo.

Lil Za doesn’t like Selena but irritating comments from everyone gets him annoyed. He got hate for what he said as well as praise but whatever annoys him, he blocks it.

He thinks there’s hope for them. He thinks whatever she told him is actually true.
Anyways this isn’t the end of it. She still got a whole new era to promote.