History repeats itself.
Trust me when I tell you this, I don’t wanna write this post because I’ve literally gave up all hope for Jelena to be a sane couple since they started out on a deal. I didn’t feel bad for Justin getting his heart crushed and dragged after maybe the 11th breakup and I’m sure Selena felt no remorse when she dragged his ass even after like the 65th meetup. I don’t feel bad for Selena for being a druggie who’s dating a girl but goes back to the guy to get what she wants. God is rewarding her with drug problems since she destroys lives. I feel nothing towards Jelena because they deserve each other. You don’t repeat the same mistake and it goes for the both of them especially that spineless moron we all call Justin Bieber.
Let me tell you a couple things about Justin. He loves to get hated by the world. He loves having shady people in his life. He loves getting dragged by his ex-girlfriend for a year an half. Wait… does he really? It sure seems like he does since he does nothing to move on past these mistakes and keeps bringing the people who are the problem back into his life.
Can I just take a moment to tell any Directioner who’s reading this that THEY DOGGED A BULLET. Wow bless you Niall Horan for having a brain and wanting nothing to do with Selena as we learned here and here.
Welcome to The Deal 2.0.
Before you continue reading this post, there’s a couple things you have to do/keep in mind. Read all about the deal here. And keep in mind that Justin and Selena only met because of a forming deal that was arranged between Mandy Teefey, Selena’s momanger and Scooter Braun, Justin’s useless manager. Also understand that Mandy/Selena’s team were the ones who put out fake stories about Jelena spottings during Selena’s rehab and you can read all about that here.
Alright so recently Jelena has reconciled in public and coincidentally not at a slick timing. They reconciled right after Selena drops her new movie’s trailer and right before 2 concerts. Wow Mandy and Scooter! Way to go at keeping the relationship private like they clearly want right? I mean Selena always hides her face from the paparazzi because she wants privacy right? And Justin always talks about how it should be kept about the music because that’s what he truly wants right? Wrong. Both teams are lying fucks who aren’t slick and are caught in the act just like they were in 2011.

So Selena needed the utmost publicity for her show at Texas where she was struggling to sell 6,000 until Justin came along of course and even then, she couldn’t pull a full house.

Whatever. Her flopping tour was never a surprise. The point is, tickets started selling right after everyone thought Justin was gonna be there and unlike most people, I have my receipts.

You can’t see it well but I have the time screenshot as well and the time is 8:21PM when the concert has already started. That’s when tickets started selling after headlines like these were out

And obviously Justin is a bigger act than Selena so his concerts will always be sold out and more expensive so if you get to see him live for a cheaper price, you’re lucky. That’s what people thought when Justin made random appearances at Selena’s concerts back in 2011 and that’s what they were thinking the night of that concert.
My source is basically forced to be supportive of Selena since she comes from a background of family and close friends so obviously she was there, but you know who wasn’t? Justin.

But Selena’s team kept fighting those past two days and doing all their work to make sure everyone thought Justin would be there because Justin’s presence brings attention which brings free promo which make$ $elena very happy to have Ju$tin in her life becau$e $he care$ $o much for him.
Oh and you could tell from our texts that Selena and Justin had a fight the night they first reconciled aka the night of this

Can’t stand each other? Everything okay Justin? Did Selena slap you again?
Anyways. So Selena kept implying that there was some kind of surprise at her concert.

It’s not like Justin is an innocent victim in this though. He helped imply that by being at the dance studio with her which gave everyone the idea that they were gonna choreograph something so they could perform it together. Don’t you get it? That’s the point. The only reason they went to the dance studio in the first place.

Look at that big smile! “Yes finally coming for that #1 movie with Behaving Badly!”

Love how this managed to leak though!
And then we get random lazer-tag spottings of Selena but no Justin and then we get some crappy candid of Justin “leaving” the lazer-tag place the day after??? Hm I didn’t know paparazzi were that slow with selling the photos. Love how this is all turning out.
What I love more, is the fact that Selena was leaving a business meeting March 5th aka the day before Jelena met up in Texas

Touching up on some contract work on how many times Jelena is supposed to be seen together? What they’re supposed to do? What they’re supposed to say?

I mean lets not forget when Selena confirmed that her and Justin were together the day before her third album dropped.
And of course lets see what the mastermind of Jelena has to say about them

I love Jelena ♥ I love when Selena slaps Justin ♥ I love when Selena is caught screaming at Justin on several different occasions ♥ I love when Selena forces Justin to be rude to his beliebers ♥ I love when she dragged him for a year and a half ♥ and I love how happy she made him by appearing every time he tried to move on and then left after she got her free promo ♥ She totes didn’t fuck with his overly sensitive feelings!
Back to the concert though.
This picture managed to go viral on Twitter the night of the concert and everyone claimed that that was Justin

when Justin doesn’t even have that much hair or even have black hair and that’s not even Selena’s concert because the stage is completely different. Plus, this is how the back of Justin’s head looks like

But love how the picture randomly popped out of nowhere. Sorta like when this happened

A random account, aka Mandy, tweeted an unpopular photo of Selena “waiting for Justin” even though the photo was like a year old and after that account was exposed, they deactivated.
Let me get you a more relevant scenario

Basically Selena lied about Justin being with her just like she indirectly lied about Justin being at the concert. It gets funnier

