I thought it was Justin who was obsessed and not the other way around..? (The Getaway flops. Don't think I'll let that go.)

Have you ever had that one toy or one object that was necessary for only one purpose? And knowing that’s why you bought it or got in the first place, that’s really the only time you use it? Well in the big ole’ tale of Jelena, Justin is that one product with one purpose to a certain group of people. 

If you aren’t familiar with the fact that Justin and Selena started dating on contract, then wow you’re very late. No worries though, you can read all about it here and it’ll make you feel like you were there all along even though eventually you’ll wish you hadn’t. 

To anyone with a working mind (you don’t even have to know anything about media to understand this), it’s pretty easy to see through all the times Selena used Justin. Fair enough though since they did become an “item” because they had to pretend like they were dating so Selena can become more popular. I mean that was and always has been the deal. 

Jelena has to be one of the most annoying and obvious PR stunts in all of Hollywood (yes children, people date for PR all the time and no I’m not making this up since I’m totes out to get Selena!). We go from Selena purposely zooming up on Justin in a video on her channel, to let everyone know that he is her phone sticker (I don’t know why she didn’t get dragged for this)




to using Justin to build up hype for her career




to lying about Justin being at a concert… twice… to lying about writing songs about Justin to flying halfway across the world during the release of some project in order to get Justin to post a picture or to get the paparazzi she called to do it… and etc. etc. etc.

Hopefully you get the jist. If you don’t, then sucks for you! Also, everything I listed above has been proven in previous posts and I don’t feel the need to go through them and report them here. 

So apparently, according to Selena fans (which nothing they say is ever correct), Justin is obsessed with Selena since he’s the one who posts those photos on Instagram. 

Which scenario should qualify you to be called obsessed?

  • posting pictures of that person on instagram


  • flying halfway across the world, randomly, to see them

Exactly. Point made. 

What people don’t understand is that Justin isn’t posting those pictures of her for his own benefit. It’s to PROMOTE HER. Remember when a couple of cows told me on ask.fm that the day he posted this


it wasn’t to promote her. Lmfao half the time he’s told what to do. His instagram is controlled just like every social aspect of any popular celebrity is. But I’m sleep! It’s not like I’ve said this a million times or anything. 

I would love to make a post talking about how Selena is nothing without Justin but I already did! Read it here

I’m a very honest person so let me straight out say something. I never planned for ExposingSMG to actually expose Selena’s personal life since I never thought I’d get a source so it was a plot twist. The blog was just to drag Selena because I was sick of how everything she did wasn’t overlooked especially with it came to Miley and Justin. Yes I’m a fan of both and yes I’m not biased since you couldn’t tell. 

(I’ll get to the point I promise)

So remember Miley’s movie LOL?


So Selena’s rat fans dragged that movie because it wasn’t as successful as Miley’s other two #1 movies or The Last Song which slayed. 

The main reason for that is because the film was limited release meaning it wasn’t available for everyone to see it. Why do films get pushed to limited released? Time for a little media lesson. 

Film are either pushed by their distributer (in this case Lionsgate) and if they feel like they don’t want to release it anymore, they give it a limit release. Sometimes it’s because it’s a controversial movie and I guess you call this movie controversial. Other times is because they want to build anticipation (Spring Breakers was limited release because they knew it wasn’t gonna do good if it was released worldwide because how controversial it was and because well it sucks.). Regarding LOL, the movie was just in production for too long and they just wanted to get rid of it and Miley didn’t even want it anymore. They weren’t even going to release it if it wasn’t for a loophole in the contract. 

Basically, LOL did pretty well for the way it was released. It went #1 on iTunes, #2 on the DVDs chart selling over 105k copies in its first week, passed it’s budget, and made well over $18 million. As for its release, it wasn’t released in the most popular city of America, New York. Imagine if it did? (If you want to see a comparison between LOL and Spring Breakers, you could read it here.)

