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Selena is getting sued because you know what they say, karma is a bitch.

Lets first start off with the part where I told you guys that Selena was getting sued like FIVE months ago but no one believed me. Also, remember when I said that Selena is threatening to sue HWR and that’s why they are treating her good? I said it here.


The same thing sorta started with her perfume company (Adrenalina, Inc). Let me explain it to you. 

When Selena refused to show up for promotions done by the company that marketed it, she got sued. The company spent TWO MILLION DOLLARS to market her perfume (which by the way, flopped) and like the rude human I’m used to her being, she refused to show up. So then a low key law suit happens and Selena ends up losing. 


Photo from

Selena’s excuse to going against the company is that she thought they were going broke…… ok. I’m not even gonna comment on that. She made Adrenalina Inc. lose a lot of money by promoting a product that didn’t even sell! 

So now she has to pay a six or seven figure to end the lawsuit. 

Hey, she might even start crawling back to Justin now since she’ll be in desperate need of that money. I joke I joke. Not really.

You know when they say “bad things, happens to good people”? Well that’s sometimes true. In this case, bad things happens to bad people. Karma is a bitch, Selena


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