Exposing the exposer's poor attempt.

I get it, I get it. Everyone is desperate for a piece of exposingSMG. But you guys know me very well by now. Alana and I don’t feel the need to prove ourselves since our proof does that enough for us *laughs*. What also proves us is the countless times something has been said here and then later been proven correct when it reached the media *yawn* blah blah yeah yeah Alana and I already know exposingsmg slays and Selena’s fans don’t. 

So on Twitter when Selenators attack me, I either ignore it or drag them. I don’t feel the need to prove myself, but I respect the fact that there’s a new exposing blog surfacing that’s trying to expose me. 


I said I respect the fact that you made a blog to expose–not that I didn’t find it stupid. *laughs again*


o love the yellow teeth Selly boo, brings out the color of the flower in your hair ♥

Anyways. I don’t feel the need to write this post but at the same time I find it necessary to drag this wannabe mainly because this wannabe is saying things I didn’t say– and I love dragging people. And I respect the fact that this creature accepted the challenge to expose exposingsmg. We all know that’s not an easy thing to do! ;)

Besides for the fact that this creature is extremely thirsty for popularity, but this creature is fighting facts with opinions. Typical Selenator. However, this creature claims that it’s not a Selena fan but we all know that’s a cover up. Running an exposin–sorry, attempting to run an exposing blog, can easily tell other exposing blogs (me), when you’re lying. But whatevs, lets get started since this introduction is way too long and I have to be out with friends in a little!

The first post this creature decided to focus on was the Nate post. Oh lord was that an extremely mess night. 


The Nate post is right here if you wanna read it. I didn’t delete anything :)

I’m not going to post the Nate screenshots nor will I link you to his facebook or Twitter because like I said before, that was invasion of privacy and I let a bunch of dogs loose that went and attacked him right away. I talked to him and apologized for sending those hoodlums (Selenators) to him and we actually had a wonderful two hour conversation. Nate’s facebook account still exists my creature friend so maybe you should fact check before writing lies. That’s what a good exposing account would do but we all know you aren’t an exposing account nor are you good at attempting anything. Not my fault God didn’t bless you with the qualities I was blessed with! 


So yes, that’s why i deleted the Nate screenshots. It was an invasion of privacy and I felt bad when he told me about the death threats he got. 


I already said it so I don’t know why I feel the need to continue on when morons pinpoint irrelevant aspects. 


So this creature now believes that they know each other personally but that they’re not dating. First off, I never said they were dating. The title of the Nate post CLEARLY had a question mark at the end of it but maybe she didn’t know what “?” means since her native language isn’t English and whatever it is, she didn’t learn what punctuation is. Not my fault you aren’t educated like moi.


Already said it like four times but hey, maybe she doesn’t know how to read.



sljfksjkfd this creature truly doesn’t have a brain. What do you mean they don’t know how the industry works? LMFAO. 80% of the things you see in the MEDIA (it’s media, dipshit, not a marketing class. MEDIA aka a class I’M taking). is bullshit. They trick you to buy a product. Even if you don’t know you’re reading an ad, YOU’RE STILL READING an ad. This imbecile is acting like PR relationships don’t exist. Good lord. There are such things as PR relationships, beards, promotional stunts, but I wouldn’t expect imbeciles to know about it. But then again, what do I know? It’s not like I run an exposing blog, or have a source, or take a media class or anything of that sort!


Yes dipshit. I did admit to the fact that there was an entire misunderstanding and I could have gotten the wrong Facebook, but I didn’t get the wrong story so take 27 steps back and realize who you’re dealing with. Again, pinpointing the most irrelevant parts. Also, don’t you think a good exposing account would know who runs the account they’re trying to expose? Alana, my sister, does not control Tumblr or Twitter. She gets the information and deals with ask.fm most of the time. What is this mediocre I’m talking about. 


I know I’m smart, you don’t have to tell me that. And for the thousandth time, the screenshots were deleted because of the invasion of privacy issue. Sigh, imbeciles be like. 


What do you mean the real Nate? You just said there was no Nate and that 


Good God, what have I done to deserve such idiots talking to me.


Yet you just said that’s the only part of my post that was true. What a messy messy post you have going on, dear. 


#stopexposingSMG2014!!! The entire world is in danger, please spread this around and help the innocent and immature people not get lied to and manipulated by that cow named Angela! #stopexposingSMG2014



Never said any of that except the picture part. eeek she can’t even get the information she’s trying to expose correct! Mama I’m scared. Why do people see things that aren’t there? 



And you don’t want attention? “Please, reblog and share on Twitter” What a sad sad poor soul. Girl I would neva be that thirsty and beg for reblogs and shares. 


