Selena makes Justin act like an asshole to HIS fans because she's just a terrible person in general. - A couple of reasons to why Beliebers hate her.
If you have been a reader of my blog, one thing you should know by now that Selena Gomez is a controlling freak and will manipulate or make you do things she wants you to do. Freaky, I know. That’s just one of the many scary qualities she possesses.
Delusional Selena fans like to live in their own bubble where they believe that Selena is a saint that everyone is jealous of. I mean I understand if you think your idol is a great person, but coming from someone who is a fan of Justin, there are countless times I call Justin out and many other people I’m a fan of, whenever they do something wrong. Selena fans on the other hand, like to ignore every wrong Selena does which is a main reason to why this blog was made. They believe that the only reason Beliebers hate her is because she’s has dated Justin. I find that funny for many reasons.
One reason Beliebers hate Selena Gomez is because she makes Justin act like an asshole to HIS fans. Why wouldn’t you hate someone if they make your idol act like a dick to you?
Lets start off with videos.

Watch the video here. [X]
So basically a little girl screams out “Can I have a picture pleaseeeeee” when both Justin and Selena walk by but neither stop. A couple seconds later, Justin takes the picture with that same girl while Selena just keeps walking and basically ignores the little girl. Keep in mind that this was in the beginning of Jelena where Justin wasn’t captivated by her as much. But poor Beliebers, it gets worse.
If you look over here, Selena makes it pretty obvious that she hates his fans and doesn’t wanna be put on hold for them.

Watch the video here. [X]
Justin stops to take a picture with a fan and here we have Selena looking very happy and totally not like she wants to die because he stopped for a fan. He then stops after taking the photo and starts talking with the fan and she just completely storms off. Justin probably got slapped in the car. I mean we all know Justin getting slapped by Selena isn’t something new to happen.

Watch the video here. [X]
They’re entering a store after Justin took her shopping on his birthday, and a paparazzi is filming them and says “Hi Justin” and he and Selena walk away ignoring the fan and Justin actually sorta slaps the camera away and says “Would you please put that down.”
And it begins
Watch the video here. [X] I don’t know why the video is private. I’ll speak to the girl.
Already explained this one here. Basically, Justin was debating on whether or not to go talk to the fans mainly because Selena was probably gonna beat his ass.
Selena affects Beliebers because she makes Justin act like a dick. Watch the video here [X].

Basically, he’s waiting for her to land safely and he’s surrounded by a couple of fans that aren’t even in his face, and he’s claiming that they’re not treating him like a human because they wanna take a photo with them….. whatever that means. Pretty sure being around Selena drops Justin’s IQ level to 5. I don’t know where the original video is where you can see a Belieber put Justin in his place by saying “You know if it wasn’t for us, you wouldn’t even be waiting for her in the first place?” Don’t mess with Beliebers, and that goes to Justin also.
Selena can’t stand Beliebers and you should have gotten that idea from reading this or this. Or this

She’s basically questioning why they brought a pic of Justin for her to sign. And another time this happened, she signed on Justin’s face. Oh Sel!
And don’t think that she doesn’t like his fans because they hate her or send her rude messages. She barely sees those messages since she doesn’t even control her twitter to talk to her fans. She just doesn’t like them and Mandy thinks they’re psychotic. I think that Selena fans are psychotic if they choose to believe Selena is a kind person, but then again, pretty sure Mandy loves brainwashed people like those :)
Anyways, we are in 2014, and this habit where Justin is a dick to fans because of her, didn’t change.

Selena MAKES him act like that. She’s a controlling freak I mean

But that’s not even half of it
Read the following from the bottom up because they’re screenshots from twitter

When I saw this, I had no comment. I wasn’t like “Omg guyzzzz just lost all my respect for Selena!” Bye. I had no respect for her since forever. Never even respected her in the first place but because of everything she’s done since the minute she stepped foot into Hollywood, I couldn’t stand her. Selena Gomez being a bitch isn’t new and if you read my entire rude page, you’d know that.
Beliebers have a ton of reasons to hate her. One of those reasons is because she’s been a bitch to their idol for over a year. She’s a bitch to them and their idol. I don’t understand why any Belieber even likes her.
Selena is just a rude person in general. The following experience was 2 days after the one you just read
Read the following from the bottom up because they’re screenshots from twitter

The redhead she’s talking about is

aka someone Selena has dated.

Before meeting Selena

After meeting Selena

And since we are on this rude topic, lemme just throw it all on you guys



Hope you enjoyed this post. This is just a starter to get you guys hyped up for the following exposed posts.
- Exposed: Selena Gomez & her secret _________________? Aka the reason for the Jelena _______.