Selena Gomez is not only rude to everyone (fans) including her boyfriend which she slapped in public.... but she's also clingy. (Selena + Pattie)
The last time I had a rude post, was 2 months ago. Brace yourselves because this one is a big one. Before you read this one, you must read these posts because I am not repeating what I said. I’m gonna sum it up for you though.
First rude post: here
In this one, we discussed how Selena just shut off an interview because she didn’t wanna be asked about Justin.
Second rude post: here
In this post, I showed you one video of Selena refusing to take a photo with a fan. I showed you another video where Selena was really mad at Justin for taking a photo with a fan. I talked about how Selena refused to film because it was too hot and I showed you a video of Selena slapping Justin in public; unaware of the fact that she was being filmed.
Third rude post: here
In this post, we discussed Selena being rude with the paparazzi. In the first video, I show you Selena demanding help from the paparazzi while yelling at them. I mean if you’re gonna yell at them, don’t demand help from them. I show you another video of Selena cursing out the paparazzi when there were only 2 paps…. across the street. I also discussed how rude Selena is to Beliebers. I showed you a video of a fan filming Justin and Selena as he entered a store, and he was being rude to the fan and basically pushed the camera down, to please Selena because she hates his fans and does not like getting put on hold for fans. I showed you another video where Selena ignores fans who complimented her, made Justin not take photos with fans, and when he went back to take photos, she ran into the car because she was pissed off. I talked to the girl who recorded that video so that’s how I know in depth detail.
So far, I should have gained your trust on this rude topic since what you see above, are video proof of Selena being rude. Also in my previous rude posts, I discussed experiences from fans.
Fourth rude post: here
I talked to someone who’s friend is a big Selena fan and that friend, met Selena and went on to explain how rude she was at the meet & greet but she doesn’t tell anyone about this because she doesn’t want the rest of the fanbase to hate her.
Fifth rude post: here
In this post I discuss more experiences from fans. Experiences from people who met her in Germany, her concert, Paris, meet & greets, and more. One of those experiences were this
And that was proven here.
The last post that talked about the rude topic, wasn’t classified as a rude topic because Selena wasn’t exactly rude to her fans there. She just ignored them and made up some lame excuse to why she couldn’t meet them. Read it here.
So that’s about SIX rude posts oh and lets not forget when Tyler the Creator called her rude and a bitch here. That’s SEVEN different times I blogged about her being rude…. 7 different posts with several different examples. We should get the point by now. She’s a rude bitch. She’s fake. But just in case you’re still delusional…. I have more examples for you.
I’m gonna show you dms of people sharing their experience with me, I’m too lazy to blur out the icon so I just cut it out.
One of my followers, met Selena at The Getaway premiere.
The day he met her, he explained it more in depth and I screenshotted it but my files got deleted at one point, so I told him to resend me his story, and he shorten it a bit for us.
Ignoring fans shouldn’t be something you guys should be surprised by. If you’ve been keeping up with the rude topic, you’ll realize that the experiences are quite similar… which means it keeps happening several times to different people.
Another one
These experiences remind me of a very popular experience back in like 2011. A girl made a video about it, sadly I can’t find it now, but someone reminded me of it when they sent in this ask
Her tumblr was like blaming-nolan or something like that. Anyways, so yeah.. Selena was yelling at Justin because he put his window down to meet fans while she was laughing on the phone with a friend.
Here’s another experience… this one is cruel because it happened to a little girl, but we’re used to Selena being rude to little girls since this isn’t the first time
Another experience
Selena has some serious jealousy issues. She doesn’t like pretty girls lmfao I mean
So those were experiences from fans. I leave the best experiences for last and those experiences usually have some kind of proof to go with them.
So Selena was a bitch and ignored the beliebers and it’s not like they were yelling insults at her, they wanted to meet her because they’re also fans. Here’s the picture of her ticket to prove that she was there
And Selena and Pattie aren’t exactly……. on good terms with each other. When asked about Selena in interviews, Pattie usually dodges the question with some random compliment or she just likes to finish it up quickly. This email explains what I mean. Here is the interview we’re talking about.