So I decided to message the creature and explain that creature’s mistakes


But it remained stubborn just like Selena did when Mandy urged her to go to rehab. eek too soon


Lmao no because HE told me why he denied everything when WE talked. Asking Nate if that story–which is about Selena’s biggest secret and I’m sure he knows that, is true is like asking Selena is she lip synced before. Is she gonna say “the truth” or is she gonna say what looks good? Exactly. 

My favorite part is when this creature called me immature yet she’s a 20 year old trying to expose a blog…….. okay! You best believe when I’m 20, I’m not gonna care about irritating a celebrity lol. I love stupid people.


Ain’t nobody care about your opinion. Facts > Opinions. 

Me > You

Homegirl doesn’t even have a source and she claims that she isn’t a fan of Selenas and she’s gonna keep stating her opinions oh lord. Poor Selena fans :( You finally get someone who tries to expose me and you got that idiot? I feel you Selnator sisters! I feel you! #prayforsalentors2014


Ain’t nobody asked for a life story. Go write a novel and see if sells unlike Selena’s albums. 




Ahhhh I never changed the Nate story. I just removed the screenshots oh my god. You can ask the 1,000+ who view my blog everyday sis. 


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LMFAOOOOOOO. Because she was with me, Alana, and Alison when we wrote the Nate story. Yuh that’s what happened. That also happened with Charity and Selena. We saw a picture of them looking close together and said they were dating and magically, we hacked into Selena’s instagram accounts and called Charity “baby” and “boo” and “my everything” and we also snuck into Selena’s tour bus, took photos of Charity sleeping, and uploaded it from Selena’s instagram after we hacked it. After we did that, we brainwashed Justin after recording Thought Of You–a song where he indirectly says Selena used him and messed with his head. After we did that, we installed photoshop on our computers and photoshopped random people into photos when they met Selena and wrote fake experiences about Selena being rude because I mean obviously Selqueen would never do such a thing! So yes, you caught us. We also fake videos, songs, interviews, experiences and much more. ExposingSMG Inc. check us out ;)


Yuh… you’re not a fan alright but omgerz! A celebrity being inspiring and kind in front of several cameras and hundreds of people? What a new thing!


No shit. It’s not like I said Selena had rules when she’s getting interviewed 7 thousand times already. 

Now this creature is talking about an interview in which Selena closed the interview after getting asked a question about Justin. She goes on to talk about all these “laws” and “rules” the system has like NO SHIT SIS, we didn’t know! The point is, I called Selena rude for it and this creature is over here running their mouth about how me, out of all people, don’t know how the industry works. OKay! 


No one cares about your opinion. Obviously it was rude. How am I gonna ask you a question and you randomly storm off because you didn’t like the question? 

And then she has the nerve to talk about celebrities having bad days so they’re ALLOWED to be rude to fans. It’s no surprise that Justin is always rude when Selena is there or if he’s waiting for her or anything of that sort so how exactly are you gonna make excuses if someone is rude? Good God I’m dealing with an imbecile that doesn’t know what she’s talking about. 


treating them like stupids


I can easily write a post with no proof or semi-proof, but I don’t. So it irritates me when hideous creatures like this one, comes out of nowhere, pinpoints a small aspect and tries to act like I’m Satan and Selena is one of my victims. 

Really, if only any of you know. Even my friends who talk to me on here, there’s so much I know about that I never said on tumblr or twitter. Mainly because it’s dangerous to say and I’m not interested in problems with Selwhatever and her management *cringes* but yeah. You all only know a small percentage of everything.


Cute. She’s confusing me with Selenaexposed. How are you gonna try to expose me when you don’t know ANYTHING. Useless rat. 


Proof of a rude experience requires a ticket or a picture of you being there and 99% of the time when I use rude experiences as references, the proof to the people who were there, is shown. And there’s been enough videos of Selena being rude but it’s adorable how you decided not to pay attention to those. 


The creature who doesn’t have a source or speak proper English and is trying to expose a blog using opinions is who doesn’t have actual proof.

Unlike Angela and Alana who I don’t know, called Selena an alcoholic (ended up landing in rehab, photos of her wasted), said she smokes (pictures of her with a cigarette and a bong and her being in rehab gets revealed later), says she dated Charity (Selena gets romantic with Charity in several photos proving enough from her captions and several sources say that Selena was spotting hooking up with a girl in a club), says Selena was in rehab for two weeks (one week later it is revealed that she was in rehab for two weeks). I can go on, but this post is becoming annoying and it’s said that I have to crowd up my flawless blog proving an idiot wrong. 


Does this dipshit not know that PR relationships can last years and go into marriage? Same with beards. But then again, here she is talking about her opinion. 


LMAO but you just said this blog is based on pure opinions several times AND you said


So why exactly is anyone gonna believe the part where you say you know someone from Selena’s inner circle. Okay sis!


