EXPOSED: Selena Gomez is dating _______.

Recently, I’ve exposed Selena being bisexual many times. Let me remind you what the definition of exposing is. It’s actually in my sidebar for those of you who chose to be ignorant and mad fucks. 


In other words? I’m exposing something people don’t know or aren’t aware of.

Basically, Selenators have been running their mouths like their idol taught them and have been saying that I’m homophobic just because I said Selena is bi. 

Firstly, if you’re gonna assume I’m homophobic because I said someone else is bi, that’s just plain stupidity on your part. Secondly, I have never insulted the LGBT community or made any comments when talking about Selena’s sexuality because this topic is quite sensitive and I’m not ignorant like the majority of Selena’s fanbase. 

With that said, lets move on.

Two months ago, my source told me something which I shared with all of you


Read the full post here.

I already provided more than enough proof about Selena being bi so I don’t feel like putting all the old proof here again. It’s already in my older posts and I will make a shortcut post about this topic. Moving on.

YESTERDAY, Selena posts this


And before that


Basically what Selena does, is she proves ME right. Everything she’s ever done has proven ME right. 

My source continues to tell me what happened backstage at the Dallas game (part 1 here)

Backstage at the game, Selena and Charity walk in and Selena is all over Charity. By all over, I mean she keeps kissing her cheek and grabbing her ass. 

Kissing her cheek? Deja vu


Grabbing Charity’s ass? Hm reminds me of


I’d say that Selena and Vanessa dated for some time as well but I have no exact proof of that.

However, for Charity and Selena, yeah they are dating. 

My source continues to tell me that they basically got kicked out from being backstage because the dancers wanted to practice a dance routine and everyone there left, but my source who was curious, stayed behind.

She heard Selena and Charity saying “I love you” to each other and then they started kissing.

Confirmed: they’re dating. 

Mandy then comes and sees my source and tell her that she will kick her out if she doesn’t leave. Hm, similar to the thing that happened with the fans in part 1 huh?

Here are the dms








So that was our convo. 

Oh and btw, I’m not the first person to report Selena’s hookups with girls. 

@SeIenaIsExposed told us about this before here



and articles have reported it


Selena herself makes it obvious. I’m sure she had something with Ashley Benson as well




and Sammy…. and others


And of course, her current girlfriend who she admits she has a crush on as well as other “many” girl crushes






Seems more like Charity is dancing for Selena than Charity and Selena dancing for the fans if you know what I mean.


ALSO, Charity was the one to pull Selena away from Justin at the Billboard Music Awards. A little jealousy I sense?

Notice how she talks about Ashley and Charity in the gifs above or in other videos. She talks with passion about them yet you can’t find any passion in her during acting or singing. 

And look what I came across on my timeline about two months ago


The fan said that Selena chose to sign her boob. Lol. 

And for those of you who like to be smart asses and say that Justin turned Selena gay and then you insert some dumb joke by saying his penis is small, let me just tell you one thing before I go. Selena’s ex boyfriend Charlie (post is here, part C), they dated before Selena was famous. She dumped him because she wanted someone famous to match her status, her words. My source told me that Selena would hookup with girls while dating Charlie which conflicted their relationship as well. She also hooked up with girls in front of Justin. 

That’s it for this post. Hope you guys enjoyed and I will be posting again soon :)


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It’s your fave exposers.


Selena Gomez is bisexual.


EXPOSED: Selena at the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving game.