The obvious publicity.

I love Jelena. No, really I do. It’s like a funny commercial that comes on every couple of weeks/months to promote a product. Catch the shade? I hope you did. 

Imma keep this post short and simple since Jelena is just a cycle and you know what cycles are? Repetitive. The same story in a different place. It’s like a sequel. 


April 8 - Justin posts the photo above where he’s recording with his artist. 

Suddenly, the leech seems to be on a plane and late around midnight, she arrives at the studio. (I’m not even gonna say a name). 


Literally 5 hours after Justin posted that photo with Madison, this happens. 


I truly love how the leech looks high on cocaine like she loves Madison, who is obviously pretty (and we know how the leech feels about pretty girls), a girl who has been spending quite a lot of time with the leech’s career booster. 

When the reality of it is she hopped on a plane to go rack up her publicity points and make sure no girl, especially any pretty ones, come near her career booster. (We all know this isn’t the first time!)

Let us all be reminded that the leech has had one movie to just get released (it’s not fully released yet) in which she reconciled with her career booster a week before and a day after the trailer of her second movie was released. 

She has to stay in headlines somehow because no one cares about her unless she’s linked with someone else. What a sad career. 

Anyways, lets discuss the pictures of her entering the following studio


Does the studio look like it can be easy to spot someone?

Wait! Maybe I’m being “biased” and the studio is really in front of a ton of buildings where people pass by every single second, but I won’t show it since ya know, I’m “biased” and an apparent “liar”


UPDATE: So the photo above isn’t actually the studio they were at and thanks to ThatFLBelieber, I now know that

And you could ask her personally at her Twitter or her Tumblr

Oh so basically the entire entrance is hidden. So if in the daylight it would be hard to spot someone, I assume that it must be really difficult to spot someone during the night under those tall trees, and various bushes. Am I right?


If it isn’t the leech walking with an entourage after she flew halfway across the world to see her career booster. 


Oh look more photos!


Yippie, even more. 

Please excuse the part where she’s obviously on drugs because that will be discussed in a different post. 

So not only is the leech walking to the hidden studio, in the middle of the night, with an entourage, but the career booster is now a door man! 


[Watch the video of the leech meeting up with her career booster here]

Wow! You had to come all the way down from a recording session to…. open the door? Because she was totally hungover and couldn’t have anyone else from her entourage or someone working in the lobby of the studio to open it for her right? It’s not like you were busy recording a song with/for your artist or anything of that sort, huh?


Oh my favorite part is when we got photos from a DIFFERENT ANGLE!

So not only did we get photos in the night time. 

Not only was the studio hidden in its little own location.

But we also got photos from a different angle. 

Cute how after TMZ was called to come and record the whole party, your little own photographers were able to bless us all with several photos of this little meetup in which the very busy and “all about the music” popstar, welcomes the leech into the studio, late at night, in front of all these cameras, when he opens the door for her because apparently that’s what he had to do at a recording studio. No. Not excuse any interruptions while recording a song, but be the door holder. 

This wasn’t planned at all! Why would you guys think that? It’s so not out of the ordinary. 


I wonder what type of excuses are gonna be used to counterclaim this. 

“He was being a gentlemen!”

So now gentlemen meant leave the artist you’re helping upstairs in the studio that her mom is also present at, to come all the way downstairs and open the door of the studio building in front of the people you hate and have ruined you (yes people = the leech and TMZ), right? 


I actually wouldn’t call it a psychic action because the leech is just predictable and Jelena is a cycle. 

Oh and look here. 


She left the following day after racking up her publicity points just like she left after flying halfway across the world for Niall Horan. What a sad sad life she has. 


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It’s your fave exposers.


EXPOSED: Drugs ruined the pop star.
