Selena stays coming back for her own benefit. (More on Jelena's "spottings")

I thought that this, would be my last Jelena post for a while but I guess not since their name has been appearing everywhere on my twitter and At the end of this post, I’ll update you on the upcoming posts.

I’m gonna touch upon a couple things that people tend to ignore. Firstly, we all know that Justin is in love with Selena and yes out of all people, Justin DOES know how rude and mean Selena is. I mean hello? What’s Thought Of You about?



HER. So because he loves her so much, he’ll take her back whenever. But what’s evil about Selena’s timing, is that every time he’s moving on, she’s back into his life. It’s like she doesn’t want him to move on yet it’s okay for her to be all over girls but Justin moving on? Oh God no! Maybe she’s scared that once he moves on, she can’t hop back into his life and make headlines by just having one spotting or one photo with him. Lets take a look. (Credit to @unitedCyrux for bringing this to my attention)

End of February - March 2013: Justin is with Ella Paige


And then he’s with her a couple more times, one being on his birthday


“Oh my! Justin is moving on? That can’t happen! *packs bags*” -Selena. What do we see next?

April 2013:

She flies to Oslo (later denying she followed him halfway across the world when there’s pictures of her arriving). The title of this post is “Selena stays coming back for her OWN BENEFIT” This little reunion was about 1 week after the release of Come & Get It aka when the song wasn’t doing well on the charts and debuted in the 50s of Billboards and struggled to get into the top 10 on iTunes. 

So she gets there


Look at that smile! “Come & Get It is gonna start climbing, I know it” she whispers to herself. She wasn’t wrong. 

A couple of days later, this is posted.


But 2 months before, you were saying how much of a douchebag he is and how you hate his wandering eye! 

Come & Get It gets into the top 10 on Billboard and just like that, she’s gone like her supposed vocal talent. 

So Justin tries moving on again… this time with Jordan Ozuna. 

June 27 2013




“Uh oh, they look like they’re getting close! I need to get closER” - Selena whispers to herself as she searches “Justin Bieber” on Google.

Since clearly it’s a sin for Justin to move on as Selena thinks, she makes her way back to him as well.

BAM, last day of June




That was fast.

(Funny how when Justin and Selena got spotted back in 2013, we actually had photos unlike the 7 million “spottings” we’ve had in 2014 and not one photo after the segway ride. I’ll speak about that later in the post but keep this in mind)

And Selena is not gonna waste no time! She just dropped a second single (Slow Down) and it’s not doing so good so…

July 2013


A couple days later


“Ironically” Stars Dance was getting released a couple weeks later. 

Funny how every time Selena is releasing or just released something, she’s back in Justin’s life. Or if Justin’s moving on, Selena “randomly” comes back and we never see those girls near Justin ever again!

That was sorta it for 2013 Jelena. But of course Justin is seen getting close with another girl who was his date for his movie AND she called Selena out on her bitterness, and Selena knows that she’s gotta destroy that relationship before it starts. 

November - December 2013: Justin and Caitlin Russo



Of course Selena feels the need to shade the fuck out of the both of them but thankfully, Caitlin replied back the classy way like Selena taught all of us.


and Caitlin responded


Finally someone to put her in her place. Hopefully Justin can date her next. (Lol, keep reading and you’ll see how Selena ruins every chance of that happening)

Caitlin is then Justin’s date at the Believe Movie premiere


but what do we see a couple days later? (told you all)


and then


So on the rate we’re going, Justin is NEVER gonna be able to move on and we got queenlena to thank for that! Oh and by the way, she has two movies coming out :) that info was included when articles were talking about Justin’s instagram post. I’m telling you, no one serves better promotion than Justin himself, and Selena AND Mandy, know that. Keep in mind that Selena was the one who made these reunions happening by either flying halfway across the world or calling him up. 

Now that I’ve showed you how Selena ruined every possible relationship Justin could have ever had, let me show you how there’s most likely a deal building just like in 2011. Ah those olden days when Jelena was shoved down all of our throats <3 Like they say, history repeats itself.

Back in 2011 when Jelena started on a deal, we had all these bizarre stories how they were together in every country, visiting every restaurant together, YET there wasn’t one photo of them in those spottings. Sound familiar? Oh yes, just like now. 

Here’s an example of the deal showing when someone (either Scooter or Mandy) paid (I assume) these people to say that Jelena is together. Too bad they got caught in their lie :/


(More of these incidents here)

Guys… lets laugh together.


B+ for trying Scooter and Mandy! B+ haha *wipes tears from laughter*

The reason I showed you this, is to show you about the BULLSHIT being written in the media right now.

“Justin and spotted at an aquarium”

“Justin and Selena spotted being romantic on a beach”

“Justin and Selena spotted kissing in a restaurant”

“Justin and Selena climbing Mount Everest together.”

“Justin and Selena spotted mapping the surface of Venus.”

Yet all these so-called spottings that happened after the segway date, there is NOT ONE PHOTO. At least ONE BLURRY DAMN PHOTO. Not one! Funny how back in 2013 when Justin and Selena were in a movie theater, a DARK movie theater, we got a photo of them. Yet we can’t even have any photos of Jelena in public places.

AS IF Jelena is hanging out and Selena won’t let the whole world know. 

As if Selena is with Justin and she won’t let the whole world know especially when she has 2 movies coming out.

Imagine living in a world like that?



Lets talk about my favorite “spotting” of all



My fourth grade self wrote a better story than that and it was about mice living in NYC!

Lets discuss how poetic this sounds.

“He was walking with a beautiful blonde woman” Mandy was definitely one of the Clark sisters *chuckles to self*

“The sisters said it looked like 19-year-old Bieber and 21-year-old Gomez were returning from dinner to their hotel. They spent the rest of the night in their room and on their balcony perched above Seascape Beach.” How descriptive. Love that they were at dinner (no photo) going to their hotel (no photo) and spending the night in their room on a BALCONY (no photo). To the Clark sisters, how do YOU know that?

The group also relaxed on a nearby beach that normally has no public access.” How cute! (also no photo).

Love how they’re in such public places and there’s not one photo. What I love more is that this beach with no public access meaning it’s a private beach yet no one could enter it or see it for that matter. (also no photo).

This beach was said to be a private beach/resort


and so was this one


and this one


Something is not adding up. Oh yeah, they’re NOT together. Just like I told you days before it was officially confirmed


And here is the confirmation 



And lets not forget when this guy tweeted that he met Selena while she was waiting for Justin to finish using the bathroom on January 8, with this picture attached 



When they got exposed because they used a photo from August 2012, they deactivated


So someone is DEFINITELY doing this on purpose. 

I get the feeling that it’s Selena’s side is milking these stories and not Justin’s side. I think that, mainly because Selena has a lot to hide while Justin is on break with Selena is nowhere to be found


That was taken by a fan that confirmed that Selena was not with him. Finally, a PHOTO backed up with a spotting. 

By the way, if you’re wondering where Selena is, it’s been reported that she’s getting treatment in private. In other words, she’s in rehab. 

Hopefully I cleared up everything especially since a lot of you asked about this. Now lemme update you on the upcoming posts

- Jelena at the Katy Perry Movie Premiere 

- Pattie talks about Selena in front of the OLLG 

and more.

Thank you guys for always supporting this blog ♥ I love you all. Follow me on Twitter and talk to me on


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