She says it herself.

A lot of you, and by a lot of you, I really mean Selenators, think I’m lying because why would their precious queen ever do the things I said she did? Well take it from Selena herself. 


Like she says, it’s so easy to hide the truth. That’s why no one suspects The Only Normal One From Disney to do the things I said she did even though I’m not lying. 


I’ve always called her uneducated.. because she is. Mistakes are things you make because you don’t mean it… or you don’t know better. Hurting people and sabotaging them for your own good and benefit, is not called making mistakes. Being “human and not perfect” has nothing to do with intentionally hurting someone. The expression “No one is perfect” doesn’t necessarily give you the right to be bitter and humiliate someone because you’re not perfect. 


In other news, Selena wanted to follow Selenaexposed


Here’s another picture that she took from her phone


She obviously declined the request but before she did that, she took several pictures of it on her phone lol


And like Selena sings, “Everything is not what it seems”


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