If You Interview Selena Gomez, You CAN'T Ask About Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus
If you guys have seen this post in which Selena continues to humiliate Justin even after a year of their breakup, you’d understand why I call her bitter.
Or if you see the post about Ariana Grande and Justin in which Selena responds with an unnecessary photo, to Justin and Ariana’s picture.
Or if you seen the post with Miley and Selena’s untamed hypocrisy.
Or if you’ve seen any of the exposed posts…
Basically, you should get the memo that Selena Gomez is one bitter individual.
And that bitterness continues…
If you’re a reporter or an interviewer, you CANNOT ask Selena about Justin or Miley and yes that’s one of the many rules that Selena’s scripted interviews, have to follow.

Selena stays making headlines because of OTHER more famous stars and not because anyone cares about her or anything. Quite sad.

Lol that’s a little bit pathetic. Like are you 10 years old? Lmao. I don’t think Selena realizes that this is making her MORE irrelevant and it’s looking bad on her part. It’s making her look even more bitter. Oh well. It’s her image she’s ruining. Not mine. Not Justin’s. And not Miley’s.
Not only is Selena bitter at interviews, but at her own concert, she FORBIDS you from wearing or bringing anything Justin related.

She kicks out fans if they’re wearing a Justin shirt.

She sure wasn’t that mad at Justin’s fans when they were sponsoring her vacations or being the source of money when Justin buys her those gifts worth thousands. Or when they bought her albums or tickets to her concerts.
Her bittners CONTINUES, when she has emails sent out forbidding you of anything Bieber related when you attend the concert.

Someone should remind Selena that the only reason she even has a fanbase, is thanks to Justin. Before Justin, she wasn’t well known around the globe as data tells us

Notice her increasing relevancy after 2011.
And to prove the fact that she had no fans before Justin was in the picture, someone brought something to my attention on ask.fm.
It’s regarding this video.

Basically, that video proves that people were planted at Selena’s gig so they can increase her popularity.
Firstly, there is a mother and a baby in the crowd. What is a mom going to be doing with her baby at a GMA show? Plus, the mother looks like she’s in her 30s so why would a 30 year old parent listen to Selena’s kiddy bop music? And notice how that mother smiles as soon as the camera shows her at 0:44

Notice how everyone else there has a blank expression? They look like they’re seeing someone that they don’t even know.
Around minute 1:29, there’s this little girl who is holding a laminated picture of Selena which everyone else has the SAME exact photo. Basically that’s proof that photos of Selena were giving out to the people who were planted at the gig. And the girl wasn’t even looking at the camera until she was probably addressed to.

The picture that that little girl is holding, is being held by others as well. Aka proof that those photos were given out because um why would all the parents coincidentally get the same photo of Selena, and get it laminated, and bring it that day?

I bet that there was only like 3 fans there who actually came for Selena and weren’t planted at the gig.
This all proves that Selena had no real fanbase until Justin came along. They had gigs in which kids were planted at and I guess that triggered them into liking her. Too bad those kids couldn’t sell out her tours. And no don’t tell me that Selena’s fans were mostly kids so they couldn’t help her career expand by selling out her tour. When Miley first started on Disney, she had a kid audience and those kids sold out her first tour. Can’t say the same for Selena or any of her tours really.
Shoutout to the anon on ask.fm who brought this to my attention <3