Selena and rehab.

Since Selenators stay being delusional and pretending like Selena was in rehab because she was “tired” regardless of all the proof that she’s a druggie, I’m just gonna say one thing.

If Selena really was tired or having an emotional breakdown (as if), she would go to therapy and rest. In no way, shape or form, would she dare try to ruin her good girl reputation. She wouldn’t risk it considering her and her team sugarcoat and try to cover up everything. 

Wise words from my peeps

“Rehab is serious stuff, for serious problems, so yes she does have an abuse of some sort. It isn’t a holiday or some paradise, it’s to get help. And you go there to get the fucking help from your PROBLEMS. Alcoholism, drug abuse, partying ect.”

honestly though. if Selena’s only problem was stress and exhaustion she wouldn’t risk her name being anywhere near the word "rehab”. She’s rich, she can afford a nice vacation and take some time off her career. Its completely obvious she has bigger issues"


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Selena's team and their constant blaming on other stars.