The feuts deal :’) Do you understand how the same things are occuring now? People lying saying Justin and Selena were togehter when they weren’t? Which is exactly what happened the night of the concert

Pretty sure if you “met” Justin Bieber for the first time, you would have taken a photo with him and posted it right? And pretty sure if he was there, you wouldn’t have to prove it by saying “#JustinBieberWasThereToo”. And pretty sure if he was there, Selena wouldn’t waste an opportunity at getting a photo of him going viral all over twitter. And pretty sure if he was there, someone out of the 5,000 - 6,000 people there with functioning cameras would have have spotted him. Pretty sure if he was there, my source would have saw him and told us.
But he wasn’t there. Just like he wasn’t at Selena’s Q&A back in 2011 and just like he wasn’t there on a lobster date with Selena. History is repeating itself and the deal is resurrecting from the dead.
No one is buying this bullshit story of Justin being at a concert where thousands are at especially when we got picture of Jelena in a dark ass movie theater. Which one is harder to get a photo of? Exactly.
And of course after the concert, Justin’s name was being chanted

What do you except when people who attend your concerts aren’t even your fans mainly because you implied that their fave was gonna be there when he wasn’t. You’d think she’d learn after she got booed at her concert back in 2011 when she said Justin was gonna be the surprise guest. Again, history is repeating itself.
On top of that, Justin had some damn nerve to act like he was there when he knows damn well he wasn’t

You’re not helping yourself, moron. No one is buying a Journals 2.0.

And then this flop actress kept acting like she was looking at “Justin” while singing this “beautiful heartfelt” song that she totes wrote meanwhile he wasn’t there and she was just eyeing them empty sections that failed to sell out once again.
Are you catching the shade? Selena will get her free promo and she will make Justin look like a moron once again. Hope he has fun getting dragged for another year and a half; depends how long she’ll decide to stick around.

I love how he randomly appears at some coffee shop is it? the night of the rodeo and performs As Long As You Love Me for his “baby”. That’s a low key word for contract. Isn’t he supposed to be in hiding after all the bullshit he’s gone through? And also, I love how Jelenaturds claim that they want privacy yet here they are wandering the streets of Texas and singing in coffee shops. I’m sorry Selena and Justin, did you JUST realize that you guys are famous celebrities who get followed?
Oh of course they know. It’s just a portion of the pathetic fans who act like they don’t want attention out of this.
And Justin and Selena were making it pretty clear they’d never date again. I mean Selena kept preaching about all this “I’m a strong independent women!” when the reality of it is that her career depends on what dick game is on point during a certain point in pop culture

Justin was also pretty clear about it when he told the judge to never question him about Selena ever again in his deposition video.

Funny at the change of heart all of the sudden! Sorta like when Selena went from saying “he’s my little brother lolzzz” to “yeah Justin hump me some more on the beach so I can teach these girls what CLASS is!”
And Justin had some random session planned in Texas

but if you ask me, that was just said in my opinion. Usher wasn’t even there. Like bye at this failure plan.
The following questions still remain:
Why would Selena want to be with Justin again if all it’ll get her is hate?
Goodbye if you thought that all Jelena brought to Selena was hate. The girl was on a Disney level and rose to the level of people like Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Taylor Swift. Obviously those were known for what they do while she was known for who she does but yeah know. Read this and then have the nerve to tell me Justin didn’t make her.
Why would Justin want to be with Selena if he doesn’t need her?
I’m sure that when this contract was in the works again, he got convinced that he would benefit from this. Scooter probably told him that Jelena will distract everyone from the jail/drug/court issues.
Why would It’s Midnight Red lie about Justin being there? What would they get out of this?
Publicity of course. Biebsus got enough publicity to go around. Ask Sel Sel ;) if they say they met Justin, fans are gonna be like “Who the fuck are you?” and they’ll Google them and know who they are and might even become fans. It’s how Hollywood works, children.
Imma need someone to inform Justin that no one is buying a Journals 2.0. God must love him to give him such a loyal fanbase who stand by him no matter what. He doesn’t deserve Beliebers tbh. And they don’t deserve to be ignored just because the devil has returned. You only make a mistake once. You make it again, it’s a choice.
But of course the publicity will keep going on since Niall Horan didn’t want her, we’re stuck with her.

What do you think they’ll do next? I mean they can already check off dry humping on the beach, classy dance moves, compulsive lying skills, dragging the other one, crying about the other, and whatever else is next. Oh well! Might as well stan One Direction now. Just kidding. (Not really).
After everyone saw those dance videos, Justin deleted them.

Figures he would delete it after everyone saw it. That’s the only reason it was up! He wanted to start drama because that will give Selena the publicity she CRAVES. He didn’t delete it because of the “hate” HE KNEW WAS COMING. This isn’t the first time this dumb boy posted something of Selena and got hate for it. Why would this time be any different? Exactly. It wouldn’t. Just like the deal back then was publicity, it’s for publicity now.
Jelena is pathetic and deserves all the hate they’re getting. Sorta like Justin will deserve the hate he gets from Selena’s friends and fans after she drags him for another year because history repeats itself.

Anywaysssss, you can’t really say I didn’t tell you to mark your calenders. Expect more of this bullshit. Gooodnight ♥