So you’re probably thinking, “Okay what’s the point of this Angela? It has nothing to do with Justin.” Well dear children, it hit me the other day that I never dragged The Getaway. And you’ll see in a second what dragging The Getaway has to do with Justin. 

If Justin is not in Selena’s career, she is nothing. She becomes a waste who was just known for being someone’s arm accessory. Is it sad? Yeah but do I care? No. 


Ah The Getaway released on August 30, 2013 on Labor Day where people aren’t in school and the majority isn’t in work so there is no excuse to why people didn’t go see the movie. 











You thought!

Lmao sorry I just love to laugh at her fans because they like to drag my faves with irrelevant stats but yeah.

So The Getaway DID NOT have a limited release. It was released to 2,130 theaters on the first day and made almost $700 per theater and made $1.4 million opening day. If you’re new to analyzing stats and think that’s good, it’s not. The following week, it increased to 5 more theaters and yet it started making about $70 per theater until they finally took it out of theaters after 35 days of release since it was doing so horrible. 

In total, it made


and yes it did not pass its budget. (It made $11.6 million in total if you add international gross.)

It was released in more theaters than say LOL and it had promotion like appearances and even a premiere, and it still made less. 


She was rude to fans there ya know the usual. 

Critics hated it. The movie started off with a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes and it was actually gonna break the record (not a good record but a record is a record ;D). Here’s the movie’s evolution 


Notice how 88% were excited to see it. 


And then 58% liked it. 


And now it’s at 2% and only 36% of the total audience liked it. 

The actress of our generation everyone!

I’ll give Selena the benfit of the doubt since critcts are usually harsh to everyone and not just Selena, Selenators. The world isn’t out to get her. 

Thankfully the audience enjoyed it! Here are the majority of their reviews and you can read them all here. For now, here’s a couple




A lot of people were shocked with how terrible this movie was


It gets funnier.




So why was she cast?!


Well because she was Justin Bieber’s girlfriend at the time duh. Anyone with a working brain knows that she’s a terrible actress and can only pull off petty Disney roles. 


The only reason they cast her is because this


existed back then. 


They figured they’d get Justin to promote it just like he promoted everything else. 


Selena Gomez Getaway I'm Not Dying

No but your acting career sure did after this movie. If you wanna see her horrible acting, watch this. It’s truly hilarious and the movie deserved to flop. 

So I think we understood how big of a flop The Getaway was. Some people say it ruined her acting career. So who could be the one who can resurrect her acting career?


You know how they teach you in Global that cultural diffusion is usually always the answer? Or how in U.S. History it’s most likely judicial review? Well when it comes to why Selena does something out of the ordinary to Justin, the answer is always she’s using him for attention.

So that’s why they included Justin in Behaving Badly

(Watch the vine here)

“Oh Justin Bieber is in it? Lets go see it” teenage girls scream. Using Justin this OBVIOUSLY is not something new Selena’s team pulls. Remember Love Will Remember?

Selena put a fake voicemail of “Justin” telling her how much he loves her on the song and then LEAKED the song but it was never on the album version. It’s basically the same thing here. They’ll have Justin in the screening and then watch when the movie officially gets fully released, he won’t be in it. Why? They fear another huge flop. And now that people think Justin is in it, I assure you it will do better than The Getaway (it’ll still flop). Pathetic, I know. 

And during the release of The Getaway and even afterwards, there was nothing about Jelena going on. Jelena came back in the beginning of 2014 and I talk about it more here

So who’s really obsessed with other? I’m sure the answer is

  • the one who flies halfway across the world to get promotion and leave
  • the one who randomly appears after the other is seen getting close with girls
  • the one who constantly talks about the other on instagram
  • the one who never shuts up about the other

Well hope you enjoyed this post. I know Beliebers were pissed off he was in the movie and I still wonder how they got him in there. I assume it’s because they were dating when it got filmed but yeah. 


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The Getaway 2013: Reviews