I can just imagine it. “Selena was not in rehab for being an alcoholic or a drug addict. She was there to work on some emotional issues because she got very depressed knowing that people were starving and she couldn’t do anything to help. Can’t peoples see that Angela is a lair and she is manipulating peoples into thinking that Selena is bad person when she not bad person!”


here we go again with the whole it’s an opinion thing good lord get help.

Ain’t nobody care what you write about because you won’t last very long sweetheart. 


She legit hasn’t exposed me once I’m actually mad at myself for even writing this post and giving this mental blog any attention. We all know, exposingSMG is too fab for that. Poor her, searching the Internet where everything is true and reliable! 


That’s exactly what I’m sayin! That’s the bae. Shoutout to you peachyyblossoms, you go peachyyblossoms.


She’s a 13 year old girl who obviously can’t keep her mouth shut. Surprise surprise? I found it hard to believe also which is why I asked Alison to double check and the bae Alison has never been wrong so no one asked for an approval :)


Which is why I backed up the post with Ariana and Selena at the KCAS 2014 when they switched their seats. Obviously something was up. And I backed up the post with Selena being rude other times as well.  


Lmfao no dipshit. I’ve become so reliable over the course of this year when everything I said was proven to be true later on, and that’s why thousands believe me. Not because I’m “manipulative”. Selly boo surely won at that game ain’t that right Selliar ;)


LMFAO where are these fake stats coming from?


You can try, but you will fail. #suckstobeyou


so cute before the drugs

There are several times this imbecile said that my source doesn’t exist and other times where she says that Alison is giving me info for free. WELL DUH. What is she supposed to do? At a family reunion “Hey yall, I’ve decided to expose Selena to the media!” And Selena’s aunts and cousins who like her won’t stop her? Ok. 


No one cares who posted the picture first for god’s sakes we all know Justin is obsessed with her and should get serious help. No one is denying that so why are you putting words in my mouth? ffs. 


Lmfao so she accuses me of cutting the gif too short to only show when Selena yells at Justin but I didn’t even make the gif and I took it off some Selena fan’s tumblr so #KNOWyourFACTSsis


Even in the gif she posted, you can easily see Selena still yell at Justin in a nasty way and tell him to just walk or whatever she said so again, an irrelevant point!


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SO YOU, WHO WEREN’T EVEN THERE, ARE TELLING US THAT SELENA DIDN’T WANNA LET JUSTIN IN BECAUSE SHE WAS SO SCARED THAT THE PAPS WHO WERE OUTSIDE HER HOUSE, WOULD THINK THAT THEY ARE HAVING A RECONCILIATION? Lmfaooo because the last thing Selena wants is to let people think that she’s linked to Justin. She totes didn’t fly halfway across the world to get a picture the week of Come & Get It’s release. She totes didn’t start wearing an engagement ringTWICE during the duration of two years after she knew there were rumors of them being engaged. She totes didn’t fly halfway across the world randomly to see Niall Horan. She totally didn’t appear in Justin’s life after he got close with other girls and after or before a release of a new project. Lmfao hun you’re insane. You’re over here trying to expose me because I said that Selena flipped Justin off here


but obviously she was just trying to scare the paps away because it’s totally not like they were called there or anything like that! How pathetic. 

And no one fucking cares if Justin’s car was in Selena’s driveway the next day. All I said was that she flipped him off so you have some nerve talking about how Selena didn’t want the paps to think her and Justin are together. Oh no! Selqueen lie to the paps! God no! She would never lie to the paps. She would never lie about writing a song. She would never lie about Justin being somewhere he clearly wasn’t. She would never lie about being bullied. She’s a saint!


Yeah Mandy texted Selena telling her to go outside and make sure to get her picture taken lmfao. 

That or they gotten into a fight. Either way, I don’t even care. I don’t even know why you included that in your post where you attempt to expose me when I didn’t even mention that messy ass day. 


Oh no! Paparazzi! In a public place? Where two famous celebrities are? I would have never thought! 


And then this rat rather believes that Justin was outside because Selena wouldn’t let him in because of the paparazzi. No, Selena wouldn’t let him in because he looks like a crazed fan outside her house. Lmao but why am I even discussing this knowing that this has nothing to do with what I wrote? Good lord. 


Oh my Jesus Buddha Sun Cow or whatever else people praise.  The people who took these photos were photographers hired by someone from either one of those teams. I referred to them has paps because that’s what everyone thinks. These photos were snapped by them but no. If there were actual paps, this would have been recorded. It wasn’t. Surprise surprise, hollywood is staged?! gasp, who would have thought?!

And why in God’s name would a celebrity WAIT outside a place and WAIT for the paps to leave until they enter the place? Obviously, celebs want to get rid of the paps so they LEAVE. Or should I say photographers?


She is yelling at him as THE PHOTO SHOWS. No one cares about how red carpets work. In the end, she was yelling at him. The end. No one asked for a historial lesson on how dresses are made and how they are long so they need someone to hold them. She was yelling at him, the end. 


