I take into consideration that Selena's fans are extremely dumb and confused and delusional and are indenial all the time so I'm prepared for any interrogations about anything I post. However,

Recently, many people on ask.fm are claiming to expose me because I’m “a liar who faked the gif and picture” What gif and picture are they talking about? 



You psychotic, brainwashed, imbecile, puerile, moronic, illiterate, idiots. 

There are clear videos of Selena saying what’s in the above picture and gifs. 

Here is the video for the picture. 

And here is the video for the gif. 

For days I’ve been telling you atrocious humans to go ask any Selenator about the picture and the gif but stupid me, I forgot the fact that you people can’t comprehend ANYTHING. I’m so sick and tired of hearing about this bullshit in my ask.fm. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SEARCH STUFF UP FOR YOURSELF YOU USELESS HUMAN BEINGS. I have a blog for a reason. I’m not repeating myself. I’m not reposting everything I fucking say on this damn blog. I’m sorry that you’re mentally retarded and suffer from extreme delusion, but keep it out of my ask.fm. 

Ta, ta losers. 


Btw, any mean messages I send that seem general like I say “you guys”, I don’t mean it to the sane and flawless people that read my blog and talk to me on Twitter or talk to me and Alana on ask.fm and wherever else. I’m saying it to the hideous creatures who can’t comprehend simple things. Oh and by the way, Alana is my younger sister. She controls ask.fm most of the time. Yeah that’s it. On the bright side, I’ll probably be posting tonight. 


It’s your fave exposers.



Selena Gomez predictably hangs out with Niall Horan and is obviously rude.