In case you can’t read it, I’ll copy and paste what is said “Hey I’m Sarah btw and like I said I thought it was really weird when SE said Pattie likes Selena. Well this is the interview I’m talking about, , it’s more towards the end (around 3:19) were the interviewer ask

If you ask me, I think Pattie hates Selena because of what Selena did to Caitlin Beadles, Justin’s ex girlfriend. Read about it here. I mean is it really not that obvious? Pattie has hung out with like everyone one of Justin’s ex girlfriends and she still talks to Caitlin. Pattie loves Miley and always supports her on Twitter, meanwhile has she ever supported Selena that way?
I never seen Mandy and Pattie hanging out. Anyways, not the point. Pattie’s relationship with Selena should show you enough about Selena’s ways.
Our last fan experience is quite interesting and it also has to do with how rude and clingy, Selena is to Justin. Check it out for yourselves.
An entire country wanted to punch Selena in the face because she was the reason they couldn’t experience a nice time with their idol.
Self-explanatory really. Selena was rude as fuck to Justin’s fans, they wanted to meet him, she didn’t exactly allow him to be happy while doing so and sorta forbid him from seeing them. There a SEVERAL V I D E O S of something like this happening. I already linked them all to you in the rude posts. Selena makes Justin act like this because she’s clingy and rude as fuck.
In 2011, Selena did make Justin feel trapped. When he wasn’t with her, he was actually able to breathe his own air for once. Beliebers who were there before Jelena, know what I’m talking about.
Firstly, look at how she’s holding him
Maybe someone should inform her that he’s not a child who will run away and if he does, maybe it’s because he wants to get away from his ABUSIVE GIRLFRIEND?? I mean alcohol isn’t the only thing Selena abuses eh, she also abuses Justin. Remember when she slapped him in public? Watch the video here.
Don’t even dare say Selena was kidding when she slapped him when Justin himself said “Stop.. stop.. we’re in public.. stop!” He said ‘stop’, three. fucking. times. He wasn’t laughing when he said it and she wasn’t joking when she did it. Also, him saying “we’re in public” infers that she has hit him before.
Selena has some serious issues and I truly recommend therapy for her. Maybe to like talk out her issues or whatever? I don’t know, but she’s quite bitter and needs help. During Jelena, Justin never hung out with any of his female friends and that’s because Selena practically forbid him from doing so. I already discussed that part here when I talked about the Beadles.
Selena wasn’t only a clingy, abusive, girlfriend, but she was also a mean one.
I don’t think Justin likes being shushed!
He’s talking to her and she’s ignoring him.
Oh look at this one
She seems to be yelling at him and giving him an attitude. As you can see in the second gif, Justin isn’t amused by her words. In the third gif, Selena is talking to him in attitude, probably giving him some more rules to follow since she thinks of him as a dog like we recently found out. And in the fourth gif, she tries to restrain herself from doing something to him. Hey! Maybe she wanted to slap him… AGAIN.
Looks like she’s yelling at him (as usual) by saying “KEEP WALKING!” in a nasty way. Hmm
Selena not letting Justin in her house and possibly flipping him off right after a fight at a dinner. Messssss.
Oh look at this one
DOESN’T JUSTIN LOOK HAPPY? Come one Justin, calm down!
Poor kid.
Last one
She’s obviously yelling at him here and actually, some inside source already discussed this before on an instagram post but I sadly lost the link to that instagram so if you saw it, send me the link please.
We’re about to come to an end to this very long post. Before I end this post, I wanna show you another video of Selena. Check it out here. Selena signs a couple of autographs in which she seems not to want to do, and then her rat cousin, Priscilla, is holding all her bags– and Priscilla was about to get into the car, only to have Selena just slam her out of the way. If you ask me about this, I’d say that Selena doesn’t wanna spend another second with her fans in which she finds annoying, her own words btw.
Well…. that’s it! Hope you enjoyed.