I got the gifs off a Selena fan’s tumblr. lol 


Lmfao the gif she posted is such bullshit because here she is calling me out for manipulating it but that’s a much shorter version than the gifs I have up which are


so cute how she’s exposing herself when she cuts out half of the actual video. What a mess. 

Then this loser has the nerve to talk about my wonderfully accurate post which you can read here.


What are you talking about? Selena has been recording an album and has two upcoming films coming out and she’s slowly fading so obviously she needs some Jelena in her life to spice up her career? Sad I know, but that’s the truth. For God’s sakes, most of the time when celebrities hang out, is because they don’t have a project out so they need to keep their career alive somehow. In Selena’s case, she needs Justin whether or not she has a project out I mean 










I mean yeah I totally understand why Selena doesn’t need Justin. She’s totes relevant on her own! 

And then she starts talking about how Behaving Badly is being released in 5 months and Selena doesn’t need Justin because the movie isn’t released yet.




Lmfao you THINK. Your opinion doesn’t stand up against facts lol I can’t. Doesn’t homegirl sound like a Jelena shipper?


Oh because it’s totes easy to see right through bushes right?


Lmfao it’s obvious they were called. 

And a paparazzi died because he was trying to chase Justin’s car and got into an accident. It had nothing to do with him smoking weed so try the fuck again.

And now my favorite part


She thinks she got a checkmate and caught me in the “act” because she believed a Selenator tricked me when the reality of it all is explained at the end of this post.

Lmfao how stupid. I laugh everytime someone tries to give me a fake story and then there’s an upside for me. 

And then she had the nerve to try to go against the post where I basically expose Selena as a drug addict. I feel like I shouldn’t address this since I know that Selena’s downfall is soon going to be public just like her rehab was, but at the same time I love to drag people so here it goes. 


No dipshit, I clearly stated that’s one of the side effects of cocaine. 

So go on an argue with science if you please


I already explained everything in depth in the post and I’m not gonna re-explain myself because God has blessed Earth with illiterate morons. 


Anyways, so this creature decides to confused plastic surgery and traits up by saying that Selena’s nose looks the way it is because of her mom and dad. Well no duh! I thought a frog gave birth to her. Obviously you get half of your traits from your mom and the other half from your dad. We should have learned this in 7th grade. The thing is, Selena’s nose obviously changed throughout years. And no it’s not called growing up. Your nose doesn’t randomly have a different shape (SHAPE, NOT SIZE, SHAPE) because you grow up. 

It’s obvious but you can stay deluded




So if you’re trying to argue that one time in Selena’s life, she woke up and decided to have her mom’s nose and then in another time period, she decided to have her dad’s nose, good luck with that! 

imageNo they actually didn’t know each other in 2008 but ok. 


When I said that Mandy kicked Selena out of the house, no one believed me but when CrusinWithPhotoshop did, everyone automatically believed them so no hun, you know nothing about this. Just because they’re seen together as a sweet happy family, doesn’t mean it’s real. Nothing is real. Educate yourself. 

I would include a Revenge reference here in which the Grayson family was a fucking mess but had to appear as a loving family in front of the media, but I don’t feel like searching through the episode to find it. Maybe one day you’ll be worthy to be blessed with such knowledge like me. 


And then she wants to go against the fact that Selena is a druggie but that’s beyond wrong since even her extremely delusional fans are starting to realize



If you think that Selena looks fine here like she says, then okay! Keep on believing that the world is jolly and cocaine doesn’t exist :) You’ll know for sure in a couple of months *insert evil laugh here*

Besides, I’m not the only one talking about this


But then again, maybe I convinced that magazine and every other article who agrees with moi, that Selena is a druggie because I mean


oooo I like the title of this post. #get #like #me #whore.

By the way, I enjoy how she’s like all so nice and everyone is like “Omgeezerz you’re nicer than Angela and Alana!” and then she’s like “Treat people the way you wanna be treated! lolz i’m a saint” fuck yourself in the asshole. I don’t care about being nice.



It’s confusing because you don’t know anything, boo. 

And her last post so far is where she tries to expose the picture Selenaexposed posted and all I’m gonna say is that even though you try to prove that picture isn’t Selena, it is


Even the pictures she got to prove that “isn’t Selena” PROVE THAT IT IS SELENA. Lol the failure. Anyways, don’t talk about Selenaexposed aka Ashley. You all really know nothing about her and I can’t thank her enough for how many times she’s had my back. 

But yeah that’s THANKFULLY it for this post. Next time some loser sends me something like “blah blah you’ve been exposed *enters link*” I’m gonna take this post and shove it up their ass– I mean have a lovely day everyone!


This post is irritating to read so if you hate it, no worries, new post coming up now :)

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It’s your fave exposers.


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