A relationship no one seems to be able to escape.
It’s like ever since I exposed they were a deal to begin with, they’ve come back. Last night, I posted this

which was my thoughts on this

Of course knowing Jelena, they didn’t stop there when “Justin decided” to post this

Wanna know my thoughts? Here it goes.
They’re not back together. Those two aren’t stable together and will never be stable together for one main purpose, the deal. How is one supposed to maintain a healthy relationship with the other when the only reason you dated was for one half of the relationship to benefit off of you. That’s like becoming friends with someone who is friends with your crush so you can become closer with your crush. You used that person. And if you used that person, will that stop you from using them again to get what you want? No. And we should know by now that Selena will do anything to get what she wants.
The breakup between Justin and Selena was not fake. Infact, it was probably the one real thing to ever happen with Jelena. It was not planned so he can release Journals. Beliebers were gonna buy the album regardless if he was single or not. Justin was really heartbroken because of the breakup. He truly does love her hence her being his muse for his last 2 albums.
But why the sudden get together right? As you learned last night, my source told me that Selena called Justin to hang out. Selena was supposed me at a friend’s birthday party because she promised she was gonna come, but she blew off that friend to go straddle Justin some more. Sound familiar? Why yes. She blew Charlie off as soon as she got the role of Alex Russo if I recall correctly. She’s ruthless and steps on people to get what she wants. Why do you think no one back home even likes her presence anymore? So back to what I was saying, why the sudden get together?
Well…. lets take a look

Took about 6 months to sell 300,000 in the states. Has only one top 10 single with the second single failing to make Billboard’s top 20.
Come & Get It is what I like to call a fluke success and Slow Down proves that. Come & Get It finally started rising on Billboard and iTunes after this photo

and Selena’s visit to Norway which she denied when there’s clear proof of her being there. Cute how she flew halfway across the country to make some headlines for Come & Get It and then left for the rest of the year unless you wanna count them hanging out at the fourth of July party as something. Whoa, run on sentence.
Then we have Slow Down failing to get into the top 10 on iTunes and even worse, top 20 on Billboard.

Then we have the Stars Dance tour which was embarrassing. No I’m not talking about her lack of experience with dancing or her lip syncing but the amount of people who managed to attend

The fact that this was Selena’s most successful year is embarrassing. What’s more embarrassing is the fact that people think she achieved this minor success on her own because her and Justin broke up. As if she didn’t mention him in someway throughout all of 2013.
Back to my point. She’s fading. Everyone is starting to realize how selfish she is. How rude she is. How annoying she is. And how untalented she is. Everyone is saying she’s going to end up in rehab and not make a miraculous return like Demi Lovato mainly because Demi can hold a note which makes her able to hold a career. If you depend on someone, you’ll never suceed in the long run because that someone can leave anytime. Your talent won’t.
You know what’s really funny? RIGHT after their little reunion, Selena is out shopping

She gotta make Justin’s credit card warm somehow right. What’s even funnier, is that the media didn’t care about Selena’s new candids. They’re still talking about Justin

How sad.
Oh I can’t believe I almost forgot this

Not to be rude, but who can take that face seriously? No one. The movie flopped BIG TIME. Unlike Spring Breakers that was critically acclaimed yet hated by the audience, this movie was hated by both the audience and critics.
Here’s a snippet from FORBES

They’re right. It failed to pass its budget.

Face it, she’s fading. And you best believe she knows that.
She then cancels her tour for me time which if you ask me, is just for low ticket sales. That leg of the tour was announced like what, a month before its cancellation? If she really did want her me time, it wouldn’t have been cancelled because it wouldn’t have been arranged in the first place.
So what does Selena do?

Ding ding! She goes back to the one she should have thanked for her career in the first place.
Now here’s the funny part. You’re probably like “Selena isn’t using Justin! She just cancelled her tour.” Um hello? Selena fans?? Shouldn’t you know that your fave has TWO movies coming out? One in fact is coming out in like 3 weeks. Ah perfect timing for a Jelena reunion right? No coincidence at all!
The even funnier part is that Selena’s second movie is being released sometime this year also and all she’s been getting so far is flopping movies. A flopping tour. A flopping album.
And according to Selena, everyone should totes move on right!

Yet she stays liking Jelena photos on instagram KNOWING that everyone will make a big deal of it. But I thought you were over it Selena??? But I thought you don’t need a man since you’re independent??

But I thought you want a man not a child like Justin.
But I thought you hate dogs who stare at butts.
But I thought he was a douchebag.
But I thought he wasn’t good to you.
But I thought he had a wandering eye.
Didn’t we all think all that? Just to show you that Selena messes with your mind and nothing she ever does will ever add up because when you live a lie, you’re bound to get caught.
Justin was never a bad boyfriend. Justin was never a douchebag to her. Justin never cheated on her. She just wanted you to think that. She made the media think that. While she was all hungover and up Charity’s ass, he was writing love songs about her. While her fans defended her every night on Twitter, she was being rude to others at concerts and then later on cancels on them.
What do you call someone like that? A fake? A fraud? I don’t know. You can decide.
And if she really did love him like you morons seem to think, why would she request everyone to not mention his name?

and not only that, but she will literally kick your ass out of her concert if you dare show up with any merchandise that belongs to Justin.

Yeah she sure does love him! They’re totes friends guys! Jelena is a healthy couple!
Selena is a pattern. You should have figured that out by now.

That was posted by blindgossip a while ago. Everyone who works in Hollywood knows about Jelena’s little deal and how Selena only ever runs back to him when she needs him.
You can stay deluded and stay supporting someone that you made up an image for. Call me names and hate on me but nothing will change the truth that’s been there all along.
And Justin? Well may god be with him. All he’s surrounded himself with nowadays are friends who use him and give him a bad image. An ex girlfriend who won’t leave him alone and only returns for her own benfit. A dad who gives no guidance whatsoever. A mom who is too busy playing celebrity. A manager who used to be a father figure but is now too busy managing everyone else. And of course a whole lotta money in full possession of a teenager. WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN WHEN THOSE THINGS ARE ALL AROUND HIM? You think he’s gonna go make cupcakes and be a good little boy with no one influencing him to do drugs? You think he was gonna be a perfect angel? What teenager is a perfect angel when they don’t have parental guidance around them? Especially teenage boys who take longer to mature.
Wake up and quit being so deluded.
Nothing is what it seems, especially in Hollywood.