Justin's Lyrics Prove Everything
So we’ve already talked about Justin’s lyrics before and how he basically proves everything I have said about Selena. I’m gonna post the screenshots of his lyrics that have been on another blog.
Thought of You
She Don’t Like The Lights
Just Like Them
But according to Selena’s fans, I’m a liar. Yes you are right. These are not Justin’s lyrics. I manipulated him when he was sleeping. I drugged him and made him record these lyrics because Slaylena would NEVER ever do something like that since you guys know her oh so well.
Note the sarcasm.
Artists who are passionate about their music, hide the truth in their lyrics.
Funny how Justin keeps saying that his music explains everything and you guys are still brainwashed by everything.
And unlike some people who lie about writing their songs, Justin actually wrote all of these songs as you can see below with my legit sources (as always) and not Wikipedia sources that Selena’s fans like to cling to and edit to make their fave seem talented
I’ve proved my point enough times so I really don’t understand why I continue to prove myself but yeah.
Selenators, there really is a lot of things you don’t know about your idol.