Exposed: Selena Gomez back in Dallas.

In this post, you’ll find out more about Selena’s relationship with her family, a little bit about Justin, Selena’s crying during Love Will Remember and something about Charity.

The last time we had an exposed post, was almost a month ago and that was dealing with Selena being an alcoholic. The post before that, it was about her being in a relationship with Charity. It’s been a long time since I talked about Selena and her family. The last post about Selena and her family was really about 3 months ago and that post was a big mess because it talked about EVERYTHING. From her mom, to Justin, to Justin around her family, to Demi, to the Jonas Brothers, to Hollywoodrecords to whatever. This post is dealing with one recent event and we’re usually not used to recent exposed events when coming from my source since she ever barely sees her anymore since she lives in Texas.

On November 3rd, Selena went back to her hometown for a concert. Yes for a concert and not because she misses her family or anything.


hair game on point though. 

Make sure you read the posts I linked in the beginning of this so you won’t be confused.  About 3 months ago, my source told me that her family and her friends will be attending Selena’s concert as will she. This was the day before the concert






Lmao Selena was annoyed that more people were coming to see her in concert. This girl…

Remember this?


hey, at least she owns up to it. But seriously, she still is a drama queen and she still wanted to be the center of attention. 
Me and my source were also making fun of Selena about how she will start fake crying during Love Will Remember again. She should really stop because everyone caught on the act but later on in this post, I’ll tell you what happens backstage after Love Will Remember


So my source tells me that as soon as they arrive, Selena is her usual rude self to them. She’s already annoyed by them because the day before the concert, she found out that more people were coming. My source said that she was all happy when her cousin, Pri(i need to keep my fucking mouth shut because i’m a sewer rat)sicalla and her boyfriend were there and they took photos yet when she meets the rest of her family, she’s in an annoyed mood


Oh Selly. Sweet and nice, Selly.

So then Selena didn’t really wanna take any photos with any of her family members and she kept complaining about how hot it is when it really wasn’t. When they first got there, Selena was extememly rude to them and said “Hurry up, I got shit to do.”


Yes Selena’s family, you should have been more understandable of the shit Selena needed to get done. She had to go prep her mic for her upcoming hours of lip syncing. She needed to know her cue for when or not her mic was gonna be turned on and off. God. Families these days. 

My source’s best friend is in the photo below, btw.


Can you spot her?

Oh and here’s a photo of my source’s friend meeting Selena. You should count this as proof to go along with post even though I don’t even need to back up my posts anymore considering the fact I proved enough.


so that’s my source’s friend after Selena’s concert. 

Okay lets go back to the concert. Wanna know what Selena did after acting out the crying scene in Love Will Remember that probably has “start crying” written next to the set list?

Just as predicted. 

After she was done with her crying scene on stage, backstage she was laughing and everyone was basically like “It’s one thing for you to cry once or twice but to do it every time?” Like lol true. Sis, you’re getting OBVIOUS. 

Selena was also clingy to Emblem 3 backstage. Figures, she would be clingy backstage and not be an instagram whore with them and post pictures of each other, because they’re sorta irrelevant. And what have we learned from NIck Jonas? If you don’t benefit Selena, she don’t currrrrr. 

Also, she called some of the m&gs fans ugly and fat to her family.

Aw Selly the role model <3

Remember when Selena called a Belieber fat and said she’s not gonna worry about Justin going to meet them because “she’s fat anyways.” Ah fun fun fun looking forward to meeting Selena’s nice self <3

Or when Selena called Madison, Demi’s sister, fat, and Demi and her stopped talking for a while until they had their big fight.

Lets take a quick break from Selena’s concert and what happened backstage, and lets talk about Heartbreaker.


And yes Justin did write Heartbreaker. He’s not Selena. He doesn’t go around claiming to write songs.


In Heartbreaker, a song OBVIOUSLY about Selena, Justin says this


Oh so Selena has been rejecting his phone calls? 

Lol poor Justin. Someone should inform this poor kid that Selena BLOCKED his number. 

Backstage, the entire time, Selena was texting someone and when they asked who it was, she said “my boo” and then someone said “Justin?” and she laughed (the same way she laughed about him crying) and said “HELL NO!" 

If only David Lettermen was there, they could pound fists…. AGAIN. 


After Selena laughs and says hell no, she says "I blocked his number. It’s my baby girl." 

HMMMMM CHARITY CASE MAYBE? Read this about Charity and Selena. 

Don’t try to argue with me about how Selena is not bisexual or how she is not dating charity when she’s always calling her "baby”, takes photos of her sleeping or doing god knows what, and has shit like this up


I mean how you gonna deny them having a relationship





And these upcoming photos and the photos above are just additions to Selena being bi


Anyways, back to the concert.

So Selena has Justin’s number blocked. It’s not like she cares about him anyways


So Selena was ignoring her family and when she wasn’t, she was rude as fuck. She even made her 4 year old cousin cry.

Seriously though. How heartless do you have to be to make a four year old cry??? Quite heartless. And I mean Selena has been rude as fuck in the past so again, I’m not surprised. TYPICAL SELLY! 

She’s honestly ridiculous



Keep acting, hun. It won’t benefit your acing talent of 0 anyways.

So hope you enjoyed knowing an inside experience about what happened backstage. Here are the dms between me and my source




















There you have it.


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