The Kardashians/Jenners clash with Selena Gomez (Part 1): Selena you're a mess, stop blaming it on others.

This post has been requested a lot so here you go. 

This whole thing with Selena being friends with the Jenners started this day


and everyone was like “Omgerzers they’re friends!” Everyone was quite surprised with this little outing mainly because well, they’re not friends! 

I don’t know if you guys are familiar with PR stunts. PR = public relation. It’s self-explanatory. They were never friends to begin with. They just pretended to be.


The awkward hug says it all. 

Basically, they were hanging out because Kris Jenner was interested in signing Selena at first so they hung out for PR to grab some attention and interest Kris in signing Selena.

 And then over the course of a couple of weeks, we got photos of them acting as if they were friends since they popped out of their mother’s vagina. Here’s what all 3 of them posted to try to convince the general public about their “close friendship!”


You get the point right?

So like I said earlier, Selena needed them for promotional reasons for her clothing line. And if you notice, right after she dropped the Jenners, she started working with Dream Out Loud right away.


And she had photoshoots coming up for upcoming promos because her line was getting released. She promoted it


Justin promoted her (the usual yes-we-are-broken-up-but-I’ll-post-a-quick-throwback-for-literally-no-reason)


She was with the Jenners AND him. Basically, she had the best promotion anyone could bring any star especially when this star has a drug addiction she’s trying to cover up.

So why did the Jenners go along with it? Well at first there was some speculation that their mom was gonna sign her and become her manager, but obviously that didn’t happen. 

What happened was that Selena got her publicity from the Jenners who come from a very famous family so their names being tied down with Selena are enough exposure. She needed to be in headlines constantly if her release of her new spring/summer collection of her clothing line was getting ready to be released and the Jenners are known for their fashion and style mainly because their older sisters have their own clothing store. So it was good for business to use the Jenners to promote a clothing line makes enough sense on its own. 

Now, do you understand why they were hanging out to start with? 


But here’s the thing, the Jenners were suddenly dropped and Selena’s team released a story saying that Selena wanted to get rid of the toxic people in her life. The receipt I’m gonna use is from TMZ but first let me explain to you how they’re reliable (to a degree).

TMZ is probably the #1 most famous news site about celebrities and their personal lives. Many of you– specifically Beliebers, call them out on their bullsh!t. Yeah it’s true they bullsh!tted many times, but let me explain why. Firstly, it’s not easy to sell a fake story to a big site like them. How do I know? I have experience with talking to magazine owners and site runners that are familiar with working with big names like TMZ & E!. TMZ does not pay you if you are just a source telling you a story. They don’t care about words. And if you notice, the times were they did bullshit it, had some sort of “proof” behind it. The proof turned out to be fake or staged but ya know, it was still some sort of evidence. That’s what TMZ pays you for–if you have something to back up what you’re saying. I’m gonna use Justin as an example here because Beliebers hate TMZ from how many crazy articles were written about him and I’ll explain that all right now. 

Have you ever realized that TMZ is usually the first one to get the most exposing photos? Justin smoking weed, Justin naked, Justin egging a house, Jelena at Coachella, and so much more. Why? They pay the most money because that’s the only time they pay–if you have some sort of evidence offered upfront. The evidence could be tampered with or it could be fabricated, but they don’t care. Offer what you got is basically their motto. Understand? Hopefully. Don’t? Sorry that you’re born with a lack of common sense. 

Back to the actual point of the post. So why were the Jenners dropped?

Well Selena’s team who gave their side of the story said this:

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Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 2.59.34 PM.png

Summary: The Jenners are druggies like Justin and Saint Selena doesn’t do drugs and she’s trying to focus on music. 



~~~ Also if you still don’t believe TMZ, my source already told me a long time ago why the Jenners were “dropped” and what exactly Selena’s team was planning on saying. If that’s not enough proof for you to know exactly what’s going on then there’s an X on the right of your screen so go on and proceed to click it, then go to and search up Selena songs and bop until your bedtime.~~~

There is clear evidence that Selena’s a coke addict. My last post, showed it and nowadays, people are just calling out the effects in her face without me saying anything. 

It’s pretty bad guys, she’s an addict and I recommend her help as soon as possible. it doesn’t even bother me that she’s throwing the Jenners under the bus to save her reputation mainly because someone on drugs is manipulative and Selena is already manipulative so times that by 2,000. 


I’m not 100% clear on the full story that took place because I obviously wasn’t there, but Selena was high as a bird at Coachella and everyone could sorta notice mainly because there were too many reports about it from randoms who were there. So what’s the solution?

Selena’s team: Justin is there with her and we already made him look like her drug dealer in the past year so we can do it again and we could also include the Jenners in it just in case they decide to open their mouths and say what really went on in Coachella. 

“But what happened at Coachella Angela and Alana?!” You’ll find out in the next post because this post is big enough. 

Basically, Selena was high as fck and the Jenners were there to witness it. I’m sure Kylie has some pics of Selena snorting dat coke in the VIP room since it seems like Kylie always has her phone with her and is always taking a picture of something. 


“If anything, Kylie was the one who influenced Selena to smoke!” is basically what Selena’s publicists are trying to sell here. 

So Selena decided to make this “I’m dropping the Jenners and unfollowing them on Instagram and deleting all of our pictures and I’m uploading videos were I look totes happy and not high because hello, I’m the only normal one from Disney and I’m not like that rehab druggie Demi who went to rehab for drugs and cutting even though I went because Weedbieber fcked me up and I’m not like that trashy wh*re Miley Cyrus! I’m Selena pure as sh!t Gomez!”

The Jenners have the power to expose her but obviously Selena’s team made sure that even if they try to do that, nobody will take them seriously and no not because of why their family is famous, but because Selena’s team got their story straight first


It’s a dirty business if you haven’t caught on. 

So Kendall and Kylie’s older sister Khloe, fought back


Selena’s fans decided to find some other story to explain these tweets and to avoid the painful truth and they came up with this solution:


They’re saying that Khloe’s tweets were aimed at Carly Aquillinio. No and you can read why it’s about Selena on this Tumblr blog, but here are some screenshots: 

So the Jenners’ team fought back and obviously TMZ was the first to leak the story on April 28, 2014

Basically the Jenners were peer-pressured to do drugs when Selena was doing it right in front of them.

April 26, 2014


ExposingSMG is right again. 

I just saw a message from someone who was there at Coachella so if they reply back and prove their story, it will be posted either in my upcoming post on the Coachella drama or in a separate post. Hope you enjoyed this post!

Everyday Selena tries harder to keep her good girl image in tact despite being high off cocaine 24/7, is another day closer to her public meltdown. 

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